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Capt.Montoya · Ranger


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  • It took me some time to get used to the Dock, now I like it. I do not love it, I keep it hidden, but it's OK. Maybe I just got used to it. To have more control over Dock positioning you can use a freeware app called [url=…
  • [QUOTE=Biggles;156224]I find it interesting that everyone is saying it's just the US who suffers in knowledge of the world. As far as I can tell, all 1st world countries suffer from it.[/QUOTE] I have to say that it's not only the developed countr…
  • RC: Yeah... MightyMouse still has some silly design problems. But to me is no biggy, I don't usually keep my fingers resting on the buttons anyway. And in any event, almost any USB mouse will work in a Mac, you can toss out the Apple mouse if you w…
  • Heartbeat (7" remix) The Psychedelic Furs (from the album B-Sides and Lost Grooves)
  • The silly 1-button mouse is no more... Mighty Mouse is a 2-button mouse [*], with a scroll-ball and a fourth button on the sides. Great mouse. Now if Apple just didn't stupidly configure the system default setting for the mouse to still work as …
  • Re: Anyone here have carfax? [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Arethusa [/i] [B]Need to run a vin in a bit of a hurry. If anyone can help me out, I'd really appreciate it. [/B][/QUOTE] Weird, I read the following just this Friday and now I see your…
  • [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by croxis [/i] [B]... Oh, french speakers, what is talented (or its equivalent) in french? Babelfish gave me doué, but that translates back as endowed..... [/B][/QUOTE] [url]…
  • You Are Worthless I could care less for you only through an effort that isn't worth making
  • I'm lactose intolerant. I found out because I had "stomach problems" (read: diarrhea) almost daily, and I used to drink a glass of milk in the morning, everyday. Then I remembered that my father is lactose intolerant, I switched to soy milk and th…
  • [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Freejack [/i] [B]At least you have only one, our neighbours to the south have decided that two governments are better than one... Jake [/B][/QUOTE] Actually, in México we only elected one president (Felipe Calderón…
  • [quote]We interrupt our regularly scheduled program to bring you the following special bulletin. Longitude: 74 degrees, 0 minutes, 23 seconds West. Latitude: 40 degrees, 42 minutes, 51 seconds North. Follow the sound of sirens. Some things ar…
  • Chemists do it periodically...
  • I don't know what to make of it... I don't see the need. I don't think it's a creditable source [i]yet[/i]. If it accomplishes what they want it may become a creditable source but I doubt it will. My main objection is with [i]immediate[/i] p…
  • [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by David of Mac [/i] [B]I keep reading the topic title as "Lurker Shoot Out." That's all. [/B][/QUOTE] I read it like that too... Hi, it's been a busy summer. I didn't even have time to lurk around here often. …
  • [quote][url=]Mexico Ellection Ballots found in dump[/url] - electons just got more dirty (and yes that pun WAS intended damn it!)[/quote] I have to jump in and…
  • A question for Pat Tallman: What did JMS tell you about the future story of Lyta... and how much you can tell us about it? Or more specifically, do you know anything about Lyta dying in the Telepath War, when and how?
  • [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by croxis [/i] [B]Evidence that our solar system is a binary system: [url][/url] [/B][/QUOTE] Mmhhh, seems to me the EurekAlert site got spammed... That is…
  • Saw that too, though the news here didn't mention anything about myspace (just generic mention that he blogged about his cannibalistic urges) the images on TV were of his myspace page. There's a brief mention in this Wired page: [url]http://www.w…
  • [quote]Winsucks Vista - [b]Now[/b] for masochists.[/quote] [b]Now????[/b] AFAI'm concerned Winsucks has always been for masochists... [quote][i]Originally posted by David of Mac [/i] Okay. Now, in Mac OS X, you need an admin password to in…
  • Visiting MySpace with Firefox [b]and[/b] the Flashblock plugin is a much better experience.... less crap assaulting your eyes. Check out this site too: [url][/url] The "top ten myspace clichés" is like, oh, so true …
  • PowerPoint
  • [quote]The article linked to is so painfully vague. [/quote] Because it's slopily made... for example, quoting "Thompson" without bothering to give full name and affiliation before... as if they just cut parts out of a news release without botherin…
  • For good or worse I had watched the Original Solaris Film, by Tarkovski before the remake. I didn't like the new version much. The first one is much more brainy and misterious, also full of striking visuals (made with technology 30 years older than…
  • An Apple spokesman has said that the warranty is not invalidated, see [url=] note at PC Pro[/url]. Following up the comments about this news has been interesti…
  • The Abstract of the publication in [url=] Science[/url] doesn't ring the same as the news report... [quote][b]Retinoid Signaling Determines Germ Cell Fate in Mice[/b] Germ cells in the mous…
  • Going by what I've read in prior discussions here and at the JMSnews forums... (check comments by [b]ninjrk[/b] on the [url=] "B5 novels at Mongoose" thread[/url] , starting halfway …
  • The site doesn't work for me either, but Googling for pages that mention the site shows a page that has a link to the video... and this thread as the fourth link! I wonder if there might be a patent pending already published. That would be a sour…
  • [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Messiah [/i] [B]They are the novels that are published by Mongoose. [i]Now again approved by JMS.. [/i][/B][/QUOTE] ???? I tought the novels had the blessing of WB only. Did JMS ever really start talking with Mongoo…
  • A good Hot Sauce? I like Tabasco, the Habanero and Garlic varieties more than the original, and then there's the Tabasco Chipotle, great stuff too.
    in food Comment by Capt.Montoya March 2006
  • Some comments: [quote]shadow boxer: if Im reading this article right.. I agree with the gist of it, that you cant really patent a process shadow boxer: patent a device FOR that process, yes.. .but not a process[/quote] You [b]can[/b] patent a pro…