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Warlord II · Earthforce Officer


Warlord II
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  • I check forum from time to time but as you can see there probably won't be more releases. Newest post in Dev forum is a year old. For example Indie who is one of the Buda5 founding members "disappeared" over a year ago (=stopped posting). Probabl…
  • Buda5 Scripter Roi who said the campaign is dead...I'd say halted. I read the forums but I won't/don't have time to do work alone.
  • Yay, at least developers are still alive :rolleyes:
  • Well I haven't coded recently but I intend to. We don't even have that much programming in first year because we have to do basic courses for engineers (physics, math etc.) and remember that only ~1/3 become software engineers though all specializat…
  • I haven't had English course(s) in my school yet so I'm not sure about profession words altough I'm not that bad in English generally. Still according to my translator that isn't right word. I study information technology in polytechnic school. I…
  • [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Roi Danton [/i] [B]There was a trying to get the rights and the source of the flux engine for the community from some of the IW2 modders but there is no progress (no one at Atari or Argonaut in USA or UK knows about t…
  • Yes, hopefully. But truth is that I-War 2 isn't that easy to make into B5 world except ships. Like jump-in/out. Jumping from hyperspace to normal space is somewhat working but I haven't figured how to do it other way (though I haven't tried it after…
  • I wasn't going to spend that much. I'm student after all so I need money for school books etc. I have bought new monitor quite recently so I don't need that but I'll buy new case and power supply because they aren't very good (I've got only old 250w…
  • Well my computer is pretty slow and sometimes even in normal Windows use. That's probably because WinXP needs much memory and from time to time it starts swapping when there's many open programs. It gets frustrating quite often.
  • I thought about the upgradebility not the needed bandwith now. In few years video cards will probably be for pci express and when it's so close for its release would there be point buying current technology. Though there might be some issues with th…
  • I have P3 1GHz, 256mb sdram @100mhz, Geforce 3 Ti200 which is pretty low spec these days. I just hope they release pci express quickly.
  • [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by MajorTom [/i] [B]especially for people who have weaker PCs and still want to play the game. [/B][/QUOTE]Like me currently. I'm going to buy new computer but I'll wait for next year when pci express is released. Now it…
  • I haven't edited .lws files except for increasing frames to jumppoint animation to get the speed more correct so those won't say much to me. They would probably make more sense in lightwave anyways. Like these kind of lines: 0 -0.3225 1.0823 0 0…
  • Finally out of the army. It feels so FREE. School starts in September so I have some free time but first I have to arrange some real life things and also school things because I have been away 6 months. @Spacesim: I assume newtonian physics re…
  • [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by MajorTom [/i] [B]Hmm, altogether I count 3 people, besides Roi and I, who are interseted in multiplayer for Buda5. Is that all? [/B][/QUOTE]I'm currently in army and haven't been in home for last three weeks. I'll…
  • To remember you, I just started my school and it's gonna take 4 years so I'm at least not moving anywhere so it would still be work via internet. And I'm not good programmer with c/c++ yet.
  • [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Indie [/i] [B]Btw, any of you ever though seriously about becoming a games developer? [/B][/QUOTE]That's more like dream but I would if there was a chance. First I'm going to finish school though and let's see then. T…
  • Currently I'm injured in army. Stress injury or probably even march fracture in left hip. There's possibility that they give me E papers (Indie knows what it means). Basically they kick you out and you have to come back later. Or I could get easier …
  • First turnoff for me is the system requirements. I have a friend who have computer between the recommended and optimum (listed in game's homepage) and it still won't work well. My computer is somewhere between minimum and recommended.
  • Hard to tell because I haven't even tried I-War 2 multiplayer so I don't know how it works and currently I'm in army so no time. Maybe some other team member would know (but I think campaign is higher priority).
  • Thanks guys. Birthday really doesn't feel like one when you are in army but there's nothing you can do about it. I've been walking two weeks with walking-sticks because of stress injury in my left hip. [QUOTE]hope all is going well with you.[/QUO…
  • There is typo in new buda5 address you posted. It's missing first s in the firstones. Right address: [url][/url]
  • I'm here but only about every second weekend (because of army). Primitive fighter looks good enough for me. Sorry but I don't have time to give detailed comments.
  • There will eventually be campaign with storyline like in I-War 1 mod. Though I can't script it currently since I'm in army. In this pace it won't be ready when I get out of army in July ;)
    in Howdy Comment by Warlord II January 2004
  • No, I'm not the one who's going to die. Grenades....rocket launchers :alien:
  • Got weekend off from army. Roi: you said icq is better for storing than irc. Just fyi I have irc logging all the time when I use it. For obvious reasons I couldn't participate in chat.
  • I just saw LotR: Return of the King and now this. What a great Christmas this is. Thanks to devs for game like I said in IFH forum too. Now it's just too long wait until I can actually play it.
  • This week I had four exams and one presentation (about maraging steel) so I've been quite busy. Also I couldn't start with campaign because I waited Indie to post more detailed mission descriptions which he haven't posted yet. My Christmas break…
  • Did you enable Ship pack and inifiles mods in extras screen before starting mission collection? Otherwise I don't know because I haven't had that kind of problem. Only hanging I have had is that after mission it goes to menu and then mouse freeze…
  • I suppose Buda5_InGame is not installed (as it should not be). Do you have latest ship and ini packs with names: Names may be case sensitive but at least underscores ( _ ) does matter.