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in Zocalo v2.0
Ok what are you listening to right now?
Smashing Pumpkins - Bullet With Butterfly Wings
Smashing Pumpkins - Bullet With Butterfly Wings
If I didn't know any better, I'd think you are a 17 year old high school girl who writes really crappy love poetry.
So Hans Zimmer with some Nick Glennie-Smith and Harry Gregson-Williams
but soon I will unpack it
until then silence
(no music AND bad poetry! huzzah for haiku!)
Glad you liked it. IMO their latest album Above The Weeping World was one of the finest recordings (in any category) of the year 2006 and the band itself has been praised as the savior of the already somewhat dead "Gothenburg movement" (a genre also known as melodic death metal or simply melodeath).
But here's some interesting Norwegian stuff that I just found:
[url=][b]Pagan's Mind - Through Osiris' Eyes[/b][/url]
Yes, I have an extremely eclectic taste in music.
I've played it quite a few times and saw the Harvard Pops play it too. Awesome.
Orbital - Halcyon
If you don't listen to e.g. Mongolian throat singing, Karelian laments, Bavarian oompah, ethno jazz, grindcore and ultrasounds, I wouldn't use the word "extremely". ;)
But here's a talented (and awarded) cross-Scandinavian jazz fusion group I was lucky to see live some time ago:
[url=][b]JazzKamikaze - Up To No Good[/b][/url]