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Happy VD Everyone!

in Zocalo v2.0
Well, V-Day brings the first snow storm to NYC even though it's pretty weak by my awesome Canadian standards I still have to trudge through it to go to Tor today :)
Have a good day all! :D
Have a good day all! :D
Anyway, hope you all get a lot of love. Hugs all around from me. :)
another year of surviving all attempts to lure us into the bonds of the terror that is the relationship!
But yeah, Happy Valentine's Day to you too. :D
That was much minded and of love, so I pitch the following thiswise, with all of love:[quote]"We-they wooed you to pitch you-yours thiswise," the creature said. With a thump, a book from the DFC-3's ample library fell to the deck beside the hammock. "We wooed there and there for a many. You are the being-Garrard. We-they are the clinesterton beademung, with all of love."
"With all of love," Garrard echoed. The beademung's use of the language they were both speaking was odd; but again Garrard could find no logical reason why the beademung's usage should be considered wrong.
"Are--are you-they from Alpha Centauri?" he said hesitantly.
"Yes, we hear the twin radioceles, that show there beyond the gift-orifices. We-they pitched that the being-Garrard with most adoration these twins and had mind to them, soft and loud alike. How do you hear?"
This time the being-Garrard understood the question. "I hear Earth," he said. "But that is very soft, and does not show."
"Yes," said the beademung. "It is a harmony, not a first, as ours. The All-Devouring listens to lovers there, not on the radioceles. Let me-mine pitch you-yours so to have mind of the rodalent beademung and other brother and lovers, along the channel which is fragrant to the being-Garrard."
Garrard found that he understood the speech without difficulty. The thought occurred to him that to understand a language on its own terms--without having to put it back into English in one's mind--is an ability that is won only with difficulty and long practice. Yet, instantly his mind said, "But it *is* English," which of course it was. The offer the clinesterton beademung had just made was enormously hearted, and he in turn was much minded and of love, to his own delighting as well as to the beademungen; that almost went without saying.[/quote](James Blish, "Common Time")
Hey, not only it has all of love, but gift-orifices and Centauri aliens!
So that would make this VD in particular "VBTRD," for Victory over the Bonds of the Terror that is the Relationship Day? Geek factor just dropped 10 points.... :(
That's exactly what I thought of when I read the title...
Roses are red,
Violets are purple,
Which is a very hard word to rhyme
And makes me happy that on February the 14th we don't traditionally
have to give each other oranges
(thats what relationships do I guess)
Oh, and Ive got my second date today..
Its wierd dating someone youve known for 6 years..
Good luck on your date!