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hodad · Trainee


Last Active


  • well actually the whole autopilot thing works quite well with the Nial, followed closely by the Whitestar. it seems to be dependent upon how closely aligned the beams are with the ship's longitudinal axis. hence it doesn't work so well with big sl…
  • DOH!!! *hand smacks forehead* yeah i figured it was something obvious like that. it's working beautifully now. it looks truly amazing! thanks a ton for the help. you've given me a reason to play through the whole game again. very professional…
  • strange.... hey fellas - first of all let me thank you again for all the effort you all have put into this - very impressive! i am experiencing some technical difficulties which i'm sure have a very easy fix, however the solution is evading me a…
  • Heh - isn't that the truth..... Just curious, this new ship pack will work with the old Xmas packet right? (probably a stupid question but had to ask) Thanks again!
  • This is great!!! I am impressed daily by the work you all do for this! Thanks alot! P.S. You all should be getting paid for this!