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in Zocalo v2.0
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Man-made pyramid 1/3 taller than great pyramid of Giza found in Europe|: [url][/url]
Man-made pyramid 1/3 taller than great pyramid of Giza found in Europe|: [url][/url]
If you want to be really nit-picky, the mounds of ancient scandinavia could also be small pyramids, only with round boulders instead of carved stone.. ;)
More evidence for Big Bang Theory: [url][/url]
Black holes are Green: [url][/url]
Tongue soldures: [url][/url]
Best place for sex: austria, worse: japan: [url][/url]
People who like to shop are slightly mad: [url],,2087-2147760,00.html[/url]
Lawnmowing is dangerous to yoru health: [url][/url]
I cannot subscribe to this thread.
Ergo, *hits Croxis with a rubber aardvark*
Evidence that our solar system is a binary system: [url][/url]
Freedom of speech!
That's like the second rule of FO membership.. the First being to Forsake all other gods except Biggles...:D
***hammers the BIG RED BUTTON***
oh wait they wont.
New hybrid Engines: [url][/url]
Why Rice Crispies Snap Crackle and Pop: [url][/url]
Just perdy: [url][/url]
Sorry... :p
BBC major revamp including their myspace killer and BBC iPlayer: [url],,1760999,00.html[/url]
Geek Employees take out their CEO and CFO: [url][/url]
[B]Evidence that our solar system is a binary system: [url][/url] [/B][/QUOTE] Mmhhh, seems to me the EurekAlert site got spammed...
That is a press release from a fringe org with bunches of quotes from other people and name dropping actual scientists but no details backing up their claim nor anything new, much less a mention of an actual scientific paper.
[B]*paints big red button purple* [/B][/QUOTE]
Since the contrast of red is green, it should really be green, rather than purple.
Shear numbers is where greeb has the advantage, but Purple is just way more subtle and cunning, and thus Purple always wins in the end. :D
Why dont you take the purple egg then, well see whos is coolest when it opens..
(Wierd, but anyway)
Oh, and Green!