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Expressions that just won't die!

It's funny how we keep using obsolete expressions in our daily lives.

To catch something on tape is still being used today when someone recorded something unusual or shocking with a recording device, yet who among us has a smartphone that uses tapes as recording media? :D Especially when used for video clips, this makes me cringe every time I hear it.

I'm sure there are other expressions in the wild that seem quite ridiculous.


  • WORFWORF The Burninator
    Bring out your dead! Bring out your dead!
  • HuntSmackerHuntSmacker Firstones Ambassador to Starcraftia
    To 'write' an e-mail.
  • Entil'ZhaEntil'Zha I see famous people
    Pardon me while I go Xerox this paper.
  • Hang up the phone. Or for that matter, the phone's 'ringing'.
  • C_MonC_Mon A Genuine Sucker
    Riding shotgun
  • JackNJackN <font color=#99FF99>Lightwave Alien</font>
    [QUOTE=C_Mon;193372]Riding shotgun[/QUOTE]

    This is not out of date in my neck of the woods... ;)
  • ShadowDancerShadowDancer When I say, "Why aye, gadgie," in my heart I say, "Och aye, laddie." London, UK
    Nor mine :p
  • croxiscroxis I am the walrus
    Man I had a lot of these from student teaching and I've forgotten most of them. Sounds like a broken record is the only one I can remember.
  • JackNJackN <font color=#99FF99>Lightwave Alien</font>
    Shoot, now days even a CD is out of date... Can you say Mp3?

  • BigglesBiggles <font color=#AAFFAA>The Man Without a Face</font>
    Sounds like a corrupted MP3?
  • JackNJackN <font color=#99FF99>Lightwave Alien</font>
    heh heh
  • WORFWORF The Burninator
    Mp3 is out of date.

  • HuntSmackerHuntSmacker Firstones Ambassador to Starcraftia
    'Songs', even though many forms of music have no lyrics whatsoever.
  • CurZCurZ Resident Hippy
    'untz untz untz untz' are still lyrics.. right?
  • [QUOTE=HuntSmacker;193386]'Songs', even though many forms of music have no lyrics whatsoever.[/QUOTE]

    Wasn't aware the phrase song had any correlation with the inclusion of lyrics.

    There's lots of anachronisms in the audio world. "Cutting a record." (although there is new vinyl still being released) "Putting to tape." (although there are still quite a few studios running tape machines) etc.
  • Entil'ZhaEntil'Zha I see famous people
    People who record concerts still say they are 'Tapers' Although most use digital media these days.
  • JackNJackN <font color=#99FF99>Lightwave Alien</font>
    or the phrase "Boot Leg"? :p
  • StingrayStingray Elite Ranger
    Why, they are all "pirates", ARRR!!! :D
  • JackNJackN <font color=#99FF99>Lightwave Alien</font>
    A watched Pot never boils, and The Pot calling the Kettle Black... :p
  • Random ChaosRandom Chaos Actually Carefully-selected Order in disguise
    Just think of all the expressions used by politicians to describe the other side!
  • JackNJackN <font color=#99FF99>Lightwave Alien</font>
    I never listen to politicians...
  • Even VCR related expressions won't die for centuries... like the "vicar" that recorded Talia's thoughts. :p
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