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Morte · Earthforce Officer


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  • I havn't been doing any stuff recently either for a couple of reasons, one being that my computer has decided to play silly buggers the last couple of weeks, and aslo that I've had a couple of mates around nearly every day in the week for LAN partys…
  • How about just Explorer_Campaign or Campaign_1. Or even just XC1 :)
  • Nope- sorry I didn't mention that the players collision-hull stays the same size (the AI doesn't really have a problem trying to hit the player, only the other way around).
  • [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Warlord II [/i] [B]Heck I waited them almost year (I checked from my email). [/B][/QUOTE] Dude I'e been in this mod since a couple of months after IW2 was released and I've only just got them! As for Aurora I say…
  • Hey I had a coupla thoughts on this :) -What if for that "bad" area of space, instead of the normal time distortion how about dimensional distortion- it catapults you into an alternate dimension where something major is different (eg: The Centauri …
  • I think I've fixed it (though I'm not absolutly sure)- the easy alternative seems to be to use a custom cockpit rather than the original. The real trick for getting the fighter combat to work isn't so much about the acceleration but cutting down o…
  • [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Londo Mollari 2 [/i] [B]Has anyone made a pictoral modding tutorial? [/B][/QUOTE] Sorry mate, I don't think there are any tutorials for IW2 modding in existance (at least none I know of). All I can suggest is to re…
    in modding Comment by Morte August 2003
  • Have you tried using it as a ship other than Player base (I'm thinking a raider or military base that already has a defence grid). I think I read somewhere that the player base and certain others won't fire even if you put weapons on them.
    in Requests Comment by Morte August 2003
  • Just add in the .ini file that they have to be extracted would probably be easiest, a more complicated approach being some kind of installer (though that is probably OTT for a couple of files) :)
  • [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by LogicSequence [/i] [B] morte, i know i had asked if u could do it, but i didn't expect to get the "blueprints" in time for ingame... and since i am fairely confident i can do it in... a night, maybe 2... i'm just gonn…
  • [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Roi Danton [/i] [B]Morte, have a look at the Personal Thread. So, could you model some wrecks or separate parts of a fighter? So Logic needn't to do it/to do all of it. [/B][/QUOTE] Awww hell yeah :)
    in Debris? Comment by Morte July 2003
  • Re: Wrecks [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Roi Danton [/i] [B] After the destruction of the cap ships they could leave behind wrecks that don't disappear during the battle ... so you actually see after the battle that there was one. That would b…
    in Debris? Comment by Morte July 2003
  • Yes, I know. But that was a mission specific script- I understood that Roi is working on a script that will create debris all the time, so maybe it will be ship specific too :)
    in Debris? Comment by Morte July 2003
  • Cool! Debris is really easy as long as you have the original model- you select a part of the model, copy it off to a new file, give it a ragged edge and a new texture and you're set (for fighters at least). Get the script, I'll get the debris ;) (…
    in Debris? Comment by Morte July 2003
  • Ok... I've run across something in this I can't seem to fix. On my computer, the cockpit is in the right place, all well and good. Unfortunatly, when I put it onto my old computer sections of it disapear, leading to the effects I think you just desc…
  • Hmmm... I think you're right there Merciful. BTW, where've you been? Havn't seen you around for ages.
  • First off, thanks for the complement :) I'll run you over a couple of basic rules for the engine: 1) No section can have over 1000 polys (in practice this actually ends up about 800 max). This just means you have to divide your model into section…
    in modding Comment by Morte July 2003
  • Ok, first things first: Welcome to the community! You will find there is no escape... errr.. I mean let's see if I can field a few of these. Yeah, that's it ;) Right first up, it isn't possible to add new ships to the pack in the way you are meani…
    in hi i am new Comment by Morte July 2003
  • Methinks this requires some investigation then. Thanks for the help :) Edit: Just thought- could it simply be a "When x destroyed spawn y at location x" kinda script, with the debris as a different model- 'cause that's what I seem to be finding...
    in Debris? Comment by Morte July 2003
  • Yeah, I know- that bit requires some development or a replacement :)
  • That'd be the one :)
  • Re: My new toy... [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by superfly [/i] [B] God i wish i could see an how an updated B5 game would look on a card like this...:(. [/B][/QUOTE] Well... we don't have ITF, but I Found Her will be releasing a demo soon, …
    in My new toy... Comment by Morte July 2003
  • Re: Re: Spinning [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by LogicSequence [/i] [B]try it again. if it still isn't working u probably need to reinstall Iwar2. [/B][/QUOTE] IIRC it can also depend on what section of the campaign you're doing as well. Try…
  • Hmmm... just read some bad news from the INA boards. The people who own the IW2 engine are not those who used to be Particle Systems, but those who used to be Infogrames, who have been bought by someone else. Not only did the chances of us getting…
  • Aye, but the other bloke also happens to own the dvd's AND be one of my best mates ;) :p Anyways, as I said on ICQ, it should all be resolved in a coupla weeks max :)
  • Ok, so if I understand correctly after our little chat, now we've got 3) rescue a disabled ship from drifting into an asteroid belt, during which your scanners pick up an asteroid that IPX want to investigate for resources (or similar). After this,…
  • Yeah, but I live over here. I could pelt their studios with ice cream until I lure them outside, then kidnap them and hold 'em hostage till they release it ;)
  • Hey, I'm not disbelieving ya man- but what am I meant to do? I've got my friend who I've known since year 7 insisting on one thing and (don't take this the wrong way) a bloke I don't know that well insisting on another. What am I meant to do?!?
  • Ok, first off a bit of an apology- I've been pissed off all day so I've basically been contesting any point that I can, but a good night out has helped make me more relaxed :) While I am still dead against a flying capships in the campaign we are …
  • Grrr, looks like I missed the best bits :mad: Bloody friends and their bloody needing to be bloody driven around. You can't live with them, you can't live without 'em. Well, you could, but life would be pretty boring :D Hey, just had a thought…