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Where is everybooty?

Lord RefaLord Refa Creepy, but in a good way
I dont remember this place being this quiet...

It's like when I went to see Matrix 2.. Everyone was asleep.


  • StingrayStingray Elite Ranger
    I hope every booty is in her pants. :D

    Not much to talk or argue about I guess. But for some reason there are 117 users reading the Zocalo forum... who are they and what are they doing? :D

    I'm fairly sure there are more interesting topics than ship hulls, ascii art and Bill Gates... somewhere. :laugh:
  • Vorlons in my HeadVorlons in my Head The Vorlons told me to.
    I fell asleep during the Matrix 2. For real.
  • StingrayStingray Elite Ranger
    I got the Matrix 10-DVD box-set at a bargain price because I liked the first movie quite a lot and I didn't go see the 2nd and 3rd in the theater. I saw the 2nd movie a few weeks ago and it's indeed a lesser movie. I haven't seen the 3rd one yet, but I'm not expecting much.

    It's really sad when they do find material with so much potential and then they fumble and produce cinematic duds afterwards. While the special effects are nice, they don't carry the movie, something that should be common knowledge by now. Unless this year's box-office hits are proving me wrong, yet again.
  • Random ChaosRandom Chaos Actually Carefully-selected Order in disguise
    I'm hiding.
  • Lord RefaLord Refa Creepy, but in a good way
    I like booty when it's out in the open. But I dont like flat booty.. I dont like too large booty either..

    I used to have big booty, but now it's skinny booty. My booty is out now. But I dont like to look at my booty. So I dont show it to anyone.

    But some watch it still..

    I wonder if I will finish that video for Big Brother application and if I could get in.. then my booty would be all over the internets.
  • I can't stand the Matrix. Any of them.
  • Event Horizon. Proof being in space doesn't fix all bad writing. It made me cry.
  • HuntSmackerHuntSmacker Firstones Ambassador to Starcraftia
    I rather liked Event Horizon. And since Sam Neill made that BBC Space Series, I've been scared shitless of Black Holes.
  • Falcon1Falcon1 Elite Ranger
    Matrix 1 was great and ground breaking. The others, tedious, boring and up their own arses imo. Shame really as it could have been so great.

    For a Paul Anderson film Event Horizon is actually pretty good. I love the design of the ship, was really cool.

    It sure has been quiet round here. Think things will pick up after the 29th of July ;)
  • Alec MAlec M Award Winning Poster
    [QUOTE=Falcon1;161788]Think things will pick up after the 29th of July ;)[/QUOTE]

    Most definitely. A lot of the B5 forums are pretty quiet these days. I think it's to be expected after so long.
  • Space GhostSpace Ghost Elite Ranger
    The Matrix 2 and 3 tried too hard to be cerebral and, consequently, sucked.
  • Vorlons in my HeadVorlons in my Head The Vorlons told me to.
    The Matrix 2 gets my #1 spot in biggest dissapointment after the greatest anticipation of a sequel ever.

    Event Horizon was awesome IMO. One of my favorite scary flicks. Its a great film to watch when you have no idea what its about. Spooks the hell out of most people thinking they're just watching a normal sci-fi movie.

    I need to get my suit drycleaned before next friday.

    The forums should pickup with TLT and BSG season 4.

    Sanding fiberglass sucks.

    I like tight booty.
  • Lord RefaLord Refa Creepy, but in a good way
    I liked Event Horizon.. I even actually liked the first Resident Evil movie. Was it any more true to the games as Transformers will be to comics? Not really no.. but was it entertaining? yes.

    And Event Horizon.. lots of my favorite actors in it. And those scenes from hell.. I wish I could get all of the film they did. I mean, in the version we have now, there's like 10 % of the stuff they shot.. :'(
  • Data CrystalData Crystal Pencil Artist
    Uu! Event Horizon. One of my favourite scary flicks as well. I have to buy it on DVD one of these days... just looking for a sale. ^^ Definitely in my top 2 of scary flicks, along with In The Mouth Of Madness.

    And I liked Resident Evils, the movies, I mean. Literally almost nothing to do with the games, but entertaining. I even have both on DVD. x-)
  • Lord RefaLord Refa Creepy, but in a good way
    Have to disagree with that last statement.. Resident Evil 2 was the shite.. It really didnt have much else for it than Jovovich nipples.. and that didnt save it either.

    Too much too bad acting..

    Not hoping much from Resident Evil : Extinction either.. even if it has Wesker in it...

    About Event Horizon.. I got the special collectors edition (that one that looks like a big pod or something) for 10 euros last year in Anttila..
  • CurZCurZ Resident Hippy
    I like all three Matrix movies. They are what they are, a story, and I find it an entertaining story. Good enough for me.
  • Data CrystalData Crystal Pencil Artist
    Darn ye, Refa! That "pod" -edition is exactly what I've been looking for, although the cheapest that I've ever seen it was something like EUR 17.50

    Oh well, maybe at some point.
  • C_MonC_Mon A Genuine Sucker
    I've been drunk. Midsummer party stuff usually does that to me.
  • As it seams more then one Event Horizon is being discussed,...


    It was great 'till the monster showed up and ruined the movie.

    Editorial Reviews quit close to what I think.
  • I thought Event Horizon was cool. One of the few movies I've ever seen that's scared me a little (aside from when I was a kid and a lot of stupid movies scared me).
  • WORFWORF The Burninator
    I have always been here.

  • Random ChaosRandom Chaos Actually Carefully-selected Order in disguise
    Aardvarks are a three-colored creature: Purple, Green, and Blue.
  • Space GhostSpace Ghost Elite Ranger
    You wanna know what scares the shit out of me? Refa's avatar. Jesus, that thing is creepy!
  • BigglesBiggles <font color=#AAFFAA>The Man Without a Face</font>
    Curz's new one is worse.
  • If you want more of Refa's avatar creepiness go here:


    (The undergrad run school newspaper where I went to grad school featured some of those comic strips for a while).

    About the Matrix:
    I saw through the facade of the first one: I knew there wasn't anything intelligent about any of it. I was expecting nothing but crap from the sequels.
    I actually entered the movie theater with my brain on stand-by, in a let's-enjoy-the-visuals-and-not-see-through-the-plot-holes state of mind.
    And even expecting crap and in a vegetative state I found Matrix 2 and 3 disappointing....

    I think that [b]Dark City[/b] was a better movie than Matrix 1.
    Matrix 2 and 3 should have been condensed into one sequel, and even then it would have been a bad one. Matrix 2 and 3 were nothing but excess visual effects over a thin plot.
    When a scene that is supposed to be moving and emotional (the Neo-Trinity long dialogue) evokes nothing but yawns from the audience you know something went wrong.

    As to where am I... at home, it's Sunday night.
  • StrikerStriker Provided with distinction
    I'm still here. :)
  • Lord RefaLord Refa Creepy, but in a good way
    Oh yea. Dark City! It's awesome.. Great visuals, good story.. very good action.

    Just got to love it.

    Sure, Matrix 1 had it's good parts.. but the trilogy made it bad..

    It's pretty hard for them to make any sequels to Dark City tho.. cuz of the ending. First time I felt good after a happy ending really.

    I just wonder what happens to the city after the main character dies.. I mean, he can't live forever.. so...

    And Curz's avatar is odd. The first time I saw it I had to take a double take.. It's just not something you'd expect really. It doesnt even look remotely like him, that I remember of. Unlike mine, which is nearly like a twin to my real self.
  • Event Horizon scared the pants off me because like 12 years ago, I had a hypothosis or therory, can't remember which is which to use correctly anymore, on something very simmiluar to what they used. I was like hell, if I made this thing, I could have sent myself to hell! Good thing I suck at math!

    I love all the Matrix. The last one, the ending was crummy, and so much wasn't explained. Animatrix explained some, but not all. They should remake it, they have been remaking everything so far, so why not matrix again? :p

    Oh yea 8 more days till Transformers!!!! I CAN'T WAIT!!!!
  • Entil'ZhaEntil'Zha I see famous people
    EH is one of my favorite movies, Another pretty scary movie, also coincidentally starring Sam Neil.. is In the mouth of madness.

    As for Resident Evil, I love them, all of them, not a single one of them were good movies, they were trashy, lame zombie flicks, and i loved every Milla asskicking moment of them. (incidentally, Milla's nipples can save almost any film IMHO)

    I am looking forward to the last Resident Evil movie, because unlike 28 Weeks later, i already KNOW that RE III is going to be a bad movie, i'm not going to see it for it to be a good movie, i'm going to see it because its going to be bad. it's a B Sci Fi movie, nothing more, nothing less, i put it right up there with other bad sci-fi thats so bad it's good, "Plan 9 from Outer Space" "Battle Beyond the Stars" "THEM"
  • Lord RefaLord Refa Creepy, but in a good way
    I watched In the Mouth of Madness with my current gf.. she didn't get it.

    I still think it's one of the greatest mind fucking horror movies. It all makes sense in some disturbed way.. and It's one hell of a Lovecraftian movie.
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