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milod · Ranger


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  • Why make things hard on yourself? GPO is about 250 bucks, and includes samples of professional musicians playing a variety of world-class (i.e Stradivari, Guarneri) instruments, all perfectly in tune. Seriously, I spent more on a decent microphone…
  • Well, yeah, of course that describes the mechanics of the problem. What I'm talking about is how do you get a cohesive performance out of a chamber ensemble with no conductor? Everyone is going to have to record themselves in a different room, wit…
  • What is he kidding? How are they going to record live orchestral instruments over the Internet? It would be simpler and cheaper (and ultimately would sound better) to use GPO.
  • Centurion: What's this, then? "Romanes eunt domus"? People called Romanes, they go, the house? Brian: It says, "Romans go home!"
  • [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by David of Mac [/i] [B]On a related note, I'm reminded of a saying. "Only a fool fights in a burning house."[/B][/QUOTE] Isn't that an old Kligon proverb?
  • Random Chaos, did you even read the patent? Claim 7 clearly defines what a "graphics display terminal" means in this context. Seriously guys, don't go by the comments in that Blues News thread. I held my nose and read all forty-one of them, but…
  • At the moment, you can purchase the game via direct-download, CD-on-demand, or "box-on-demand". The last option is a DVD case containing the CD and a keyboard template, but it won't be available until next month. If you opt for the direct download…
  • Bad news, Bekenn. Lateral thrust can't be controlled by a joystick at all, even if Starshatter could read two of them at once, which it can't. You're stuck with just a joystick, throttle, and hat-switch, like most space sims. I was really more wo…
  • [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Akrovah [/i] [B]So Mira was supposed to play a guy huh? Kind of odd, why not just get a guy actor?[/B][/QUOTE] Delenn's transformation in Chrysalis was originally going to be one of gender in addition to species. S…
  • Thanks guys, I really appreciate it! [img][/img]
  • [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Messiah [/i] [B]Depends on who youre looking at.[/B][/QUOTE] And where the hair is located...
  • [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by whitestar90 [/i] [B]looks really nice,now roll on nov22 :D [/B][/QUOTE] Speaking of that, what exactly are they releasing on November 22? Is this just a demo, or is it the full game?
  • Tangerine Dream also did much of the soundtrack for [i]Risky Business[/i], including the Tom Cruise / Rebecca Demornay love scene in the Chicago elevated train.
  • [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Roi Danton [/i] [B]If the gameplay has the same quality so the realistic physics won't be that annoying - I'm not very excited from the StarShatter physics b/c if I want absolute realism I can play a Flightsimulation …
  • Ah, that makes sense. Thanks for clearing that up.
  • [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Alpha-1 [/i] [B]it used it's own engine because it is a freeware game build from scratch. no mod for another game[/B][/QUOTE] Are you sure? I thought IFH was based on the Homeplanet source code. [quote][i]From th…
  • [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Biggles [/i] [B]Also, milod specifically developed starshatter to be very easy to mod.[/B][/QUOTE] Yes. :vorlon: But mainly I think Damocles is just some kind of twisted genius. He seems to crank out professiona…
  • [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by A2597 [/i] [B]time to download the starshatter demo again. :) (Had it, lost it in a HDD wipe) [/B][/QUOTE] Send me an email if you'd like to join the beta team.
  • I think it would be more accurate to say that ITF would be [i]innovative[/i] rather than revolutionary. I recall a time when it seemed that every new space sim claimed it was going to have a dynamic campaign built on a persistent world simulation. …
    in A suggestion Comment by milod June 2003
  • [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Matthew [/i] [B]Thirdly most space combat games are heavily scripted hence the need to create a seperate AI programme for your senior commander seems redundant. If most missions wont scripted it would be almost imposs…
    in A suggestion Comment by milod June 2003
  • Oh, how soon they forget. ;) I admit Starshatter is not absolutely identical to the game you described, but it is probably as close as you are likely to get without building your own from scratch.
    in A suggestion Comment by milod June 2003
  • Re: Callin out first ones [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by outofstep [/i] [B]Here's hoping that one day we'll get a flight sim. [/B][/QUOTE] There's always hope. [url][/url] [img]http://www.members.…
  • Yeah, I still remember the old Sierra threaded message board. Hard to believe that was four years ago.
  • [quote]Originally posted by Biggles: We also need to make sure they know the engine is easily upgradeable for new technologies, [b]and can be used for any game.[/b][/quote] Well, that's not true. The B5:ITF engine could be used to make anothe…
  • Some U.S PC Game sales figures for 1999 from PCData [list] [*]X-Wing Alliance -------- 143,371 [*]Homeworld -------------- 95,585 [*]Descent 3 -------------- 52,294 [*]Heavy Geer II ---------- 28,598 [*]Freespace 2 ------------ 26,983 [*]Fl…
  • Randy is talking about a "Limited Liability Partnership" or LLP, not a simple partnership. You are correct in saying that a corporation provides more liability protection, but there are other issues to consider. This page has a good overview of th…
  • Yeah, I already started a thread on it. A lot of people are having problems getting the game to work with their video card / monitor. When I try to run it at 1024 x 768, it sets the video refresh rate too high for my monitor, which promptly shut…
  • I think all that stuff goes into a big smelly trash compactor where it gets eaten by this funny snake-monster with one big red eye. ------------------ --milo [url=""][/url]
  • Whatever happened to Rick? ------------------ --milo [url=""][/url]
  • [quote]Originally posted by samuelk: [b]Yup. I'd heard you could do it that way, but I had never tried it. Looks like it works.[/b][/quote] Yes, but only on IE4 or better. The web server is delivering the result as a text file using the MIME …