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I hate to even say this...*HUGE SMILE*

"And there was one near-bombshell: JMS was asked if he would consider another series instead of these direct-to-DVDs."




(End of the article)

It's a super long shot...but...Here's Hoping!


  • HuntSmackerHuntSmacker Firstones Ambassador to Starcraftia
    I knew what this topic would be about before clicking it :D :D :D
  • somehow, I figured there would be more responce than this...
  • David of MacDavid of Mac Elite Ranger Ca
    We're pretty well at the "I'll believe it when I see it" stage here. At this point, we aren't even hearing about it.
  • StingrayStingray Elite Ranger
    [QUOTE][...] Straczynski reminded the audience of his larger plans for the franchise, saying he had 200 years planned out for the show, 100 years in either direction.


    And there was one near-bombshell: JMS was asked if he would consider another series instead of these direct-to-DVDs.

    "Yes, I had hoped to announce something at this convention, but it didn't happen," JMS said. "Keep your keys on the [message] boards."

    Well, perhaps you should have posted the entire relevant news bit. But since the original Vorlon is as enigmatic as ever, we are none the wiser. It's certainly good news that he may just focus more on the B5 franchise and deliver more of the same stuff we've all come to enjoy.

    So as usual, we'll just have to wait and see. I'll get my copy of TLT once it gets released over here and hope there'll be more coming. I mean, JMS doesn't have to convince us of the quality of the show, we know, we've seen it (all). And while I'd like to see a few cameos, a new cast wouldn't be unwelcome on the station. I just hope he doesn't have another try at Crusade. Even Star Trek ran out of steam with Enterprise (a show with a lot of potential).
  • He gave away the ending of Crusade. I wish there would be books to finish it.
  • SanfamSanfam I like clocks.
    We already knew the "ending" of crusade early on. Sadly, that "ending" only goes as far as Season 2. What we don't know is what happened in 3-5 beyond a basic idea.
  • WORFWORF The Burninator
    The problem with Enterprise is that they were rehashing the same storylines we had seen in Voyager and TNG, so of course it's going to run out of steam.

    I liked Crusade and having just finished a run through the episodes (bad idea), I find myself once again disapointed that it didn't continue, I'd really like to know more about the cure and what happens afterwards. JMS has told us they cure the plague in season 2 but not how and has only hinted at what would have happened later on.

    It would have been good to see the story finished off in book or comic form.

  • SanfamSanfam I like clocks.
    One thing to keep in mind regarding Crusade is that we *knew* there was much better stuff to come, so in hindsight, the show seems better. I was not a fan of Crusade when it first aired, but as time has passed, I've started to appreciate what it could have been rather than what it was.
  • I think Caption Gideon could have been my favorite. Umm everyone here knows were the cure came from right?
  • ShadowDancerShadowDancer When I say, "Why aye, gadgie," in my heart I say, "Och aye, laddie." London, UK
    It came from a dead duck didn't it? :p
  • came from teh watercooler, the one with the dixie cups in it.
  • Random ChaosRandom Chaos Actually Carefully-selected Order in disguise
    The dixie cups could take on Narn Frazi fighters any day too!
  • Death by Dixie cup pee samples.
  • Maybe a stupid question, but so far i know there is only 1 crusade season. Or am i mistaken,would love to know how it ends with the plague and all
  • Just 13 episodes. We never found out how.
  • Warning !!!! the spoiler bar isnt working.

    Spoiler: This is how I remember it wound up. Two seasons of looking for a cure. The cure is found on Earth. The Shadows were well entrenched in Earthgov. The last three seasons were about how deep the Shadows had gotten. How much they left behind.

    I think that came from the DVD set.

    What have you done? the slash isnt working along with the pastraphy? it forces me into a search bar, quick search.
  • What I'd like to know is what happens to the Excalibur. It was one of the best Earth/Minbari designs, but never is mentioned outside of crusade. A ship like that should be mentioned somewhere else, but I never read any of the books.
  • David of MacDavid of Mac Elite Ranger Ca
    As far as the Excalibur's appearances in books go, it was mentioned in the third Psi-Corps book that autobiographies had become popular, especially those of the crew of the Excalibur. In the second Centauri Prime book, Galen mentions that Gideon doesn't know that Galen is on Centarui Prime when he's not with the Excalibur, and Garibaldi and G'Kar discuss the lack of progress on the mission to stop the Drakh plague (Garibaldi argues that Gideon says he's making progress, and G'Kar counters that Gideon said that last year, and the year before that, and he may be trapped in Xeno's paradox, always drawing closer to his goal but never reaching it).

    And then in the first chapter of the third Centarui Prime book, the Drakh is taunting Londo about his inability to stop him, and Londo retorts "Just like how that earth ship, the Excalibur, would be unable to stop your plague?"

    So all we know is that it took more than two years for Gideon to find the cure, but that the Excalibur did, in fact, find it, and were (eventually?) seen as heros on Earth. And now we can add the fact that, apparently, Dr. Franklin went stir-crazy while trapped on Earth all those years, and jumped at the chance to go wandering with G'Kar.
  • I'd like to note that at the JMSnews forums people that attended that con said the mention of a new series was not made in connection to the B5 comments. They said what they heard was that JMS only said he'd be willing to work on a new TV series, not that he'd make a new B5 series.

    On the other hand, he didn't say that he would exclude a new TV series withing the B5 universe.
  • SanfamSanfam I like clocks.
    The track record for new B5 isn't too good. But you know how the saying goes...if at first you fail, try, try, try...try...try try try again!
  • Hmmm...


    Do you think JMS could deploy the much vaunted Vorlon Forklift and eradicate a couple of the recent B5 spinoff series pilots to clear the way for the future. . .perhaps he could send those episodes, and all their copies, beyond the great rim. Maybe a petition could do it ;)? The poor man needs to be given a budget...
  • Here we go again:
    "For the last year, very much under the radar, I've been working with
    two film makers who have created some of the biggest SF movies in the
    last twenty years on a television project. (I can't reveal their
    identities, but pick any three of their movies and you have box office
    of over two billion dollars.) We've been quietly writing and creating
    the first three scripts for a new SF series that would pretty much
    revolutionize the form, and which have gone out to the networks for
    auction. Offers are coming in. Whether or not the offers are enough
    to make the project work -- it's huge -- remains to be seen. Where
    this goes will be determined in the next couple of weeks. Stay tuned.


    Hmmmm. "...that would pretty much
    revolutionize the form..." Didn't he say something like that about The Lost Tales also? Or about some whole new way of DVD presentation or something? Didn't seem all that different to me....
    This guy has a REALLY bad habit of talking about his future projects (which may or may not even come) like some sort of Earth-shattering work only able to be formed by a conjunction of Zeus and Odin.
  • SanfamSanfam I like clocks.
    JMS says lots of things. Though I find it hilarious that you're saying exactly what we previously stated on IRC earlier this evening.

    Snapped up from IRC at 8PM EST
    [I][Sanfam] I feel it was more testing patience.
    [astrom0g] he tests patience all the tiem
    [astrom0g] it is for this reason that i don't read jmsnews
    [Sanfam] He states lots of things that he really shouldn't.
    [Sanfam] he also seems to be very passive aggressive and is kind of annoying
    [astrom0g] he needs to learn ot not say anything at all until he's got a signed contract...
    [Sanfam] that too.
    [Darth_Angelus] i can understand how he feels about wanting to talk about exciting possibilities
    [Sanfam] He treats lots of things as if they're done deals and then makes a racket when they don't happen
    [Sanfam] yes, but he should know better
    [astrom0g] Darth_Angelus: i can too
    [astrom0g] but he shouldn't
    [astrom0g] he should shut up
    [Sanfam] he's produced one successful show and attempted others.
    [Sanfam] he's not exactly new to the industry.
    [astrom0g] when it happens, then he can announce it
    [Darth_Angelus] i have a hard time not talking about exciting possibilities that present themselves
    [Sanfam] But Worf, you don't go out and sign NDAs prohibiting you from discussing things in detail, nor do you go out and attempt to shop your projects around to the various production houses.
    [Sanfam] Most of the time, things get turned down
    [Darth_Angelus] true
    [Darth_Angelus] but that doesn't mean i don't have good opportunities that i want to talk about :)
    [Sanfam] unless you're Ron Howard or Speilberg or Peter Jackson, you don't really
    [Sanfam] err, you don't really have the ability to automatically sell
    [Sanfam] but Worf, talking about it could actually ruin the project.
    [Sanfam] Studios don't like leaks.
    [Darth_Angelus] true
    [Sanfam] They run a tight ship, because a competitor can get competition up in no time if they find out.
    [Sanfam] anticipation may build, perhaps incorrect images can be put out.
    [Sanfam] You don't want to give the public the wrong initial impression, either.
    [astrom0g] it wouldn't surprise me if more than one of jms's potential opportunities has been ruined because he couldn't resist talking about it on the internet[/I]

    But wait, there's more!
    [I][Darth_Angelus] no
    [Darth_Angelus] because when jms does things, they're usually good
    [Darth_Angelus] peter molyneux's games are often over hyped and don't do what he claimed they would do
    [astrom0g] success!
    [Sanfam] JMS' tv track record isn't so hot.
    [Sanfam] Babylon 5. Fantastic. Crusade: Decent and Cancelled, thus bad. Jeremiah: Great, but cancelled. Thus bad. B5LR: Terrible.
    [Darth_Angelus] you could say the same about joss whedon
    [Darth_Angelus] or something similar
    [Sanfam] Joss has more hits by far.
    [Sanfam] few of his shows have not been marketing success stories.[/I]
  • croxiscroxis I am the walrus
    you cut all my lines! I hate you
  • WORFWORF The Burninator
    I should point out, there's a difference between good and successful. The Phantom Menace was successful but it wasn't good.

  • When I recall the original 'The Gathering' and how bad that was and seeing TLOTR knowing it is only a pilot I can think it would have been a good show.

    So be aware when you watch 'The Gathering' it is not what was aired originally.
  • I would say that this recent post is what JMS was actually referring to when he said he was open to a new series.

    But I wonder... does JMS amuse himself by all the speculation he sets afoot on the RATSB5M newsgroup (*) and internet boards everytime he throws this snippets?

    I must say, the speculation at the JMSnews forum can actually be amusing, just by how wild the guesses get. :D

    I kinda agree with some of you: he should not speak, until it's all signed.
    I'd rather have him announce that a promising project died and he can finally talk about it because it's dead, than these announcements of promising projects, that he can't talk about, that get hopes up only to kill them when the project dies.

    Maybe this one will happen?
    Whatever, I stopped getting excited by such announcements.
    Whenever the project is officially announced I'll care.

    (*) I don't read that, but from past browsing I bet it's abuzz with speculation.
  • SanfamSanfam I like clocks.
    The Gathering was weak. B5LR was terrible.

    And no, success doesn't equate to quality, but success does equate to future ability to get work. If someone has a strong run of successful projects, they are vastly more likely to get more of their work picked up by mainstream studios and get distributed. If they aren't successful, then they have to practically start from scratch every time they begin a new project. Name recognition goes a long way. JMS is worshiped by some fans, unknown to the rest. Joss Whedon known by many times more and has a following which rivals federal lobbyists in raw influence. Why? Because he streams good projects.

    I've never been a Buffy fan, but his resume speaks for itself.
  • The Centary wanting to hitch there wagon to the Humans in the opening speech by Londo, dropped and changed. Takamura flirting with everyone, well mabe just the guys, dropped. changed.
    There were other things changed I don't recall from what is in the DVD. It was bad but I"m a SIFI fanboy.
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