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Why myspace SUCKS

in Zocalo v2.0
I do, however, belong to facebook so I can't say too many bad things about those kind of sites.
[B]Yeah, I refuse to join myspace. It's just filled with a bunch of teenagers who think they have something important to contribute to the world... which they don't.[/B][/QUOTE]... who think writing barely understandable messed text is somehow indication of skills.
Read the next 4 or 5 too. I particularly like the Geocities comparison.
[URL=]Myspace: The Movie[/URL]
[B]My cousin has an account :([/B][/QUOTE]
That's nothing. So does Tyvar. :D
[B]My cousin has an account :(
[URL=]Myspace: The Movie[/URL] [/B][/QUOTE]
That was funny... and disturbing at the same time.
Myspace is like the personal homepages from the mid 90s, except instead of animated gifs we have flash and media player movies.
[B]... who think writing barely understandable messed text is somehow indication of skills. [/B][/QUOTE]
thats Skillz
I have a myspace account, only so i can keep up with my daughter who's now living in New York.
Myspace is a scourge and must be destroyed.. KILL KILL KILL.
uhh, nevermind,
Texas Community College Bans
The Associated Press
Monday, April 24, 2006; 7:51 AM
CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas -- Del Mar College students now have to use computers outside the school's system if they want to visit the popular Web site The community college has blocked the site in response to complaints about sluggish Internet speed on campus computers.
An investigation found that heavy traffic at was eating up too much bandwidth, said August Alfonso, the school's chief of information and technology. Forty percent of daily Internet traffic at the college involved the site, he said.
Check out this site too:
The "top ten myspace clichés" is like, oh, so true dude!!!
I actually made a profile there, some online friends from a music site invited me, but I've left that page languish, I have serious doubts about ever again updating it (I'd rather spend my online time lurking here and other places). Maybe if myspace ever goes out of fashion so it can become useful for something beyond teenage angst (and info for [url=] police busts[/url] of [url=] stupid teens[/url]) I'll think about using it again.
There's a brief mention in this Wired page: [url],70679-0.html[/url]
[B]That's nothing. So does Tyvar. :D [/B][/QUOTE]
Yes, but Im Tyvar, stalker extraordinair, and myspace is [I]one of the best free stalking resources ever! [/I] ;)
Its a great tool for figuring out where old aquaintances are, what they are doing, best routes to plan your day to avoid those annoying conversations, you know things like "why did the ATF raid my appartment?" stuff like that.
Beware, the Magical Grid Of Bad Emo Hair®!
I fear the day when all googles results are from myspace.
*does the warleader dance of joy!