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Heh, you know this guy Biggles?

in Zocalo v2.0
[url=]Say No to Vista[/url]
I personally haven't heard of him. What is he like? :) Propable a nogood scoundril, who partyes away like there's no tomorrow.
That guy Biggles is taking some pounding in the media, after a [url=,135814-pg,1/article.html]Network World[/url] report of his latest presentation, a follow-up to the one that motivated this thread...
Look at the end of page 2, at least they recognize that they are discussing comments "reportedly made", the ZDnet pundit they link to seems to think all that was reported was a serious comment. I suspect however that the media focused on exaggerated claims made in jest...
But what sounds more disturbing to me is this....[quote]In a 132-slide PowerPoint presentation, Gutmann outlined numerous features of Vista that he says are frustrating customers and programmers.[/quote][b]132 slides!![/b] :eek:
Must contain Twinkies...