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Saw Harry Potter this weekend

FreejackFreejack Jake the Not-so-Wise
Good movie, its amazing that the franchise still has this quality after 4 movies and 3 directors.

Anyway one quote stood out at the end:

Hermimie: I guess nothing will ever be the same
Harry: Yes

Though its hard to convey here, its just the way it was said, the Yes was very positive as if to say, things will always change and that is the way it should be...



  • JackNJackN <font color=#99FF99>Lightwave Alien</font>
    Haven't seen the movie yet, but the quote reminds me of B5 when Sinclair said something similar...

  • ShadowDancerShadowDancer When I say, "Why aye, gadgie," in my heart I say, "Och aye, laddie." London, UK
    do u mean when he's talking about the flying dutchman/B4 and Ivanova asks if it ever made it home?
  • RhettRhett (Not even a monkey)
    I had some issues with the last movie, but still its not a terrible franchise. Makes a lot of money, thats for sure.
  • Seen it three times this last week (the wife and i are big fans)
    Really think it is the best of the series. It's also my favorite of the books though.
  • AnlaShokAnlaShok Democrat From Hell
    I liked what they did with what they chose to do, but am not sure I agree with what they chose to do.
  • Random ChaosRandom Chaos Actually Carefully-selected Order in disguise
    Having both seen the movie and read the book, I think that spending 15 minutes more near the start of the year would have improved the story telling speed by ramping it up rather than just throwing the reader in. A 2h 45m movie wouldn't have been too long given that to get the full 600 pages into a movie would take 5-6 hours...

    I also found a couple of annoyances: (1) multiple years in the same class; and (2) the change of the ending -- it didn't properly set up for the 5th movie.

    Otherwise, excellent!


    Now, anyone know anything about Runelords: the movie? It was confirmed in 2004, but now the official website has vanished and there hasn't been any new news since they announced they were going to begin filming soon.
  • RhettRhett (Not even a monkey)
    I guess my biggest issues were with certain character flaws (which I suppose is more likely due to my imagination of what the characters should be)... but some of the expressions/ways things were said for Dumbledore just seemed *wrong*. That and I thought Voldermort didnt really look that scary at all (especially at the beginning before he has officially returned). And the fact that the Death Eaters looked rediculous in their tin caps. Haha well thats a summary of my lame problems which actually really pissed me off
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