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Serenn · Trainee


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  • Serenn peers at K'taro "You guys caught up well, you were four hours behind me when i followed the mayflowers rift into hyperspace..." he shrugs "Well, if your in the mood for being bossy, give this to benjamin.." he throws a data crystal to his sec…
  • Not true, Diplomats, Earth force, Psy core and those with suitable liscences may carry NON projectile weapons with authorisation, hence why Rangers get Den'Bok, and So many PPG fights break out! (but you are right to a point, Smuggle the weapons …
  • Turning on the spot the Minbari raises an eye ridge at the Narn "K'Taro will be here for you duly.. dont bother.." his voice seemed cold.. How was the Narn supposed to know Serenn's bid to control the Windswords and lead them back to Delenn's wishe…
  • Meanwhile... Outside the Station the Jumpgate opens, a Minbari Flayer cruising into takes upon a docking pattern, automatically requesting the Minbari Diplomatic bays. Susan Ivonova, "Hello Illudian PU32, good to see you back, the l…
  • Me, Who i am, and what i do in the universe.. Character Bio: Name: Serenn, Of the house of Mia, of the Wind Sword Clan, Argent De Minbar, Manager of M.N.A.R inc.[Multi National Alien Races] (religious cast) Gender: Male Race/Species: Minbari …