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Capt.Montoya · Ranger


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  • all your days are belong to Pi [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Biggles [/i] [B]It seems that no matter how you order your parts of the date, you can find Pi days to fit. :) [/B][/QUOTE] But can you find an infinite number of pi days? :D Actual…
  • [b]Sanfam[/b] Ranger1 has posted your proposal at JMSnews. [url][/url] As a suggestion, if this proposal was posted in the usenet group it would reach even more people. Great generous idea, ho…
  • You're 414 years late. Pi Day was March 14, 1592 Though some mathematicians still argue it was 1593 due to rounding. :D And then there are the Mathematicans from other parts of the world who use the format day/month/year (like the USA used …
  • [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The Cabl3 Guy [/i] [B]im just glad to go know theres other firstones with my kind of well almost myk ind of problem. DO you guys still take your meds? [/B][/QUOTE] I stopped after finishing grad school. Partly it was…
  • [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Arethusa [/i] [B]That's my point, really. The site can't really attract new people, people will drift off for a variety of reasons, and some people don't want that to change and would leave if the site became somethi…
  • A# I understand what you say and I have gone through it. I can relate to almost everything you have described. Depression is a serious matter. If you think you have clinical depression don't discard seeing a specialist. Adding to the advice a…
  • I saw that one at a liquor/etc. store in Houston, TX (the amount of imports and microbrews you can find in that city is amazing). Didn't try it, seemed a bit expensive to me and I'm not that much of a Monty Python fan. I am very fond of beers, es…
  • Quite cool. Wonder if a new term will be invented for the 3D pixels... trixels? ppixels (plasma pixels)? And actually I believe that a proper choice of lasers to ionize specific gases might even give the capability for RGB trixels... full colo…
  • [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by HuntSmacker [/i] [B]Changing blades is a landmine for razor burn. I've found your skin takes a liking to blades after a while, but if you suddenly change to another type of blade, your skin can react with "Hump!". Don…
  • A great loss. :( As for Richard Biggs, there is now a memorial video for Andreas Katsulas. [url][/url] JMS comment of a final dinner reminded me of Sleeping in Light... I'm glad they had that…
  • [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by WORF [/i] [B][URL=]Quintippio[/URL]! Worf [/B][/QUOTE] Funny. Reminded me of the Mad TV sketch about the Spishak Mach 20 (can only find a [url=…
  • The people at Mongoose have hinted that Claudia Christian would write a book about Ivanova in 2262. A thread at the JMS News Forums mentioned that I think, [url=…
  • [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lord Refa [/i] [B]Yea.. but I there's something in Orlando that is even better than disneyworld or cape kennedy.. [/B][/QUOTE] Universal Studios Florida and Islands of Adventure. I liked them more, less kid oriente…
  • [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by JackN [/i] [B]Hmmm... and yet some people people defend Darwin's Origin of the Species with as much fanaticism as some deep ended so-called "Christians"... ;) [/B][/QUOTE] I think that is purely as a response to th…
  • Well, but if you look at other branches of Christianity with other people in front... [url=] Vatican: Faithful Should Listen to Science[/url] [quote]"But we also know the dangers of a rel…
  • [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ShadowDancer [/i] [B]im just waiting for the catch. theres always a catch [/B][/QUOTE] The catch? The idea is rationalized by an unproven theory. One that would revolutionize our understanding of the universe and th…
  • Excuse me for taking this back to serious talk, OK? :) I'm one of those JMSnews forum crossovers. Due to work I mostly lurk, but I keep lurking because I like the place. The diversity of things posted in the Zocalo is amazing, that's what keeps …
  • Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. So good it does deserve to be called actual Science Fiction, not sci-fi.;)
  • what you say? all your base are belong to Google gives a login window... I have a gmail account and it gave it as my login account automatically when I loaded it, but my gmail password doesn't work (maybe the system is offline…
  • Having recently read John Brunner's "Children of the Thunder" where some kids happen to be empaths (if not telepaths), able to influence people to do whatever they wish them too... and someone starts rounding them up... That development was quite d…
  • Doing a [url=]search on Google Scholar[/url] for the authors reveal that the paper was published in "Medical Hypothesis" Not the most auspicious beginning for …
  • Copied from[quote]Some of you may know my work on the official Babylon 5 music videos - I haven't done one in four years, but Rick's passing got me thinking about scenes and connections, and I made a new tribute video for Rick I'd like t…
  • [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by sleepy_shadow [/i] [B]Moreover, since during re-entry, Buran also experienced loss of heat shield tiles... I am doubtful if Buran would not eventually suffer an accident too.[/B][/QUOTE] AFAIK the Space Shuttle [i]alw…
  • I don't sign internet petitions, and even doubt that those making them know how uneffective they can be (read [url][/url] for a good critique). An extended edition of T3 could be good, the movie was …
  • [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lord Refa [/i] [B]Just wish they'd have translations for the chinese in the dvd's. :( [/B][/QUOTE] [url][/url] A link posted by "Worker Caste" at the forums. I only brow…
  • Had Claudia Christian stayed for season 5 I think that Sheridan could have been the one emphasizing the need for cooperation with the Psi-Corps as a political issue. Maybe grudgingly, but still, allowing the Psi-Corps in such a situation could have …
  • Re: I dont get something [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by riku [/i] [B]On the episode when Lyta reveals Talya's artifical personality, garibaldi memorizes the episode when Kosh did the dealings with the android and her... but why? I mean the k…
  • Damn, the big D... I've found the news that [url=] exercise may be as useful as medication to fight depression[/url] very interesting. While I was depre…
  • Re: Hydrogen Fuel Cell stuff... [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by JackN [/i] [B][URL=]Hydrogen Fuel Cell stuff...[/URL] [/B][/QUOTE] From that page:[quote]How REVERSIBLE FUEL CELLS Work (sp…
  • [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ShadowDancer [/i] [B]i think this is another case of some overly religious zealot taking bits and pieces of science to justify his message and throwing away and ignoring the parts that inconvienently dont agree with h…