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Google going after e-bay and cregslist

in Zocalo v2.0
Bad news - any signifigant split in the online auction community will also split the buyer pool, lowering prices.
Jake gives a login window...
I have a gmail account and it gave it as my login account automatically when I loaded it, but my gmail password doesn't work (maybe the system is offline and when it comes online it will?)
ArsTechnica has a small write-up
Seems it will be a more general database than just selling.
There is a link to a blog there with a wee-bit more info.
Seems quite interesting...
[B]Good news - Google could make some real improvements on eBays methods, specificly handling fraudulent auctions and bidders with which eBay does a poor job...and that "formidable feedback" system? You get screwed, leave and negitive feedback, then what happens, even though you were the victim, you end up with negitive feedback from the buyer.
Bad news - any signifigant split in the online auction community will also split the buyer pool, lowering prices.
Jake [/B][/QUOTE]
Lets not forget the specifics about ebay's handling of fraud, too. While they "investigate every case to the fullest," they have a nasty tendency to overlook large sellers who repeatedly commit fraud due to the fact that they sell so much and thus produce so much revenue in terms of transaction fees for ebay.