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Jeff Conway On celeb rehab Vh-1

in Zocalo v2.0
I was shocked seeing him doing coke and everything. Is this show for real or is it made up? He will be the next B5 actor to pass on before his time. It is sad when such monkeys are on someones back.
drugs always seem to me to be such a waste
I hope this is fake, but I have a feeling this isn't. When Jerry Doyle and Richard Biggs played substance abusers on the show, I always felt like it came from the heart, like they knew exactly how it felt like.
This is quite heart-wrenching to watch. :(
What I find sad is that this is all on public display.
Really sucks to see this. So how recent is this? What exactly is going on with him?
The answer is just plain stop it.
My only vice cigarettes and the occasional beer. But I could always be healthier. That was of course something me and my ex came into conflict with, smoking. Damn the things but I need my nicotine.
And zounds I like money way too much to just burn it up.
He was always one of my favorites in the show.
Even tho he turned out to be a born again christian.
And zounds I like money way too much to just burn it up.[/QUOTE]
Nicotine gum worked for me, but the main thing, IMO, was to start cutting down for some time, and to visualize myself as a non-smoker.
The only positive thing I can take from having smoked for several years is that realizing how addicted I was to nicotine convinced me to never try any drugs. I don't want to get addicted to cocaine or worse. Breaking and addiction is not easy.
And although I disagree with the concept of "reality" shows such as this one I sincerely hope that it helps Jeff Conway.