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Tommieboy2004 · Trainee


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  • Wel... I am sorry, but I didn't like the was good made though in technically terms, but the story...I don't know, was not very appealing to me, but thanks for including the Skinnies into the story. At least it was a little bit like th…
  • hmmmm...animated? Not a bad idea, too! But PLEASE not like Starship Troopers...that was the worst animated thing I ever saw. Then at least in a quality like Final Fantasy for example! Agreed?
  • UUPS! I meant [url][/url]
  • in the Mod it was in one of the MODs for Star Trek Armada...and I read something about it I believe in the Lurker's Guide...I am not sure, but the [url][/url] Site shows a lot of sites with this theme. Maybe there i found a websit…
  • too sad! I thought, the old hyperions were at least a few in service...the midwinter modification (as described in the book for the Movie In the Beginning!) was the Prometheus a prototype! Well...its quite complex, what we get presented in this …
  • Well You can't have evrything...but I think the Nova Dreadnoughts will come to action and I rarelly have seen them in real action...and did they already have the starfurys in this timeperiod? Or did the strikeforces have those crappy Zephyr-figh…
  • Well I would really like to see... ...the Dilgar Invasion getting filmed! There is a lot potential in this storyline...a miniseries. I would suggest it could go on like that: PART 1: The planning of the invasion of League-Space. We get to kno…