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Aetius · Trainee


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  • no really, I'm 21 without a license. I have lived in cities my entire life so I've never needed to drive. your bull shit meter is offensive captain simmons. I don't need to prove to you anything.
  • I am an American. I do not even own a car. I don't even know how to drive. I use public transportation for everything. I'm 21 years old and I am proud that we have the choices we can make. The West is wasteful. Arrogance from Europe thinking everyth…
  • I am so tired of everyone yelling about american excess. I seem to recall that the British, French, and Germans engaged in a Battleship race at the late 19th early 20th century that makes any penis race look even more ridiculous
  • someone mentioned something about democracy. the idea of a world democracy is very difficult. its a problem I have with US foreign policy is asking for a democracy of states that have not had the experience that the US has. The US is far from a demo…
  • I am not a bush supporter but I support the office of the presidency. The United States is taking all the actions they can take. the reason we are not in the world court is because it is a violation of our sovereign rights. The idea of a world gove…
  • well marcus died giving his life energy to ivonova but apparently in a short story he is resurrected a very long time later after everyone he knew had died.
  • I remember him being conservative in his thoughts.
  • Asturcon, I don't think the centauri are like the Spanish. I think they're more like a combination of the English, French, and the Later Roman Empire of the 5th century under the direction of Aetius (my namesake).