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Capt.Montoya · Ranger


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  • I actually kinda liked the [b]I, Robot[/b] movie. Nope, it's nothing like any of the short stories that were collected in the book, and Susan Calvin in the movie is nothing like the original, and really, it shouldn't even have been named "I, Robot.…
  • [url=] [img][/img][/url] says I'm a Cool Nerd King.... and I tought that was very nerdy, until I saw the results you guys got. If be…
  • I finally got to visit the USA border and bought a copy. Enjoyable couple of stories. I liked the new computer graphics. Really nice job. I have the impression that there is something wrong: diffuse shadows over B5. It's space, no one can hear…
  • I would say that this recent post is what JMS was actually referring to when he said he was open to a new series. But I wonder... does JMS amuse himself by all the speculation he sets afoot on the RATSB5M newsgroup (*) and internet boards everyti…
  • I'd like to note that at the JMSnews forums people that attended that con said the mention of a new series was not made in connection to the B5 comments. They said what they heard was that JMS only said he'd be willing to work on a new TV series, no…
  • I tought the "watching the skies" phrase meant simply "keep an eye out"... maybe I don't want too read too much into it just so I won't go crazy speculating on totally wrong directions.
  • Did you just find out that you weren't actually held for ransom on Thanksgiving?
  • [quote]Who would be crazy enough to spend months in a small space with the same few people?[/quote] Mmmhhh... submarine crews? And all the crazy people that have been up in Mir and the ISS too! :p Deuterium is actually the second most abundant …
  • Now we have to visit and see if the [url=]Cheela[/url] live there...
  • man without a face is not without a name That guy Biggles is taking some pounding in the media, after a [url=,135814-pg,1/article.html]Network World[/url] report of his latest presentation, a follow-up to the one …
  • And there's the reason I haven't abandoned the "command-S" (ctrl-S) clicking compulsion I developed when I started doing work in computers, back when if it wasn't the app it was the system that would crash. M$ apps remain buggy, even as OSes have b…
  • I think Agima is right, there are assholes of every nationality, but I believe that the "don't speak no English" was an excuse. I visited France and I didn't have any problems, actually, but like Vorlons in my Head I avoided speaking in English. …
  • I knew some people that started [i]graduate[/i] school well into their 30s (they were in their forties when they finished), it's a more stressing environment that a University degree, and they did well. So age is not an issue. If your father i…
  • [QUOTE=Space Ghost;163533][URL=""]Mmmmmmm... rock lobster.[/URL][/QUOTE] It wasn't a rock, it was a [url=]ROCK LOBSTER!![/url]
  • Hope things get better for you. I wish I could help with the more upsetting things, but all the advice I can offer is about the dog training: it takes a lot of time and patience, and it's an everyday effort. Also, positive reinforcement (doggy sn…
  • I agree, Beer shouldn't be listed in mixed drinks, but I do like beer too. [QUOTE=CurZ;162617]Mexican beer is actually pretty damn good. Sol and Corona aren't bad, but Modelo Negra and Indio are great.[/QUOTE] Sol and Corona aren't good you mean…
  • link posted by the interviewer at the JMS news forums An interview with Bruce Boxleitner, from Dreamwatch: [url][/url] Enjoy.
  • If you want more of Refa's avatar creepiness go here: [url][/url] (The undergrad run school newspaper where I went to grad school featured some of those comic strips for a while). About the Matrix: I saw thro…
  • [quote] I find the comment in the article that it can produce a small amount of artifical gravity quite interesting. [/quote] Does it remain "interesting" if the explanation is that they produce "gravity" in the same way that a roller-coaster subjec…
  • A Mac in purple? [img][/img] Yeah they looked stunning. And in Green, and Orange, and Blue, and Red, too [IMG][/IMG] Though nowadays they look stunning i…
  • I'm posting this with Apple's Safari 3.0 (beta) running on Windows XP Pro running on an Intel CoreDuo iMac... That's gotta be Something! (P.S. Safari for WIndows sure is beta, the forums page displays wrong, and is slow)
  • [delurk] [B]Thing![/B] [/delurk]
  • So "still here" that the place still picks up new registered lurkers like yours truly... I used to hang around at for my B5 community fix until I found this place, now I lurk (and occassionally post) here more.
  • I should be posting this from my Palm LifeDrive to relate to the topic more, but I am not. Yet having that gadget I know it's cool to have mobile internet access via WiFi in a portable device, I've used it several times when at work and well away…
  • ah, it's been so long! Finally some new B5 to look forward to. The trailer is good, a well done teaser for B5 fans. And that "temp" video at the MySpace page... sad, yet uplifting. Babylon 5, Babylon 5... endures.
  • Chocolate Cheesecake. Go for that, chocolate and cheesecake together, just perfect, almost any kind of cheesecake is great when well made (damn I miss having a Cheesecake Factory restaurant nearby!).
  • Welcome to the Dark Side, Dr. Biggles. [URL=""][IMG][/IMG][/URL] (Feels good, doesn't it?) :)
    in WOO! Comment by Capt.Montoya May 2007
  • Don't settle for a Single Blade, not even for just 5, get the [url=] Spishak Mach 20[/url]!!!
  • Damn, I knew there was a spread of veneral diseases in colleges, but I never expected anyone to wish everyone a happy VD! The happiest VD is the one you don't have or you get cured of! :p But yeah, Happy Valentine's Day to you too. :D That w…
  • In these discussions I can't help but remember something: The original plan was to introduce the telepaths more slowly in Season 4 (it made more sense, with B5 a rebel station outside EA). Season 4 would end with "Intersections in Real Time". The…