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How Nerd are you?



  • Data CrystalData Crystal Pencil Artist
    I'm shocked!
  • WORFWORF The Burninator
    Data Crystal, you're a disgrace to the forums!

    Only joking of course :)

  • MessiahMessiah Failed Experiment
    WTF DC! Dont you have any hobbies? :p
  • TycoTyco Ranger Texas
  • MelkorMelkor Elite Ranger
  • Light weight nerd. SIFI and comics was my best score. 38% higher.
  • Lord RefaLord Refa Creepy, but in a good way
  • Data CrystalData Crystal Pencil Artist
    I do have to say that I did find my results altogether strange. Apparently my geekiness has gone down over the years. Dang. :D
  • BigglesBiggles <font color=#AAFFAA>The Man Without a Face</font>
    [QUOTE=croxis;164986]Accuracy is getting the same result each time you make a measurement of the same thing. Retake the the test 10 times and the results will probably be close to the same (and also suffer from repeat testing bias, but we can ignore that ;) )[/QUOTE]

    That's consistency, not accuracy. Accuracy means to be correct. :)
  • MessiahMessiah Failed Experiment
    [QUOTE=Data Crystal;165026]I do have to say that I did find my results altogether strange. Apparently my geekiness has gone down over the years. Dang. :D[/QUOTE]

    Maybe you are just getting old. :p
  • Awkward my arse. :rolleyes:
  • Random ChaosRandom Chaos Actually Carefully-selected Order in disguise
  • [url=]
    [img][/img][/url] says I'm a Cool Nerd King.... and I tought that was very nerdy, until I saw the results you guys got.
    If being a nerd god means preferring the internet over sex then I'm happy being just a king!
  • sataicallistasataicallista High Priestess of Squeee!
    Whee I'm a Nerd Queen!
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