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NEW rock discovered in Sol's system

in Zocalo v2.0
should be interesting to see what else we discover about it in the future...
should be interesting to see what else we discover about it in the future...
Newspapers are always late ;)
Anyway, just proves that we have a lot to discover yet both in the solarsystem and the planets.
[B]Wasnt this up a couple of weeks ago?[/B][/QUOTE]
Date of news was in first half of February in Ursa's member magazine.
But I can check what exact date was.
I'll back obsequeously out of your presence on my belly so to not even sully the air at the rarfied level of your heads, oh lofty and omnipotent Gods that you are...
I had no idea that my bringing this to your attention would ruin a couple seconds of your precious thinking time...
*blows king sized raspberries at both of the previous two post writers, then mops up the excess drips of sarcasm.... *
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by shadow boxer [/i]
should be interesting to see what else we discover about it in the future... [/B][/QUOTE]
Oh my god, they've finally discovered Rupert! Stay away from Stavro Mueller's Beta !
[B]oooooh well ex-cuuuuuse me Misters Brainac sirs...
I'll back obsequeously out of your presence on my belly so to not even sully the air at the rarfied level of your heads, oh lofty and omnipotent Gods that you are...
I had no idea that my bringing this to your attention would ruin a couple seconds of your precious thinking time...
*blows king sized raspberries at both of the previous two post writers, then mops up the excess drips of sarcasm.... *
:D [/B][/QUOTE]
Just checking...
Oh, and you can be the head of my official church if you really want it that bad ;) :p
;) :D ;)
[SIZE=1](Please don't hurt me...)[/SIZE]
[B]last weeks news is SO exciting!!!
;) :D ;)
[SIZE=1](Please don't hurt me...)[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE]
If you tell the truth and say you LOVE Purple then you won't get hurt. ;)
As for this planet turning up,well this is even OLDER news to me! I must've heard this about 10yrs ago!!
There was a supposedly 10th planet and they even nicknamed it Planet X until they found out for sure. But I never heard anymore. I can only assume this is the same piece of rock?! Anyway I am slightly confused by this:confused: and why they can't detect things like this in our own solar system yrs ago?! Hubble can see other planets in other galaxies so why?!
As for the "Planet X" thing, well people claim to have found Planet X every couple of years or so. At one point they were claiming to have found a planet that was merely wandering through interstellar space.
Lets hope this planet they discovered now is really there and not dismissed.
(some people should know this reference... ;) )
[B]I'm just waiting for the Planet Tiamut to make it's appearance...
(some people should know this reference... ;) ) [/B][/QUOTE]
I always forget how far we are into the current 3500 year cycle... ;)
[B]Although whether or not it actually is a planet is debatable and ultimately up to that international astronomy organisationy type thing who's name escapes me right now.[/B][/QUOTE]
You mean IAU.
[B]Hubble is designed for very long distances. It has trouble focusing on things "close". It's kind of like how if you hold a book 1cm from your eye, you probably can't focus on it.
As for the "Planet X" thing, well people claim to have found Planet X every couple of years or so. At one point they were claiming to have found a planet that was merely wandering through interstellar space. [/B][/QUOTE]
Zenoma Sekot?
[B]Isnt there a debat over weather this is a Planet or an Asteroid. [/B][/QUOTE]
Yes, I suppose there is... :)
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Biggles [/i]
[B]Well this time they have better pictures. :) Although whether or not it actually is a planet is debatable and ultimately up to that international astronomy organisationy type thing who's name escapes me right now. [/B][/QUOTE]