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Boogyman · Trainee


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  • @Roi Danton: I think x3: reunion should be able to handle some inertial modding. there is already a little drift when manuvering at high speeds, and i suspect that if one were to play with the numbers one could get it to do just about anything. a…
  • sweet, i cant wait :-D
  • no, i dont get any problems in that mode. although it is strange about the weapons, each weapon i ssetup individualy, rather than having weapons of the same class grouped together. like the nail fighter which has three weapons of the same type, th…
  • now that you mention it, yes i do
  • i know what u mean, but i dont think this is the case here for 3 reasons. first, the "single ship mod" im referring to consists of one ini file which i extracted from the ini pack and simply renamed. (shadow_battlecrab.ini renamed to comsec.ini) …
  • ok, i have isolated one deffinate cause of crashing. over the last few days i ahve been playing around with the buda5 files just for fun. i extracted some of the .ini files form teh pack, and enabled the shadow battlecrab as the comsec. first pro…
  • hehe, i just set the battle crab up so i can play it today. it realy wasnt too hard, especially considering i have never done any real moding work before. the extent of my experience is shuffling files around to create some effect, like replacing …
  • lol, cant believe i forgot to include that. i have a geforce4 ti4600
  • i just noticed on teh main site that the g'quan AI has been updated, so perhaps my problems there are gone... ill have to get back to you about that
  • crashing i posted this in teh crashing to desktop thread, but it seemed apropriate here as well. i also am having difficulties with crashing. whenever i run buda5 ingame the game will crash in jsu tunder 10 minutes. there is no exception. it w…
  • crashing i also am having difficulties with crashing. whenever i run buda5 ingame the game will crash in jsu tunder 10 minutes. there is no exception. it will happen with any ship on any mission and at any time. there is no identifiable trigg…