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Entilz_ah · Earthforce Officer


Last Active


  • Once again you show your inability to actually think in an acceptably free manner. As I have stated already you are just like every other "free-thinker." You are convinced because I do not agree with your "free-thinking" style that I am a Republic…
  • I very seldom post anything....but you continually brag about being a "free-thinker" while sounding exactly like every other self proclaimed "free-thinker" I have ever heard speak. Quit whining and get in line with all the other sheep.
  • I live in a small town several hours away from Dallas, so I had to wait to see the movie until Friday. I do not know how to do spoiler tags so I will just say this...The movie kicked @$$. My family and I will be going to see it again.
  • I almost never post in here, or anywhere else for that matter, but I think this subject needs my input. I feel that A2597 needs to rethink his "homeschooling is better" frame of mind. While typos do happen, his absolute misspelling of words that w…
  • has anyone else noticed a lack of pics in here?
  • intercourse