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Climate Change ? What Climate Change ?

shadow boxershadow boxer The Finger Painter & Master Ranter
Of the [B]3200[/B] questions asked of the candidates, only [B]eight(8)[/B] were about climate change.

When asked during opinion polls, Americans rated the various policy priorities.

[B]Climate change came in at twenty first (21st).[/B]

I don't think I need to say much more aside from I hope the US pulls it's head out of its collective ass before it's too late.


  • source? :)
  • SanfamSanfam I like clocks.
    I'm going to step in here and say that [B]nobody[/B] out there does not believe in climate change. Some do not believe in global warming, and many do not believe global warming can be caused by humans. Note the subtle differences.

    A2597: Seconded.
  • Global warming does NOT equal climate change?
  • TyvarTyvar Next best thing to a St. Bernard
    Or maybe its all part of our evil plan of global destruction? BUWHAHAHAHAHAHA
  • shadow boxershadow boxer The Finger Painter & Master Ranter
    source = [url][/url]

    so yeah whilst individually it may be a different story, collectively, you suck Uncle Sam
  • croxiscroxis I am the walrus
    Global warming is like the big bang, they incorrectly describe the model being discussed. The energy is increasing the the climate system, but that does not nessicaraly mean local or global warming.
  • aye, I also put fourth the motion that the entire planet is going a little global warming happy at the moment. I've no idea how much money has been made by the fearmongering, but it's alot.

    I know there is climate change, but to say we're the sole cause of it is a little stupid. That said, I'm in favor of getting off fossile fuel ASAP. But I also feel that we have other dangers that are just as harmful such as genetically manipulating plants. (Example: Where have all the Bees gone? I all but gurentee you it's a result of pesticides and herbicides and genetic manipulation of the food we eat).

    We do alot of things to screw up this planet, and they all need to be taken care of. We're here as stewards of this planet, and we're doing a piss poor job. But lets quit the fear mongering, we should know from Peta that it doesn't work.
  • David of MacDavid of Mac Elite Ranger Ca
    [QUOTE=A2597;170807](Example: Where have all the Bees gone? I all but gurentee you it's a result of pesticides and herbicides and genetic manipulation of the food we eat).[/QUOTE]

    I understand scientists are also examining whether that might be related to climate change.
  • Yo mama's so fat, her hot flashes are the real source of global warming.
  • [QUOTE=David of Mac;170808]I understand scientists are also examining whether that might be related to climate change.[/QUOTE]

    logic it out...

    Put chemicals in the bees nutrients, which has been a problem for many years, but the US is absofriginlutly insane upon doing (Just read it up, it's sickening the crap they tell us is OK to eat)

    Subtle changes in climate.

    Which is more likely to make a bee lose it's ability to navigate? And which is more likely to be paid to be kept silent? Trust me, if it's chemicals, we'll never hear about it. Any evidence of that will be ridiculed and thrown out by people getting paid off.
  • [QUOTE=shadow boxer;170788]Of the [B]3200[/B] questions asked of the candidates, only [B]eight(8)[/B] were about climate change.

    When asked during opinion polls, Americans rated the various policy priorities.

    [B]Climate change came in at twenty first (21st).[/B]

    I don't think I need to say much more aside from I hope the US pulls it's head out of its collective ass before it's too late.[/QUOTE]I [i]would[/i] watch all the goings-on of Australian politics, important and unimportant alike, so that I could bitch to you about what doesn't line up with my agenda for your government, but I don't enjoy wasting my time.[QUOTE=shadow boxer;170801]source = [url][/url]

    so yeah whilst individually it may be a different story, collectively, you suck Uncle Sam[/QUOTE]You suck too. Have a nice day! :)
  • HuntSmackerHuntSmacker Firstones Ambassador to Starcraftia
    If Nibiru is real, climate change is the least of our problems :P
  • StingrayStingray Elite Ranger
    Ok, so let's see who they say the culprits of global warming as of now, AFAIK?

    - cars with high CO2 emissions
    - life stock in general
    - air traffic
    - fossil fuels in general

    What are the proposed solutions?

    - cars with lower CO2 emissions (expanding public transportation)
    - eat less meat, become a vegetarian
    - there are already planes being tested with alternative fuels but until then maybe changing our flying habits could go a long way to reducing this problem
    - alternative energy, solar, wind and natural gas

    Then there are other reasons for global warming outside our control, like water vapor, solar radiation (the sun goes through cycles).

    I do believe that the planet can sustain a finite number of people and that we may have to curb our own head-count in order to not tip the balance. Just because we haven't settled everywhere on the planet doesn't mean it is wise or possible to do so. We humans do exhale CO2, so we are part of the problem. Deforestation doesn't help either because AFAIK trees are natural CO2 converters and we keep cutting down those trees. (Maybe we should introduce a "Plant-A-Tree-Day"... hugging trees won't do us any good...)

    Another thing that has been bothering me is this globalization thing that's been going on and the negative effects it's having on our planet and the people. The plus side is that there is economic growth for the western hemisphere, but that's not going to last forever.

    Global trade is also a good example of the kind of insanity that's taking place. I'm not even talking about toys/electronics being make in China and sold in the US and Europe. I'm talking about fruits and vegetables flown in from Africa and South America to be sold in the northern hemisphere. I mean, WTF, is that really necessary? What's the CO2 footprint of a bag of prunes flown in from Chile or grapes from South-Africa? Are they completely mad? Who's buying this stuff? I'm guessing it must make economic sense because it's probably cheaper, but who's going to pay the environmental bill? I fear that buying low-cost, going the cheap route is going to cost us dearly in the end. Someone's going to have to pay and it's not just with money.
  • croxiscroxis I am the walrus
    As I have said elsewhere the fact that global temperatures are on the rise isn't, in of itself, is the problem.
    It is very well possible that we planet should be warming even if there was no industrialized civilization. Systems can adapt up to a given unit of energy per unit of time and this is definitely evident with the temperatures seen in geologic records.

    The problem is the [B]rate of change[/B]. Is the energy per time ratio higher than it has ever been in the past? How much of a factor is human activity contributing to this [B]rate of change[/B].
  • The tilt of the Earth changing raises the global temp.
    If we did nothing it would go up in a way nature is adapted to handle.
    Putting coal into the air alters the temperature, increases it.
    America is putting the most by far per person. China expected to produce the most air born CO2 soon.
    America expected to be harmed much by the increase in temp. Insects helped the most.
    I do not **** Uncle Sam.
  • shadow boxershadow boxer The Finger Painter & Master Ranter
    As Biggles said at one point, (paraphrased)

    [I]Has Prudence ever killed anyone ?[/I]
  • BigglesBiggles <font color=#AAFFAA>The Man Without a Face</font>
    [i]Sensible[/i] application of the Precautionary principle is the wisest course of action.
  • StingrayStingray Elite Ranger
    [QUOTE=shadow boxer;170840]As Biggles said at one point, (paraphrased)

    [I]Has Prudence ever killed anyone ?[/I][/QUOTE]

    The short answer is, yes. Prudence can kill when applied at the wrong time. But fortunately, climate change, isn't one of those times.
  • Global Warming is caused by forces beyond our control, before man and combustion engines we had severe climate changes during the short history of earth. I still think it will turn out to be some sort of unknown cycle of the sun that causes it. Of course we should try and not pollute as much I am not pro smokestack , but for instance the opening up of the northern passage may not be a bad thing ether.
  • It's over 90% of meteorological scientist that think were making a major difference.
    I still want to know what % of the air is man made.
    All the plutonium in the environment is man made.
  • David of MacDavid of Mac Elite Ranger Ca
    [QUOTE=PSI-KILLER;170879]I still think it will turn out to be some sort of unknown cycle of the sun that causes it.[/QUOTE]

    It it were, wouldn't every planet, moon, and asteroid be warming, as well? I know some of them are, but those can be attributed to local or seasonal effects.
  • look at this assumption..

  • [QUOTE=PSI-KILLER;170887]look at this assumption..


    Yeah, I thought that I heard about other planets heating up.
  • [QUOTE=Chaosed;170883] I still want to know what % of the air is man made.[/QUOTE]
    I don't know the answer for that... but I have coincidentally read that human kind has volcanism beaten in the business of emitting CO2 so badly... that a single large industrialized country (USA) emits multiple times the amount of C02 produced by all active volcanoes on Earth. But CO2 is just a small percentage of air, and perhaps the easiest to industrially produce (just burn something with carbon in it).

    Regarding the question somone else asked earlier, about whether Earth "should" naturally be cooling or heating... well, it depends on the period of time you consider. If you examine the perspective of the next 25'000 years, it seems we're already overdue a new glaciation. If you examine the perspective of the next 100 years, it looks a lot more uncertain.

    But whatever the case is, if warming does occur, I have a vested interest in slowing it.

    The city where I live is a coastal city, and would experience inconveniences upon sea level rise and stronger storm surges. My city is a relatively safe one, enjoying post-glacial land level rise to counterbalance possible sea level rise... but land level rise is slow here, and sea level rise upon warming could outpace it by tens of times. Other cities, exposed to the elements more than where I live, would pay more dearly. Some of them would suffer a lot from flooding.

    Also, the land which I inhabit is on the edge of the habitat of the [i]Picea abies[/i] fir tree. North of here, it definitely grows. South of here, hell no. Over here... pretty decently and there's a lot of it, but it's never too secure in its existence. If climate were to take a significant turn for warmer, it could easily spoil an appreciable chunk of local forests.

    Finally, since I have no desire to depend on fuel imported from far away, and even less if the fuel comes from politically restrictive societies, and ends up sponsoring authoritarian governments... the issue of whether warming is occurring is really a moot point to me. I want to improve my own energy autonomy, and contribute to improving the local economy's energy autonomy.

    So in the short term I'm e-biking and reducing my home's wattage. Coincidentally, moving into a new apartment will improve thermal insulation and reduce heating bills a lot. I also have the devilish plan of building a rainproof e-trike during summer... pictures will be used to describe if it gets completed and works. It may be the first powered vehicle I've used which recharges itself without needing anyone to mess with power cords. :D That is, of course, only possible due to using very low wattage (about 250).
  • croxiscroxis I am the walrus
    [QUOTE=PSI-KILLER;170879]Global Warming is caused by forces beyond our control, before man and combustion engines we had severe climate changes during the short history of earth. I still think it will turn out to be some sort of unknown cycle of the sun that causes it. Of course we should try and not pollute as much I am not pro smokestack , but for instance the opening up of the northern passage may not be a bad thing ether.[/QUOTE]
    Again, this does not take into account the rate of change. There have been hotter and colder period but these changes took place over a period of thousands of years. The cooling that took place from the time of the dinos to the current global climate was on the order of millions.
  • PK That is from one person.
    The meteorologists did the science and have proof.
    Has that one man's idea been passed through the Scientific Method?
    What is the several million year history of Mars climent (weather) to compare.
  • Human civilization has actually arose and existed through Earth most calmest period. There is no way to prove that todays warming is due to solely mans pollutions. We are going to have to pay more carbon taxes to a politician/organization when there is no proof these taxes will make the earth "cooler", the only reality is a richer politican. To say Earths climate must always stay the same because we humans say so is the most arrogant concept especially when there has never existed a period of perfect balance and harmony in the weather. I could see if at one time the weather was always the same, ice packs stayed the same, and no extinction's occurred but that is not reality.

  • [QUOTE=sleepy_shadow;170899]I don't know the answer for that... but I have coincidentally read that human kind has volcanism beaten in the business of emitting CO2 so badly... that a single large industrialized country (USA) emits multiple times the amount of C02 produced by all active volcanoes on Earth. But CO2 is just a small percentage of air, and perhaps the easiest to industrially produce (just burn something with carbon in it).[/QUOTE]That's interesting, because I've heard the exact opposite.

    I have no motivation whatsoever to find or verify the source, simply because I do not care enough. However, I just thought that you should know that some scientific source out there somewhere says the exact opposite of what you said, or says something that sounds a lot like the exact opposite of what you said.
  • croxiscroxis I am the walrus
    PSI - again you are not accounting for rate of change, which currently is the most drastic seen.
  • How about we move the planet farther from the sun, like in Futurama!
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