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LordBonJr · Earthforce Officer


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  • [quote]Originally posted by Language of Hope: [b] Unless *that is* what they call 'experience'... It depends which standpoint you are looking from, I think. [/b][/quote] no, its a ritual..
  • [quote]Originally posted by Claudia Trent: [b]Do you think Delenn was already sexually experienced when she came to Babylon 5?[/b][/quote] Doubtful, she was a devout follower, not a leader of the religious caste and she did not show any signs th…
  • Secular Humanism is the way to go... We lead off this war with a prayer, how ironic is that
  • [quote]Originally posted by In Between: [b] Bad news I am afraid LordBonJr. Its all very depressing. [img][/img][/b][/quote] Roll Call had it a few weeks back, my news is from BBC and NPR now [img]htt…
  • Oh my, its the 3td story, not the second [img][/img] wow this board is moving slow.. [img][/img]
  • [quote]Originally posted by socrates: [b]Wow.....I gotta check that out! [img][/img] [/b][/quote] lol... guessing you agree [img][/img] check out that last nam…
  • [quote]Originally posted by David of Mac: [b]We've known that for months.[/b][/quote] but since he hasn't, check out those who lost their job when CNNHL hired the her, they better not turn out like fox has! [url="…
  • [quote]Originally posted by Vertigo1: [b]Just think of it like this: With the technology we have today, if the gang started up on the game again...lets just say it would make the one they were working on before pale in comparison. [/b][/quote] …
  • [quote]Originally posted by Drazi Guy: [b]Wierd.... my Amazon account shows 9 items ordered in the queue, but only 6 get displayed. The DVD orders don't display anymore, but are still counted in the total. Must still be in the system but hidden.…
  • [quote]Originally posted by David of Mac: [b]So, [url=""]Apple[/url] uses the same thing, and Amazon hasn't sued them.[/b][/quote] Now wouldn't it be stupid for Amazon to sue Apple when Apple has licensed the one click system…
  • [quote]Originally posted by Santiago: [b]We already KNOW what will happen right now. We can see animal cloning, we can see what happens to them. Would you like a personal story now too? [/b][/quote] Hmmm... Sorry to hear about your uncle. …
  • [quote]Originally posted by rhett: [b]Such as LordBonJr's freind whose wife has been ostracised (sp sorry, I mean cut off) from the rest of her family. How ignorant and predjudiced (against people who are different).[/b][/quote] Right word, don'…
  • [quote]Originally posted by socrates: [b]LordBon: Hope u overcome ur difficulties. [img][/img] [/b][/quote] Thanks, but my point is they aren't difficulties... They all have major plus's... [img]http:…
  • [quote]Originally posted by Santiago: [b] No, I'm talking, and I think I was quite clear, that these abominations will be the result of the cloning. They will be artificial, they will be the result of scientists screwing with human beings. Putting…
  • [quote]Originally posted by Biggles: [b] Try and keep calm people. [img][/img] [/b][/quote] lol, who that to, Mr Biggles? Cuz as much as I hate to tell you, I'm pre dosposed to being hyper, and when I…
  • [quote]Originally posted by rhett: [b]For crying out loud, don't flame him! He was just stating what he knows.[/b][/quote] Apologies, its my writing style, I wasn’t flaming him. The last bit was a bit over the top, it was quickly written and w…
  • [quote]Originally posted by silencergroup: [b]So the next time you hear that they "cloned" a sheep, tell them the truth. [/b][/quote] Wow, for one who is telling us to set others streight, you show ignroance on this topic. First off, injecting D…
  • [quote]Originally posted by croxis: [b]silencer: They did clone a sheep.[/b][/quote] And looks look at how Dolly turned out! So now we have proof, this technique is unsafe on humans!