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Map world colors...

Random ChaosRandom Chaos Actually Carefully-selected Order in disguise
[b]World Reference Colors (For map creation)[/b]:
(reason is to transfer this data from my laptop to my desktop [img][/img])

Source: B5 CGS
Note: I know colors are not accurate - they got the Narn world completely wrong, but it gives me at lease ideas that I can work with for other worlds...


[b]Names of Homeworlds:[/b]

? Drazi Freehold


[b]World Colors:[/b]

* Non-major homeworld

Notes on terms:
- Spun: Indicates planet color patterns spun arround world
- Swirls: Indicates local swirling of colors
- Ribbed: Color bands on planet
- Blurred: Indicates that environment has no distinct boundries in colors
- Speckled: Think of a speckled egg for color patterns [img][/img]
- Mess: Absolutely no consistantcy in pattern![/i]

Centuri Beta 1: Spun; Greens and Yellows
Sigma 957: Base - Greens; Swirls - Purple/Browns; In Red/Brown nebula
Wolf V: Blurred; Browns, reds, oranges
* Markab 6: Speckled: Greens, Purples, Whites, Blacks
Tau Ceti IV: Base - dark blue; Sky - [u]whites![/u], blues, purples
Kotock: Blurred mess; Greens, blues, reds
Freedom Colony: Moonlike with hints of reds and greens
Mentab: Purples, some swirls of whites and oranges
La'Tha: Land - Purple with reds and whites swirled through; Water - green/blue; Star - dim orange/brown
Imnolan V: Moonlike with some reds and greens (more then hints); many ridges and craters
G'Halmaza: Deep greens and blacks; White clouds
G'Halmaza Colony: Earthlinke, more purple though
G'Halmaza Station: Ribbed; land - dull greens; water - blues and purples
Orion IV: Think Epsilon 3 but whites, purples, oranges
Ragash III: Same as orion IV
Ragesh Station: Light, slime, and forest greens, some reds
Tir'Ess'Na Station: Swirled; bright oranges, orange/reds, and orange/browns
Tir'Ess'Na Mining Colony: Think Za'Ha'Dum but oranges and browns
Ch'Lon: Spun; brown/black base overlayed with blue/greens (whether sky, water, or land unknown)
Vega: Water - purple; Land - greens and blacks; Sky - whites
Beta 3: Rough terrain; lower land - greens and blacks; higher land - beige/brown/redish
Proxima: Ribbed; greens, whites, beiges; water - blacks
Sh'Lekk'Tha: Platues - greens (lime) 90%; Low land - white/beige 8%; Water - black 2% THIN strips of water!; Nebula - green-yellow
Sirus: Mottled; purples, blues, torquoise, reds
Sirus III: Land - speckled purples and reds; Clouds - speckled whites and reds


[b]Other worlds:[/b]

Make asteroid belt with asteriod attacks making craters ever couple minutes...or more often...Caves mode...maybe add tracking to make them come to the right map [img][/img]

Maybe a few random moons?

Needed maps: Earth's moon!


  • Random ChaosRandom Chaos Actually Carefully-selected Order in disguise

    need this up...still referencing it [img][/img]
  • Random ChaosRandom Chaos Actually Carefully-selected Order in disguise

    Again...I still need this easily seen.
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