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Hello from my new smartphone

C_MonC_Mon A Genuine Sucker
yeah! Posting this using my phone. It got wifi so just playing around using my home network.


  • StingrayStingray Elite Ranger
    Well that sucks, I see no difference. :D (Which smartphone did you get?)
  • Random ChaosRandom Chaos Actually Carefully-selected Order in disguise
    Still just as incomprehensible as ever! :D :p
  • C_MonC_Mon A Genuine Sucker
    heh. You be very funny. I got the Nokia N95.
  • croxiscroxis I am the walrus
  • AlaricAlaric Damn kids! Get off my island!
  • TycoTyco Ranger Texas
    I love being able to surf over to Firstones on my Palm Treo 680... glad to see another mobile user!
  • AnlaShokAnlaShok Democrat From Hell
    I love my Treo700. So much better than my old 600.
  • C_MonC_Mon A Genuine Sucker
    cool to know there are other mobile users here.
  • Where do you people get the money for these things! **cries because he only has GEFORCE 7600gs cards!**
  • BigglesBiggles <font color=#AAFFAA>The Man Without a Face</font>
  • C_MonC_Mon A Genuine Sucker
    well, I find my money from work and not paying rent :-/ I live at my parents, but going to move away at the end of summer somewhere depending on which school I get accepted into. That's why I buy all these cool stuff now when I don't have any rent and stuff like that to pay (but I still pay my parents about 50-100 euros per month because I want to).

    hmm, a 7600gs is nice, just overclock it like hell and you'll almost have a 7600gt ;) the problem is the memory on it, not as good as the one on a gf7600gt so it won't reach the same speed and because of that won't ever be as fast.
  • AnlaShokAnlaShok Democrat From Hell
    Rebate on top of rebate on top of instant savings for having the contract for more than two years = affordable Treo 700p.

    Yes, 700p, not 700w. I was not going to pay an extra $50 for a MicroLimp OS on my phone.

    And my 8800GTS was from my tax refund.
  • C_MonC_Mon A Genuine Sucker
    heh, I also got a 8800gts. :)
  • Random ChaosRandom Chaos Actually Carefully-selected Order in disguise
    I'm running a 7950gt AGP
  • SanfamSanfam I like clocks.
    9800 Pro AGP :p
  • croxiscroxis I am the walrus
    Hamsters that paint my screen
  • AnlaShokAnlaShok Democrat From Hell
    Your 9800 pro AGP is ATI, right?

    We're nVivdia, so the numbers are a wee bit different. My card is PCI-e and Extremely Fast.
  • BigglesBiggles <font color=#AAFFAA>The Man Without a Face</font>
    This is just a guess, but I think he probably knew that. :p
  • StingrayStingray Elite Ranger
    What do video cards have to do with smartphones?

    Anyway, I got to play with a co-workers new Sony VAIO® UX Series Micro PC (a sub-notebook) yesterday. It runs Windows Vista, it's got no harddrive, but 32GB of flash memory, 1024x600 maximum resolution, touch screen and thumb mouse control and it comes with 2 build-in camera lenses (front and back). Link: [URL=""][/URL]

    It's a very nice and pricey gadget, but I fail to see what you are going to do with something like that. I suppose if you really need to be mobile but don't want to carry a large backpack with your notebook in it, or if you need to use a computer on the go and then even a notebook can become heavy after a while. This VAIO is the size of a SRL camera and doesn't weigh much more. Not sure how you are supposed to make phone calls, don't think it's ready for such use, unless you use Skype and a wifi connection.
  • FreezeFreeze Disguised as a Trainee
    I have [url=]Nokia N73 Music Edition[/url] with a 2GB MiniSD memory card, 3.2 Mpix camera with Zeiss optics and use my phone also for navigating with [url=]TomTom Navigator 6[/url]. Couldn't be much happier. :)

    Well .. except if my car wasn't a 18 year old [url=]Toyota Corolla 1.6 LB[/url] (the car in the picture is not mine, but similar).
  • BigglesBiggles <font color=#AAFFAA>The Man Without a Face</font>
    [QUOTE=Stingray;161298]What do video cards have to do with smartphones?[/QUOTE]

    Um... hello? Firstones?
  • StingrayStingray Elite Ranger
    I guess that's one of the drawbacks of having a spinning forum... :D

    Speaking of smart phones, I'm going the simple way. I currently use a Nokia 1600, my next one on my wish list is the Nokia 1650... it comes with an FM radio and a flashlight... I suppose the 1600-something will come with a corkscrew and a nail clipper. :D

    The advantage, at such an affordable price, I can switch to a newer model more often and not feel bad about it.
  • C_MonC_Mon A Genuine Sucker
    Actually, talking about graphic accelerators migh fit in this thread as the Nokia N95 got a graphics accelerator. Also, I did read in reviews that the n95 gps isn't that great before I bought the phone, but imo it's quite good. As long as you let it get sattelite connection before you begin moving. And then the video play back is great, sure it got a small screen but because I can watch the videos in landscape in full screen it's doable in busses or other places you got nothing better to do.
  • I should be posting this from my Palm LifeDrive to relate to the topic more, but I am not.

    Yet having that gadget I know it's cool to have mobile internet access via WiFi in a portable device, I've used it several times when at work and well away from my computer, or in hotels when travelling.
  • TycoTyco Ranger Texas
    i wish that my treo 680 had wifi... but i gues I'll live with AT&Ts media plan.
  • FreezeFreeze Disguised as a Trainee
    Actually according to Futuremark's 3D test software results Nokia N93 outperforms N95.
  • C_MonC_Mon A Genuine Sucker
    yeah, that's because the whole N series got the same graphics stuff, then there's alot of the interface and stuff running that will change the performance. I'm a bit drunk atm so I don't feel like finding all the info about the stuff. MAybe I'll post more tomorrow.
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