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Ranger 3 · Trainee


Ranger 3
Last Active


  • Thanks man! [B]Messiah[/B] Thanks for the reassuring words, it means a lot to me. "Entil'Zha vini, in Va[B]l[/B]en's name!"
  • I got it right this time! In [B]Valens[/B] name... "We live for the one, we die for the one!"
  • Cool! [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by croxis [/i] [B]I actually claim it as my religion ;) [/B][/QUOTE] Good for you! I would say that this is as close as I will ever get to having a religion of my own. See me as a mix of Garibaldi and…
  • [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by CurZ [/i] [B]Well, you don't need a religion to strive to find out what the universe is about. [/B][/QUOTE] Well I didn't say that... I just said that if you are looking for a religion you could do worse than Foun…
  • Wow [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by croxis [/i] [B]The basic idea is that the universe and god are the same thing. The universe|god is trying to figure itself out, just like we are. [/B][/QUOTE] I like this! This seems to be in line with th…
  • And by the way... Thnks for the input, Ireally appreciate it.
  • I'm just fumble-fingered... Of course I meant "Valen" (that should be obvious:) ) On a sadder note: I was just dumped, again...:( (Not that I had any chance, apparently...) It was just starting up and I find out she has a boyfriend... I…
  • [URL=]Människans status[/URL]
  • Sehr, sehr gut! Wunderbar... Sie sind herrlich... und: [SIZE=4][COLOR=green]Grün[/COLOR][/SIZE]
    in B5-Logo's Comment by Ranger 3 March 2004
  • Green is good! And besides, I know Messiah in real life, a very nice person btw. Oh, and did I mention that he, like me is [SIZE=4][COLOR=green]GREEN[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  • Right. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Biggles [/i] [B]B5 tech arn't very reliable at all. [/B][/QUOTE] That's good to know. Can you point be to another site that is more reliable? And yes, here it comes: [SIZE=4][COLOR=green]GREEN[/COL…
  • Well, this site says... On [url][/url] it says that the Nova went into active service in the late 2220s prior the debut of the Hyperion. I don't know how reliable this source is but I get the feeling that they are quite serious..…
  • That would rock! In oh, so many ways... I would love to see those bad boys in action... mmmm... excellent.... And, just in case you're wonering: [SIZE=4][COLOR=green]GREEN[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  • Peace in our Time When all is [COLOR=green][SIZE=4]GREEN[/SIZE][/COLOR] no more fighting, all is [COLOR=green][SIZE=4]GREEN[/SIZE][/COLOR] all is calm. "You can't make an omelette without killing a few people" - Mr. Croup, Neverwhere (by Niel…
  • Tsk, tsk, tsk Accept the inevitable, you will all become one with the [COLOR=green][SIZE=4]GREEN[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  • This would rock! It would be so cool if they made another series... mmmmm... I agree that it should be set up with a motion picture (a big one) and a miniseries. and in case you are wondering; [SIZE=4][COLOR=green]GREEN[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  • We could be at this all day... I live for the [SIZE=4][COLOR=green]GREEN[/COLOR][/SIZE] I don't die for the [SIZE=4][COLOR=green]GREEN[/COLOR][/SIZE] Because of this: A quote from General Patton: "No one ever won a war by dying for his …
  • Tackar! [B][COLOR=green] [SIZE=4]GREEN[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] is far superior to [COLOR=purple][SIZE=1]purple[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  • Green Leader says Green [COLOR=green][SIZE=4]GREEN, GREEN, GREEN[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  • Thank you This seems like such a nice place! And btw. [COLOR=green]GREEN[/COLOR]
  • You go Messiah! That would be so cool!! The main reason why I don't believe in the first Shadow war and The Earth-Minbari war is that we have no main characters to recognize... If they did the Drakh War you would have all the old ones, exc…
  • Thanks! I am honored to join you, I have heard so much about this place... "It is a dream given form" And another dream: [COLOR=green]GREEN[/COLOR]
  • Alas that the world is not perfect I agree with ambassador Kosh. It would be rather cool to see the first Shadow war or the Earth-Minbari war. And 'In the Beginning' is my favourite B5-movie as well.. oh, I almost forgot: [COLOR=green][…
  • A Silverscreen movie would rock! A mini-series would be great, babylon 5 is too good to just fade away... and btw. [COLOR=green]GREEN[/COLOR]
  • I'll try to keep an open mind This sounds a lot like the same thing all over again... The Characters are virtually the same with the abilities of the old ones thrown around a bit. I think that 'Atlantis' will last for one or two seasons and die r…