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in Zocalo v2.0
So my birthday money from Mom didn't go to waste, guess what I found!? At Best Buy, all five seasons of our beloved Babylon 5 were on sale for $19.99 a season!!! :D
*is now the proud owner of all five seasons of Babylon 5* :shadow1:
*is now the proud owner of all five seasons of Babylon 5* :shadow1:
[B]Edit:[/B] For anyone interested, [URL=";jsessionid=4QY1QTCWHH4WXKC4D3FFAGA?_dyncharset=ISO-8859-1&id=pcat17071&type=page&st=Babylon+5&sc=Global&cp=1&nrp=15&sp=&qp=&list=n&iht=y&usc=All+Categories&ks=960"]B5 is $19.99 a season online at Best[/URL]. I don't have a referral account, but that's a damned good deal any way it is put. Crusade and the movies, however, are still full retail price. I'm suspecting this is a clearance move.
Unbelievable... that's like going to an Elvis impersonator convention, butt naked. :D
I'm still on the fence about Crusade though, I don't think it should be a requirement.
I had them...
We rented them when I introduced my wife to the series, and we've been patiently holding out for a nice R1 boxed set like Germany and the UK got...
:D :p
Don't we all feel stupid now? (Myself, not really, because I'd actually only seen less than half the show before I got the DVDs)
Don't we all feel stupid now? (Myself, not really, because I'd actually only seen less than half the show before I got the DVDs)[/QUOTE]
You too, huh? I specifically waited for the DVDs before I watched the chunk of B5 that I had missed.
I actually downloaded the whole show plus Crusade a while ago and watched it all from the start and 3 of the newest movies as well. Was quite enjoyeable marathon I must say. :)
Btw, I don't know about anyone else, but I was personally quite disappointed by The Lost Tales. It wasn't at all the quality of the B5 universe I've been used to story wise. It felt to me like it was some half hour episode to fill some space between good episodes of a mediocre show. It felt like it ended before it had even properly started. It didn't make much sense either. It was like a bunch of some whatever events just grabbed from somewhere out of air, which had little to do with anything. Didn't really like it much and expected much much better. And for that JMS refused a deal that WB had offered him for a new feature film? I really hope he will only make more of B5 from now on if he makes it with 100% dedication and high standards that there used to be story-wise. And that means many levels above The Lost Tales unfortunately.
Sorry to be so negative about B5, but I really was disappointed by The Lost Tales. As a big and long time B5 fan I expected much better than that. It didn't meet my expectations at all alas. I hope JMS hasn't lowered to the level where he'd just try to make some extra bucks with the franchise without giving his heart and soul to it and 100% dedication as he did with the TV shows and most earlier movies. I don't really believe in that actually, but this movie frankly speaking was quite a big disappointment unfortunately. Maybe it's partly because I've been waiting for something new and exciting of the B5 universe for quite a while and was expecting something great, but still, this just wasn't very good and what I expected from JMS.
Sure, in this particular case the music sucked and the first story was lacking (and with some terrible camera work), but the second story was good as a telling of a minor event, and now that WB has been shown the format can make money, there's a good chance jms will be able to write about events we really want to hear about.
You can't make movie equivalent of novels like this. It's not the same thing as a book of novels. If you do a mini-series then you can make "novels". One short movie can't serve as a format for something like that, or the movie should be then 3 hours long and superbly well done.
I watched the movie twice and the second time I tried to forget the disappointment from the first viewing, but it was still really bad. The second story was better yes, but still not something one expects to see in a movie. There was no excitement and nothing interesting in this movie to put it short. It lacked all the important elements any good movie, or even a TV-episode should have. The story involving Sheridan had at least something to tell and had at least some meaning and some sense if you really squeeze it from it, but the first one didn't have any of that.
I have liked so far nearly everything B5, but this was an exception. I don't like to see something like this as a B5 movie. I expect better. That kind of stuff should be made as books, or as episodes of a TV-series, but not as a movie.
As good work as JMS has always done in the past and as highly as I regard him this was a bad judgement from him IMO and I hope this was only a one time exception and not something we will be seeing more in the future.
I was saying TLT is like a short story, not a novel. The B5 series itself is the novel(s). Some of the best scifi short stories I've read have been 3 or 4 pages long, much shorter than the average chapter in a novel; each of these TLT stories was shorter than a standard episode.
BTW, I am also [i]now[/i] the proud owner of all 5 seasons of B5.
I also found them at Best Buy, on sale (almost all WB season sets were on sale). Didn't see Crusade, nor the B5 Movie collection, but heck, that can wait... I have waited all this long to find all the seasons at a good price.
Good thing my wife and I decided to make a shopping trip to McAllen, TX during this Christmas vacation. I just got them yesterday.
Another thing I got (but not at Best Buy) was [b]Blade Runner: The Final Cut, Limited Edition[/b]... the five disc edition, in the briefcase. :D
Only the five-disc version is available on Blu-Ray and HD-DVD, though you can get just the discs, or the briefcase origami toy collectors version.
For all, and I do mean all, of the details, [url=]see this review.[/url] The breakdown of the different sets is on the last page.
Personally, I'm getting the 4-disc standard DVD. The idea of the workprint and Collectable Crap doesn't thrill me.
The 4-disc version was my first choice (it was the cheapest way to get the original theatrical release and the latest cut, which are the only two I'm actually interested in), but since it's not available in HD, I went with the 5-disc version.
The collectible toys and concept art cards are a nice touch, not essential really, but I'm glad I have them.
This edition was the only way I found the five disc set, the only other I saw was the 2-disc set (and I did want to have the other versions, in addition to the Final Cut). Maybe I could have lived with the 4-disc set without the workprint DVD, but I didn't find that either.
Given that if (and it's a big if) I were to find this in Mexico it would be half again as expensive (if not twice) and that I really wanted it I got it.
The price was a little steep, but then this is my Christmas present to myself (and the B5 seasons are part of that too, the best gifts are the ones one chooses!).
I've had the entire series on tape, hand-recorded, for quite some time
[QUOTE=Capt.Montoya;168484]Congratulations Callista.
Another thing I got (but not at Best Buy) was [b]Blade Runner: The Final Cut, Limited Edition[/b]... the five disc edition, in the briefcase. :D[/QUOTE]
Holy **** I hadn't heard of that set yet! *boggles*