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The magnetic shift...

in Zocalo v2.0
[URL=]Mag Pole Shift[/URL]
Pay particular attention to this one part of the article...
Curiously, the speed with which the pole moves could be related to dramatic events like the massive earthquake that caused last December's devastating tsunami. That quake was big enough to alter the shape of Earth and jar the planet into a slightly different axis of rotation. It also had enough power to jolt the molten iron that powers the magnetic field, and could be partly responsible for magnetic "jerks" that are propelling the magnetic North Pole, Newitt said.
Maybe that's why our seasons out here in CA for example seem like they have been offset by a couple months lately.
Pay particular attention to this one part of the article...
Curiously, the speed with which the pole moves could be related to dramatic events like the massive earthquake that caused last December's devastating tsunami. That quake was big enough to alter the shape of Earth and jar the planet into a slightly different axis of rotation. It also had enough power to jolt the molten iron that powers the magnetic field, and could be partly responsible for magnetic "jerks" that are propelling the magnetic North Pole, Newitt said.
Maybe that's why our seasons out here in CA for example seem like they have been offset by a couple months lately.
Still, I doubt it has much to do with the magnetic pole moving around.
I never donate money to him since he thinks Bush is the Anti-Christ, green activists are a conspiracy for world domination and also Angels are actually aliens,,but the collection of real world articles givin to him by other readers is a amazing resource. The article above is even posted.
[B]I never donate money to him since he thinks Bush is the Anti-Christ, green activists are a conspiracy for world domination and also Angels are actually aliens[/B][/QUOTE]
hmmm....maybe he's not too far wrong there:nervous: ;)
seriously though, these pole shifts occur rapidly [i]in geophysical terms[/i] but it would still take several years if not decades for it to occur.
as for this guy's idea that the positions of the stars and planets in the night sky should change.....bullshit! There is firm evidence for the geomagnetic reversals, but why the entire earth needs to rotate....:rolleyes: geomagnetic reversals happen on something like the order of every 120, 000 years or more (we're overdue for one at the moment), so by his argument the entire planet has rotated every 120, 000 years at least several million years. I'm sorry, but I just can't believe that something like that could happen and there not be any evidence for it. Anyway, he talks of the outer mantle rotating. there is no need for the solid crust to rotate with it (unless anyone with any background in fluid dynamics can enlighten me to a reason). at no point in the article he quotes, is the gyroscopic motion of the core even mentioned. certainly there core is moving, but it doesnt need to be gyroscopically in order to generate the geomagnetic field.
(and no for someone to come along and tell me I'm totally wrong:D)
edit: PSI-KILLER: what mass dyings are you refering to?
As with what Mr Wrights theory in regards to Sun Sign effects it has to do more with energy induction from the Sun into Earths core which heats up the core and seperates the outer crust from the mantel which makes it float, or something like that, which causes pole shift, if I understand Mr. Wrights theory.
I am not pro or con on his theory.
[url][/url] Of A Pole-Shift
I am not a pro or con on it since it is impossable to take temp readings of the iron core of the Earth.
[QUOTE]Global Warming is caused by increasing temperatures within the interior of the Earth. The rising temperature is brought about by heightened electrical activities in response to the solar storm activities of the Sun. An analogy would be to an electric heater or stove. The greater the electric current, the more heat is produced. Because molten iron will not support a magnetic field, and cannot be magnetized, the electrical energy is first inducted in the solid outer portions of the Earth's mantle and crust, and then transfers to the molten interior. In the Earth's central core it forms a super hot electrified plasma, which is also the source of the Earth's magnetic field. The additional heat caused by the increasing electrical energy within the Earth's core, is transferred by magma convection currents from the deep interior of the planet, to the crust of the Earth where it radiates outward through the oceans and continents. It thereby warms the seas, land and atmosphere, and melts the glaciers and polar ice. The internal temperature of the Earth is therefore variable, with periods of highs and lows in direct response to lessor and greater solar storm activities of the Sun. This results in global cooling and warming patterns as evidenced geologically. But it also results in a periodic phenomenon known as a geophysical pole-shift.[/QUOTE]
wtf? how about no? global warming is not caused by increasing T in the earth, its caused by increased CO2 and other greenhouse gases trapping heat from the sun. [i]That[/i] warms the earth causing glaciers to melt. id be interested to know how he knows that the internal temperature of the earth is variable as well, as we have no way to directly measure the temperatures. before i go off on a rant, lets just say that his 'geoloically evidenced patterns' are a load of horseshit! yes they appear but for vastly different reasons than those he quotes.
[QUOTE]Global Warming - Prelude To A Pole Shift - The same rising internal temperatures that bring global warming to the earth's surface and atmosphere, also cause volcanic upheavals within the Earth's interior. As a result of these volcanic upheavals, mass and weight distribution within the Earth are changed and rotational balance is affected. If the imbalance become great enough, a geophysical pole shift will result. But not only is rotational balance affected. These changes in the flow of the electrically charged magma streams, cause gravitational and magnetic field anomalies to develop in various areas around the planet. Mass = gravity and therefore shifting mass will cause changes to gravity. Electrified magma (plasma) produces the geomagnetic field surrounding Earth. Therefore, changes in the flow of this plasma will result in changes to the geomagnetic field. [/QUOTE]
as established, the rising internal temps don't happen, so therefore they dont cause volcanic upheavals. any such volcanic upheavals are due to density differences in what is know as the mantle - D-double prime layer. imagine a lava lamp: the melted wax at the bottom rises when it get sufficiently hot and forms those 'blobs' that rise up towards the top. in the earth it is thought that these convection systems are responsible for mantle hotspots (which are responsible for the formation of the Hawaiian islands and Iceland). as for his whole shifting mass idea, he is tecnically correct in that the gravity will change, but electrified magma is NOT the same as plasma, infact i dont think you can electrify magma.
[QUOTE]The Mechanics Of A Geophysical Pole Shift - As a result of the increasing electrification of the Earth's interior, and the subsequent rise in temperature, magma convection currents are increasing in speed, force and turbulence - Engine at the center of the Earth. The tectonic plates floating above these magma currents are buffeted by this turbulence causing increased earthquake activity around the globe. As volcanic pressures increase within the core, bulging of the mantle and crust occurs where the pressure is the greatest, and volcanoes erupt where magma is able to vent to the surface. Iron rich magma plumes are forced from the deep interior of the planet upward into the mantle. This is like driving a heavy iron nail into a spinning ball. The bulges and upwelling of heavy magma changes the mass and weight distribution within the mantle. [/QUOTE]
nope, the upper mantle material is actually ductile and easily deformed by the movement of the plates. there is no 'buffeting' of the mantle plates, and there is certainly no volcanic pressure at the core. and as for his 'nail' idea, how much magma does he think is rising through the mantle???
im not going to even start on his 'gyroscopic' section as if everything he's based it on is false, then its obviously not going to be right.
i love the little diagram near the bottom of the page showing a cross section of the earth, it's very artistic but wrong in just about every concievable aspect:rolleyes:
sorry for the rant, but i just cant stand it when idiots like this take reputable science, carve it up and take only the bits that fit their theory and throw the rest away becasue its inconvenient:mad:
[B]i think this is another case of some overly religious zealot taking bits and pieces of science to justify his message and throwing away and ignoring the parts that inconvienently dont agree with his 'theory'
[ ... ]
sorry for the rant, but i just cant stand it when idiots like this take reputable science, carve it up and take only the bits that fit their theory and throw the rest away becasue its inconvenient:mad: [/B][/QUOTE] Agreed, those that turn science into pseudoscience and spin scientific terms without even understanding what they mean and that they do have a very specific meaning revolt me.
This should have a high rating in the baloneymeter.
Don't know what's a baloney detector?
I think everyone should [url=] get one[/url].
Further reading of interest on people like this: Michael Shermer's "Why People Believe Weird Things" or as he said in his next to latest column at Scientific American " Anecdotal thinking comes naturally; science requires training."
Someone should tell that guy about the law of inverse squares... and many other things.
I was refering to the MAGNETIC POLE shift not the Tectonic (Orange Peel) theory of a Pole Shift.
I think it's possible for a positional change in the Magneitc Pole to affect weather to some degree if only concerning the energy directed into the pole that causes the Northern and Southern Lights. This energy has to be handled by some mechanism, and has to affect weather to some degree.
How to think About Weird Things by Theodore Schick, Jr is a good book as well.
[B]Agreed, those that turn science into pseudoscience and spin scientific terms without even understanding what they mean...[/B][/QUOTE]... should be terminated immediately in the name of good of mankind.
As a specie human is stupid animal making mankind fertile ground for these cancer cells... like it has been proved in US with all those pseudoscientific/religious quacks.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ShadowDancer [/i]
[B]responsible for mantle hotspots (which are responsible for the formation of the Hawaiian islands and Iceland)[/B][/QUOTE]Iceland isn't above hotspot, it's on mid-Atlantic ridge.
But Yellowstone is above hotspot.
[B]Iceland isn't above hotspot, it's on mid-Atlantic ridge.
But Yellowstone is above hotspot. [/B][/QUOTE]
It is generally assumed by geology that Iceland is above a hotsot, . In lectures we were taught that it was; it would explain afterall why there is an island there and nowhere else along the ridges, but there is actually some [URL=]debate[/URL] as to whether or not mantle plumes are involved or not, as this paper from the University of Durham in the UK shows. Personally I'm not sure either way yet, I'd have to do alot more background reading on the subject before venturing an opinion (which is something that eejit Wright should do!)
Edit, the paper is in pdf format, so dont be worried when it asks you to open, save etc.
[B]Anytime! Just thought i'd warn you guys, i know pdf is very new and might not have reached the remoter parts of the world like NZ:p ;) [/B][/QUOTE]
Hey, NZ happens to be in the future to the rest of the world, you know!
[B]Hey, NZ happens to be in the future to the rest of the world, you know! [/B][/QUOTE]
Not from what I saw in Lord of the Rings.
[B]hehe, and what do they say down there about you folk up there i wonder?;) [/B][/QUOTE]
They're jealous of us and our technical and societal prowess, naturally.
52 degrees F and rain in the middle of June...
Actually it's quite welcome vs the typical 115 degree F heat waves we have this time of year (or at least used to).