Issues with your account? Bug us in the Discord!
Pardon our construction
in Zocalo v2.0
You might notice these forums look a lot different than our old ones. We are using Vanilla now. Essentially vB broke and couldn't be fixed, so after spending a year and a half and a couple hundred dollars in product upgrades trying to make them work and hounding vB tech support to no avail, we got rid of the bloatware called vBulletin 5 and replaced it with a nice, simple, free product used on such large websites as Star Citizen.
The good news is we lost nothing. The bad news is we have to make this thing look decent! The default skin sucks
The good news is we lost nothing. The bad news is we have to make this thing look decent! The default skin sucks

2. The ability to reply to new threads, especially in Zocalo.
I did a bit of investigating - basically vBulletin 5's bloatware made a MySQL query that was a join so huge that MySQL killed it because of memory limits after trying to process the query for something like 30 seconds. I think it was trying to do a join across close to 7000 threads over the past 13 years as part of its message posting process (guessing search system or such), but basically MySQL couldn't handle the query.
I am sure there were others...
1. is hosted by Dreamhost. Dreamhost has become a massive headache with security breaches that no one seems to care about to the point I don't want to deal with them any more. And as Sanfam (who owns the Dreamhost account) is missing with Real Life, I don't know of any easy way to get the domain switched over to this server (Lorien might be able to help, since he owns the domain name).
2. is for Babylon 5 only - we've been talking in IRC the past few months and want to expand it to scifi in general, not just Babylon 5. It's hard getting new people to the site when focusing on a show that went off the air about 15 years ago. Therefore we want to take the Firstones idea and expand it into a new site with the same feel as the old one. We'll still keep going, mods and such, but we've got to clean up the garbage that was puked all over the site by the hackers first.
Thanks for all the work RC!
Any chance this might help?
Good to see these forums back, one of my favorite lurking places. :-)