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Depressed again, dont know why.

in Zocalo v2.0
I have been depressed off and on over the last few weeks. and I really do not know why, Life if going prity good for me, I have a job and I am making money for once.
I have not been like this scince December, Again, dont remember why I was depressed back then.
So dont take anything seriousy from me when I start to say cruel things again.
I have not been like this scince December, Again, dont remember why I was depressed back then.
So dont take anything seriousy from me when I start to say cruel things again.
You should try cutting other people and drinking their blood for start. Cuz it's a pain with them scars, not going away.
don't need to explain why to you guys though...
I'll trade you problems...
[B]Cutting myself and drinking my own blood seemed to cheer me out a bit when i was most depressed.
You should try cutting other people and drinking their blood for start. Cuz it's a pain with them scars, not going away. [/B][/QUOTE]
It's a lot more reaonable suggestion than Refa's -- and besides, hell could prove refreshing.
I've found the news that [url=] exercise may be as useful as medication to fight depression[/url] very interesting.
While I was depressed my therapist (yep, it reached that point where I needed [i]both[/i] therapy and medication, which I wouldn't have gone for if my wife had not insisted) suggested that I exercised.
I did, some 30 minutes every other day, it helped.
I haven't been that depressed again.
Maybe it's because I'm now out of graduate school, so my life is less pressured. Also, I think that I can now recognize the warning signs and try to prevent falling into full depression.
It really sucks feeling so down.
I hope you overcome it soon.
[B]Cutting myself and drinking my own blood seemed to cheer me out a bit when i was most depressed.
You should try cutting other people and drinking their blood for start. Cuz it's a pain with them scars, not going away. [/B][/QUOTE]
:D :D
Bloodhound Gang has few pretty good ones..
You cant miss the names of the songs. :)
Am I just a sick twisted fuck, or does that song give some resemblance of hope to others as well?
Not just the lyrics.. the whole song and music.
Do do do do do do do do do
Do do do do do do do do do
I sort of became better when I got slightly insane.
But i'm fine now.
I'm collecting masks now.
I'm building a secret batcave beneath my room.. shh...
it's a secret.
I will battle evil from there.
Just don't start Drinking and Druging on a daily bases. After a few years of that I have 50 pounds I cannot loose or is that how I got out of depression?
Since there is no cause your aware of there might be something your eating,not eating, or combination. I have heard diet can effect depression level allot, has to do with bio chemical technical stuff and the brain.
The last 6 months I have actly been happy for once..... but. no... not anymore. I am basicly in my mental state as of before late december 2004.
[url=]Demystifying Depression: Part I[/url]
[url=]Demystifying Depression: Part II[/url]
It's a very well written pair of articles examining the nature of depression. Look over them and think about it for a little while.
edit: oops...unwikifying :P
Interesting reading, and despite being a nitpicky person with a slight understanding of biology... I couldn't spot any obvious error.
It deserves taking a look at, and introduces in sensible fashion multiple mechanisms... using which the human brain responds to various conditions (and in our modern world, sometimes responds in less-than-optimal fashion)... how it is supposed to recover from them... and which factors can prevent this.
It also contains referenes to various approaches (best recommended by a well-informed doctor) for reducing its chance of getting exhausted, and boosting its chances for recovery.
We already tried the drug scene in the 60's...
Have we really found better ones yet?
[B]It seems the Great Depression has set in to the following successive generations.
We already tried the drug scene in the 60's...
Have we really found better ones yet? [/B][/QUOTE]
I dont know about passing the joint.. Even alcohol seems to have less and less effect on me.. Drank a bottle of 23% last weekend and didnt really feel much..
But a bukkake party would cheer me up
[B]I dont know about passing the joint.. Even alcohol seems to have less and less effect on me.. Drank a bottle of 23% last weekend and didnt really feel much..
But a bukkake party would cheer me up [/B][/QUOTE] Bukkake on your face or your thai friend?
[B]Bukkake on your face or your thai friend?
:whip: [/B][/QUOTE]
Preferrably on some cute japanese girl, from the ages 17-20, and with tits the size of melons.
Tied up too.
Drinking lots of coffee has stoped working:(
And when you are depressed, it really helps listening to some heavy metalmusic or listening to depressive songs, atleast for me.
Like the text below, nice to know that there exists stuff that are more depressing than I am feeling myself, which is positive :)
Anathema Anyone, Anywhere lyrics
No one seems to care anymore
(as) I wander through this night all alone
No one feels the pain I have inside
Looking at this world through my eyes
No one really cares where I go
Searching to feel warmth forever more
The wheels of life they turn without me
Now you are gone... eternally
Don't leave me here
The dream carries (me) on
I know...
Its not too late
Lost moments blown away
Mankind, with your heresy
Can't you see that this is killing me
There's no one in this life
To be here with me at my side
Basically, my point is that: Be happy with what you got, not everyone is that lucky...I have never heard about any mass-depression in Africa :)
A small human only pretends to die
it wanted to be completely alone
the small heart stood still for hours
so they decided it was dead
it is being buried in wet sand
with a music box in its hand
The first snow covers the grave
it woke the child very softly
in a cold winter night
the small heart is awakened
As the frost flew into the child
it wound up the music box
a melody in the wind
and the child sings from the ground
Up and down, rider
and no angel climbs down
my heart does not beat anymore
only the rain cries on the grave
up and down, rider
a melody in the wind
my heart does not beat anymore
and the child sings from the ground
The cold moon, in full magnificence
it hears the cries in the night
and no angel climbs down
only the rain cries on the grave
Between hard oak boards
it will play with the music box
a melody in the wind
and the child sings from the ground
Up and down, rider
and no angel climbs down
my heart does not beat anymore
only the rain cries on the grave
up and down, rider
a melody in the wind
my heart does not beat anymore
and the child sings from the ground
Up and down, rider
my heart does not beat anymore
On Totensonntag they heard
this melody from god's field
then they unearthed it
they saved the small heart in the child
Up and down, rider
a melody in the wind
my heart does not beat anymore
and the child sings on the ground
up and down, rider
and no angel climbs down
my heart does not beat anymore
only the rain cries on the grave
[B]I am feeling a tad better.. I think its going away for abit, but I dunno... Atleast I am not depressed when I am at work.. I seem to be depressed when I am home... There is somthing thats is responsilble for it, but I dont really want to talk about it... no point
Well, being at home is shitty....especially now when I am at my parents place (summer vacation), even worse when I am studying though. I suppose I am too restless / got too much energy to be, and feel comfortable, being alone.
To feel comfortable, I either need something to do all the time, or be with someone.....relaxing is not an option
That and theres porn. ;)