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eamonmca · Earthforce Officer


Last Active


  • Yay, a decent space sim to look forward to. All the big studios are too busy producing generic-franchise-part-17-zillion to do anything interesting in that genre. Congrats Milo. I'll go back to lurking now. It's what I do best.
  • [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by milod [/i] [B]I admit Starshatter is not absolutely identical [/B][/QUOTE] It's a damned good game, but (at least up to 2.5) there werent any more than 12 ships in combat at once. Its a little heavier on the per…
  • [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Biggles [/i] [B]Told you their returns policy is good. :) [/B][/QUOTE] Their returns policy quite simply rocks. Note that they didnt wait to get and check the return of the faulty product, they sent out the replace…
  • Bump. I'm not letting this tread go into obscurity just yet. Not after the amount of time I spent writing that reply (which I have to admit, makes less sense then I thought the first time round, but still...).
  • [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by eamonmca [/i] [B]My popcorn dish is faulty.[/i] [/B][/QUOTE] This state of affairs has been rectified, with new, improved, toffee popcorn. Like the last stuff, this is also homemade - none of that pre-packaged …
  • Re: Babylon 5 Micro Machines [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Whitestar 15 [/i] [B]...check out my eBay feedback- my ID is "gelertd" without the speech marks. [/B][/QUOTE] Not exactly my greatest piece of detective work... I really like bu…
  • Those wernt vorlonic, just direct and concise. Vorlonic replies would come into 4 categories: Silence. One word responses (Yes, No, Insolent, Disobedient) A cryptic and entirely useless reply: examples: They will be ready in the hour…
  • Hang on, are you trying to sell your set of buy more to complete it? Item # 3133299821 - gelertd right?
  • Quote book: Cool. Delay: Not Cool.
  • Also a morality tale about the dangers of ignoring the problem.
  • ...{speechless} ...... {very speechless} ....................................{my jaw hit the keyboard} ........................................................................................................... ...................................…
  • No, the virus was not a complex as the shadow plague. In fact, the virus that wiped out the Markab is similar in mechanism to existing viruses today. The shadow virus is something else, but you have to watch the last episode of crusade to find o…
  • Compared to the machines 'ordered, predictable, choice-free' world? I like that
  • Re: And some wonder why the comfort of 1st class is worth paying for.. Ive seen airplane lavs. Theres no way you could fit 2 people in that position in one*. *I have to imagine. I have no experience of this, or any similar attempt, either in…
  • [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by A2597 [/i] [B]They were shown the level in the editor, just to prove the no scripted sequence thing. THen watched the AI take over. :) [/B][/QUOTE] I'm going to assume that wasnt the big outdoor level in city 17 w…
  • If the movie has confused you, it has succeded. That may be its purpose, both from a marketing (you now need to see the 3rd one and give us more money) or an artistic (our vision of the matrix is big and complicated) point of view. The "other le…
  • [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Biggles [/i] [B]Another failure in the image: The clover only has 3 leaves. [/B][/QUOTE] It should only have 3. If it had 4 it would be extremely lucky, they do exist but are very rare. Trust me on this.
  • Sssssssh! Dont tell anyone. This is the country that created Ennis. Well, they took an existing town, and decided to throw tech and some money Microsoft had given for regional development at it as an experiment. For free, they gave everyone …
  • Anyone else noticed the 'delete all your files' THEN 'send it on'? I'm not sure how thats supposed to work.
  • Hurrah, Ireland makes it to the 20th century only 3 years late. I wish... Unfortunately it's not a genuine Irish virus. Your genuine irish virus would not have such a pale immitation of a lager. Oh no, the true irish virus would have a pictu…
  • Why this game doesnt exist. Its too big and groundbreaking a task for a new or small software company, and too "risky" for big studio executives to fund. They are too happy releasing Quake 16 and a half, GTA 4, and FIFA 2003 June Edition (Gold),…
  • The Problem Of Time. The problem of having a single commander for a capital ship, is as follows: In B5, star trek, or star wars, the captain says: Shields up, fire on that ship. Start evasive manoevers. Thats pretty much it. The individual…
  • well, continues for a bit anyway. In conclusion the control system is based around direct and complete control of a single ship plus the ability to give orders to immediately subordinate ships. This game system is suited to any Sci Fi space co…
  • Starwars command tree. Definitions: Flagship, the ship the fleet commander is on. Usually the biggest capital ship. Capital Ships, other ships under its command. Escorts, any small capital or corvette size ship assigned as subordinate escort …
  • Now, the intricacies of the star wars space combat system. (This is Fun). There are 3 types of ships in star wars: Capital Ships Freighter/corvette classes Fighters Fighters are the obvious ones. They shoot each other, X wings, tie fighter…
  • The sophisticated debate wasnt in the star wars community. There was a small amount of debate about what SW-Rebellion (space combat/empire building game) should have. I followed that because I have a small (well huge) interest in SW, and the ideas…
  • [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Vertigo1 [/i] [B]You know what's funny? Ivanova's reaction to those. :D [/B][/QUOTE] Ivanova has 3 reactions to jokes: The 'Don't Know' line of a knock knock joke, spoken in tones of "my god why wont the hull …
    in Not Funny! Comment by eamonmca May 2003
  • The £50 note get the the envelope ok, but I accidentaly forgot to mail it, sorry. :D
  • [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Vertigo1 [/i] [B] Lyta: You know what? I'm gonna sue somebody! I don't know for what, and for how much, but I'm gonna sue [/B][/QUOTE] Its the delivery thats makes this scene cool. The joke is okay, but to se…
    in Not Funny! Comment by eamonmca May 2003
  • How do you compare it on a season by season basis? Season one achieved nothing by itself, but laid the ground for all the others. Really, was season 2 that brilliant on its own? Sure the shadows "moved", but nothing happed but the narn-centari wa…