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Delete if you wish, tons of bitching inside.

in Zocalo v2.0
Ok, today has just been horrible I just had to type this somewhere.
The whole world just like... hates me, even god!
My microwave turned itself on while I was at work, almost burned the house down.
My dog is the stupidest animal in the world! Been training her, and she hasn't learned a single thing for over 4 months except to pee everywhere and trying to get out of my back yard by digging out, and completly destroyed my garden and fountain, ripped off some siding, ripped a large tree apart, break metal lines like nothing, digging the ground out from around my house foundation....
Work has completly turned against me. I keep explaining what's wrong.... and it's like... everyone acts like I'm talking a differnt langauge. I went though the redtape and got stuck in it. Today they tell me they won't fix the machine because this high frequency/pitch/whatever sound that makes me just want to kill myself just to not hear it anymore, it isn't high enough decible. Well no SHIT! It's a high frequency sound that goes though all their hearing equipment. I even know the subsystem that's making it, but they won't even look at the peice of shit. They won't repair any of it, they won't fix the safty issues. But the place is the best place to work at... just cramming 10 people into a teamroom of 10' X 10'.... wow tons of space to relax and eat when your on break. Taking away drinks/food online. Taking all of our chairs away. My god stallin was better to his troops, I think! And they are telling me I'm basically going have to wear earplugs the whole time i'm even around the damn team. Wow, thanks for giving me a solution that doesn't work, and wishing I had a gun to blow my head off. And to add insult to injury, my team tells me I'm being unsafe on a station. I wouldn't have any problem if they just tell me WHAT THE FUCK I WAS DOING WRONG! They just said be safe and to watch others around me, which I do both all the time, and just round about the whole damn way, never telling me exactly what I asked, what exactly was I doing wrong to get all three shifts saying I"m doing something wrong!!!!!!! No one will fucking tell me! And I've done that job the same damn way the whole time I've been on the team for over 2 years.
The school system is a fucking joke too! I'm fighting to keep my daughter in the school that she should be going too. The school moved the zoning and she is suppose to go to another school, away from her friends. And the bus driver for that new school is a driver I had and she is a complete utter redneck white trash bitch! My god the other school is 15 minutes closer....but they want my parents to drive her a total of 1 hour every single fricking day. That would be ok if my dad wasn't such a fucking ass and only gave my mom only 20 bucks a week for gas.... for a chevy blazer... that's like... two trips!!!
And... and... I just don't know what the fuck to do anymore. Everyone tells me what I'm doing is wrong, I follow what people say and it's still wrong. Everything about me is fucking wrong, and nothing I do is right or respected one damn bit online or in RL. What is so fucking wrong about helping others... oh that's wrong you have to consider myself, but that's wrong as well. I need my daughter with me more, oh that's wrong I gotta work and have a babysitter for 16 hours. I gotta move to be closer to her, no that's wrong, increase my driving time to 2 hours a day risking sleeping at the wheel. I can't even kill myself, it's wrong and it's too expensive!!! My god what the living fuck is a person suppose to do! I tried not even caring like most people do... OHHH that's wrong too!!!! Do I have a big ass target painted on my ass saying "Target for the whole world!"? Oh they say I should go to college to get a better job... well does that guarentee I will get a better job right off? Where am I going to get the 6-30 grand a year to pay for this while paying for a house, car, child, etc...? The whole world wants me to be this: Happy, Pay for a house/car/bills, go to college, work 12 hrs a day/7 days a week, take care of a pet, go to the doctor, go to the dentis, go to a psycologist, go to a pedaiatrist, upkeep the car/house before the insurance drops me, do all the damn work on every idea I start on but ask for help which no one does, do all this extra work that work requires me to do just in the 40 minutes a day of breaktime I have a day, and... and.. I just don't know... I can't do all of this every single fricking day!
I better stop. Delete if you wish. If your reply, I'll probably flame it because I'm in a really pissy mood.
The whole world just like... hates me, even god!
My microwave turned itself on while I was at work, almost burned the house down.
My dog is the stupidest animal in the world! Been training her, and she hasn't learned a single thing for over 4 months except to pee everywhere and trying to get out of my back yard by digging out, and completly destroyed my garden and fountain, ripped off some siding, ripped a large tree apart, break metal lines like nothing, digging the ground out from around my house foundation....
Work has completly turned against me. I keep explaining what's wrong.... and it's like... everyone acts like I'm talking a differnt langauge. I went though the redtape and got stuck in it. Today they tell me they won't fix the machine because this high frequency/pitch/whatever sound that makes me just want to kill myself just to not hear it anymore, it isn't high enough decible. Well no SHIT! It's a high frequency sound that goes though all their hearing equipment. I even know the subsystem that's making it, but they won't even look at the peice of shit. They won't repair any of it, they won't fix the safty issues. But the place is the best place to work at... just cramming 10 people into a teamroom of 10' X 10'.... wow tons of space to relax and eat when your on break. Taking away drinks/food online. Taking all of our chairs away. My god stallin was better to his troops, I think! And they are telling me I'm basically going have to wear earplugs the whole time i'm even around the damn team. Wow, thanks for giving me a solution that doesn't work, and wishing I had a gun to blow my head off. And to add insult to injury, my team tells me I'm being unsafe on a station. I wouldn't have any problem if they just tell me WHAT THE FUCK I WAS DOING WRONG! They just said be safe and to watch others around me, which I do both all the time, and just round about the whole damn way, never telling me exactly what I asked, what exactly was I doing wrong to get all three shifts saying I"m doing something wrong!!!!!!! No one will fucking tell me! And I've done that job the same damn way the whole time I've been on the team for over 2 years.
The school system is a fucking joke too! I'm fighting to keep my daughter in the school that she should be going too. The school moved the zoning and she is suppose to go to another school, away from her friends. And the bus driver for that new school is a driver I had and she is a complete utter redneck white trash bitch! My god the other school is 15 minutes closer....but they want my parents to drive her a total of 1 hour every single fricking day. That would be ok if my dad wasn't such a fucking ass and only gave my mom only 20 bucks a week for gas.... for a chevy blazer... that's like... two trips!!!
And... and... I just don't know what the fuck to do anymore. Everyone tells me what I'm doing is wrong, I follow what people say and it's still wrong. Everything about me is fucking wrong, and nothing I do is right or respected one damn bit online or in RL. What is so fucking wrong about helping others... oh that's wrong you have to consider myself, but that's wrong as well. I need my daughter with me more, oh that's wrong I gotta work and have a babysitter for 16 hours. I gotta move to be closer to her, no that's wrong, increase my driving time to 2 hours a day risking sleeping at the wheel. I can't even kill myself, it's wrong and it's too expensive!!! My god what the living fuck is a person suppose to do! I tried not even caring like most people do... OHHH that's wrong too!!!! Do I have a big ass target painted on my ass saying "Target for the whole world!"? Oh they say I should go to college to get a better job... well does that guarentee I will get a better job right off? Where am I going to get the 6-30 grand a year to pay for this while paying for a house, car, child, etc...? The whole world wants me to be this: Happy, Pay for a house/car/bills, go to college, work 12 hrs a day/7 days a week, take care of a pet, go to the doctor, go to the dentis, go to a psycologist, go to a pedaiatrist, upkeep the car/house before the insurance drops me, do all the damn work on every idea I start on but ask for help which no one does, do all this extra work that work requires me to do just in the 40 minutes a day of breaktime I have a day, and... and.. I just don't know... I can't do all of this every single fricking day!
I better stop. Delete if you wish. If your reply, I'll probably flame it because I'm in a really pissy mood.
I dont have any answers, and Im just too tired from work to type anything brilliant, but if you want to flame someone, go ahead. :)
Uhh hello, "Can't i do something about it" Believe me lady, if i could control the weather, do you think i'd be working in an internet cafe???
They exaggerate problems to my bosses boss, who is their best fucking buddy in the world, so the perception of me in the VP's eyes is that I'm a worthless employee, my boss is pissed because he has things rolling down on him, and he knows where its coming from, but feels powerless to stop it because of their relationship with his boss. They flat out lie about me to other people, they had the new guy convinced I was a piece of shit to the extent of, the new guys wife was pissed that he had to work with me because they told her that while on the road, I am an alcoholic and I cheat on my wife and I try to get other people to do the same.
Forget the fact that I have been married for 9 years and have NEVER cheated on my wife, and last time I was with them, they had a 2 fucking mini-kegs of beer in their hotel room to drink.
They are fucking lazy, they don't do any work anymore, they "supervise" and make other people work like they are in some kind of management position. Which, they aren't. They make me stressed out. I think I am on the verge of getting fired, and these 2 assholes are the ones pulling the behind the scenes strings of my bosses boss. Being this stressed out, is causing a toll on me, I was coming back from a sit in south texas yesterday, and I left my fucking car keys in the hotel. So here I am last night, standing at the airport in Dallas, 2 hours away from the house, in the rain, staring at my car with no keys and I couldn't get a hold of my wife.
I wanted to scream yesterday. The only thing I got going for me is my other 2 co workers are starting to see it, including the new guy who formed his own opinion pretty quick. It helped that they had the audacity to try to make him their bitch too, and basically told them, Im hear to work, not be someones go fetch boy. My boss sees it too, and I think he is working on something, but I don't have a lot of faith that he can get rid of them when they are buddy buddy with his boss. And since I have to be A J Squared away with every fucking stitch of paperwork and then some, I don't know if he will be able to do something before his boss tells him to fire me.
The thing I don't get is, What is the fucking point??? They are lazy. What is getting me fired going to solve? It will be 6 months before they can find a replacement. Probably another 6 months to train him up to do what I can do. Who the fuck is going to do the work I am doing? New guy? No, he was hired to do a specific job that I can't do. My other co worker is more swamped than I am. And whats with the personal attacks? I can only assume they use me as a scapegoat to their wives. In which case, I feel sorry for their wives.
I have another job lined up, but Im not sure when they will be able to hire me. These things take a while in approvals for some of the bigger companies. I interviewed months ago, and one of the guys who works over there is pushing for me to get the position. I know it hasnt been filled yet, so Im just waiting... Waiting, and trying to scrape the shit off myself...
I always find it funny when the "favourites" at work get away with murder (not literally of course) and you need some slack and can't get it. Some of these "favourites" in my place play Warcraft all day and are consider great workers.
Bah screw em I say. Just do what you feel is right at the end of the day.
Trident is there no health and safety inspection thing you can call in? They are pretty good at that where I work, mainly because the uni is afraid of getting sued.
This weekend will be a welcomed rest from the weekly stress and much drinking to disconnect for a while.
Work clicks, god don't you just love that shit... *shakes head* some people may have the diploma but never graduated from High School.
I've been having a good laugh at the recent new employee packets I've been seeing where they emphasize that Unions are not needed, as if they have a say when employees decide to act in numbers. This isn't to say that a union is the answer anyway, but the impact is clear...
People usually don't rise to fight back so as not to jeopardize what meager financial situation they have left. For example the mortgage mentioned above.
Medical insurance is the big influence now, employees are paying more for it, and getting less services out of it. Another stress to stay put and eat shit...
I know your pain as well, and wish I had some miraculous thing to do or say.
I wish I could help with the more upsetting things, but all the advice I can offer is about the dog training: it takes a lot of time and patience, and it's an everyday effort. Also, positive reinforcement (doggy snacks as prizes fro good behaviour) works best.
It's a lot of effort and you have to repeat each exercise many times, and you have to be around to correct bad behavior (dogs don't have that much memory to realize what you are yelling about).
My wife and I decided to pay a trainer for our Airedale Terrier, Amber, since we both work we are not at home most of the time, and when we are we'd rather rest than dedicate one hour or so to teach Amber.
It was worth it, she's still an animal, but for the most part she behaves well.
You only have 24 hours a day, since you don't have time to do everything, then reduce your load. It may sound harsh but maybe a dog isn't for you, they are all cute and cuddly but they require a lot of your time and attention. And not all dogs are compatible with your life-style. There is a very good reason why we have a lap dog. The way you describe it, the dog doesn't appear to be a perfect match and that's making things difficult on both of you.
I guess, if things are already rotten at work, there is little left for you to do to save the situation. It's usually a good idea to discuss things together and listen to feedback. We all make mistakes, nobody's perfect. If you are already beyond the point of no return, I'd seriously consider switching to a new job a.s.a.p. because these "games" can't go on forever. Unless they pay you a great salary... money does compensate for some of the annoyances at work, but there's also a limit to that.
And don't give up, we all go through stuff like this, the only difference is the smell. :D
No, don't go ahead. Flaming will get you banned.
[QUOTE=SpiritOne;162913]I know it hasnt been filled yet, so Im just waiting... Waiting, and trying to scrape the shit off myself...[/QUOTE]
The waiting is the worst part. I hate the waiting.
Fallout from the trip I just took. It was the me, the new guy, my coworker who isn't an asshole and guy from Cali out to give us more training on Philips scanners. The local guy felt jaded, because he has no patience and acted like a dick to my coworker. He (being the good coworker) got told today to play the company line or suffer the consequences. End result, he called me and said to be careful, cause he is going to look for new work.
Maybe I should have said go ahead an pm me instead.. ;)
[URL=""]Study at University of Missouri[/URL]
My brother came over for a bit from 1,500 miles away. The Jack barked at him so the Ridge Back had to bark too. The jack nipped him! He hates the jack.
And if your thinking ' poor little whiny me ' at least you git to go home from work! The husband works three jobs so it's just me and the dogs most of the time.
[URL=""]Study at University of Missouri[/URL][/QUOTE]
Hey, that's my alma mater!
Interesting use of the term "co-ruminate"...
You were really struggling for something to say, weren't you?