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A2597's WTF moment of the day, 5-14-09


[quote]The National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAA), a part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), will pay $2.6 million in U.S. tax dollars to train Chinese prostitutes to drink responsibly on the job.

“We want to get some understanding of the fundamental role of alcohol use and HIV risk,” he said. “We use the population in China as our targeted population to look at the basic issues. I think the findings will benefit the American people, too.”[/quote]

.... [i]seriously?![/i]


  • FreejackFreejack Jake the Not-so-Wise
    [I]Preface: I am a conservative at heart, but I also tend to be more interested in solutions rather than idealogy.[/I]

    This is not as bad as a headline. Here you have a group of people who are in what most would agree is a 'bad' place to be. Not only is the work demoralizing, the environment is filled with drugs, alcohol, disease and abuse, so if we take efforts to improve on or two elements of the individuals situation (get them off drugs, help them avoid disease) its all the more likely they will be able to exit that world.

  • That might be true if it was a non-profit organization doing this, someone with humanitarian interest.

    This? Using Taxpayer dollars? Nah. No good will come of this.
  • croxiscroxis I am the walrus
    The government doesnt have humanitarian interest? besides, a large portion of non-profit funding does come from tax payers, through government grants. Similar to how people complain about NASA's budgets (<1% of the US budget fyi), yet almost half of NASA's budget is dedicated to education.
  • Entil'ZhaEntil'Zha I see famous people
    Does that mean taxpayers get free use of th.. uhh nevermind.
  • BigglesBiggles <font color=#AAFFAA>The Man Without a Face</font>
    Well if it's education, you should at least get free use of the training facilities, right? ;)
  • not even a buy one get one free
  • JohnnyOnTheSpotJohnnyOnTheSpot Banned by request
    You know that the government is corrupt when they start paying off prostitutes with alcohol you know they are gonna take some of that shit for themselves.
  • MundaneMundane Elite Ranger
    Roflmao :p
  • My WTF moment of the day:
  • MessiahMessiah Failed Experiment
    Child-soldiers in the US, hmm?

    Oh and: [quote]“I like shooting them,” Cathy said. “I like the sound they make. It gets me excited.”[/quote] :rolleyes:
  • And while the blogosphere ignites by reposting and reposting and reposting the CNSnews page (an organization whose own about page says they are a response to "liberal bias" in the media), nobody bothers to go to the source.


    There's a statement about this without spin.

    The fact that this grant was awarded in Novemeber, and that many blogs reposting this blame it on Obama is telling.
  • JohnnyOnTheSpotJohnnyOnTheSpot Banned by request
    It'll be removed hopefully!

    Otherwise we might as well just "Johnny Cab" Afghanistan right now.
  • FreejackFreejack Jake the Not-so-Wise
    [QUOTE=Capt.Montoya;181596]And while the blogosphere ignites by reposting and reposting and reposting the CNSnews page (an organization whose own about page says they are a response to "liberal bias" in the media), nobody bothers to go to the source.


    There's a statement about this without spin.

    The fact that this grant was awarded in Novemeber, and that many blogs reposting this blame it on Obama is telling.[/QUOTE]

    Thank you very much, I suspected that there was far more to the story that the first article had told.

  • [QUOTE=Capt.Montoya;181596]And while the blogosphere ignites by reposting and reposting and reposting the CNSnews page (an organization whose own about page says they are a response to "liberal bias" in the media), nobody bothers to go to the source.


    There's a statement about this without spin.

    The fact that this grant was awarded in Novemeber, and that many blogs reposting this blame it on Obama is telling.[/QUOTE]

    Thank you, I've been trying to find a better link, but each one is still more biased than the next.

    I still stand by my WTF though. ;)
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