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E.T · Quote-o-matic


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  • [QUOTE=ShadowDancer;195755]And it's an absolute disgrace that he didn't live to see us return to the moon![/QUOTE]That's indeed the saddest part. [QUOTE=DarthCaligula;195760]Really, what a travesty that after all these years, with all this tech…
  • [QUOTE=Stingray;195753]So far plant life has been kept in check.[/QUOTE]Now let's see how long it takes before something bigger starts rearing up its head. And actually some plants don't survive in longer growing grass and thrive on open ground. L…
  • [QUOTE=Biggles;194594]I still haven't figured out what the rest of the English-speaking world did to earn Wikipedia's wrath.[/QUOTE]Because those buttfucks in Brussels are eventually going to make EU follow the lead of the US to the butcherer. Brita…
  • [QUOTE=Capt.Montoya;194165]one of the most famous textbooks about it has a few pages of acronyms[/QUOTE]Only few pages? [url][/url] Heck, IIRC one those two books…
  • Looks much like new Mechwarrior won't be coming this year... in fact I can't find a single article confirming that it would still be in development instead of having been killed off. Such shame if it got axed by lack of funding. Franchise would d…
  • [QUOTE=Stingray;192691][URL=""]Namche Bazaar Tourist Info.[/URL] At least you'll know where to get some German pizza. :D[/QUOTE]Who the hell would care about some pizza? (pizzas are in menu in pretty much…
  • [QUOTE=Biggles;192687]I demand photos.[/QUOTE]Might go to weekend. Lot's of things to do after having been 20 days away and now also spring is at full speed in here. (like there in Nepal around 3km)
  • Two days left... or actually first flight of travelling route should have already taken off half hour before that. Hope 80GB of memory cards is enough for pictures. And darn Panasonic seems incapable to working with [url=…
  • [QUOTE=Biggles;192443][url=]4K[/url] [url=]8K[/url] [url=]UHDTV[/url] Technology will never stop.…
  • [QUOTE=RubberEagle;192366]and the DSLR Sensors read the image in lines, so sometimes the lines don't align... (with moving shots).[/QUOTE]Rolling shutter is basically type fault of CMOS sensors so it isn't limited just to DSLRs. [QUOTE=Stingray…
  • Eipä olla Zocaloa seurattu, matkahan on 3-5,5km:n välimaastoon Mt. Everestin perusleirin maisemiin. Vaelluksen lähtöpaikka on näinkin "alavassa" maastossa josta kävellään kymmenen päivää ylämäkeen: [url]…
  • Finished Prince of Persia Sands of Time trilogy week or two ago... I think original Prince of Persia was among the first PC games I saw. But as for now Crysis 2 really runs better than original/Warheads. :p [QUOTE=A2597;192092]I'm back in S…
  • Elossa ollaan, ja luultavasti paremmassa kunnossa kuin useampaan vuoteen kun pitäisi kohta olla vähintään 300km kävelylenkkejä takana harjoitteluksi matkaa varten.
  • Only two weeks left. (flight leaves in evening of 22nd) Should have now done at least about 300km of walking as exercise for the trip. Now if I only get all photography related stuff for next weekend. Ended up ordering Panasonic DMC-GH2 which s…
  • [QUOTE=Entil'Zha;192074]And I just got off the phone with the insurance adjuster... They noticed some bowing in the roof of the car, so they started taking measurements, and aparently the frame is bent[/QUOTE]Yeah, frame and internal structures ca…
  • [QUOTE=SpiritOne;192138]It doesn't sound like a bad power supply if when you can get it up it operates fully at load. That leads me to believe your motherboard is going tits up the slow way.[/QUOTE]Failing to boot at first try and needing gradually…
  • [QUOTE=WORF;191425]I'm not sure if even the closest star, Proxima Centauri were to go nova, it would make a hugely noticable difference.[/QUOTE]You seem to forget huge differences in energy output of different stars. Proxima Centauri is so tiny l…
  • I wouldn't consider "water colour" printers to anything else than printing of photos. Laser printer is just so much easier to use when there's no danger of ink drying, clogged print head/nozzles, need of special papers for any better prints.
    in Printers Comment by E.T February 2011
  • MechWarrior would be definitely on top of my list if it's good game and not just mediocre run of the mill cashing attempt riding on old reputation. Duke Nukem Forever could be also fun game, though there might be other contenders for position of …
  • [QUOTE=A2597;191390]You know, I actually had no idea IBM was around before computers...neat![/QUOTE] Well, why would it be called as International Business Machines if personal computers were the only thing it had ever done?
  • Looks like those who think world is going to end only in next year will be disappointed...
  • Do Central Europeans have one toe less in their foot or just how can their shoes be so narrow? In Friday I was in some shops and trying trekking boots of Central European makers makes you remember certain line from Die Hard... [QUOTE=JackN;1…
  • My, my, what a spacious airfield: [url][/url] Looks like Kala Patthar would be good place to take sunset photos with Mt. Everest and other high peaks on east and sun shining from west behind the back. …
  • [QUOTE=JackN;191209]I'd love to see Crater Lake, Oregon again...[/QUOTE]Only that one place? Aren't there enough places in Rocky Mountains and west US to spend whole summer?
  • [QUOTE=Biggles;191207]It could just be base camp. That's a hike I'd love to do.[/QUOTE]Another good thing in hiking to there is that walking is rather inexpensive form of travelling. About week shorter trips (two weeks) to Kilimanjaro or Mt. Kenya …
  • [QUOTE=Entil'Zha;191125]Sanfam, you have no idea, My wife once threw a baked potato at me![/QUOTE]Guess it wasn't "rubber hard" baked... or was it even supposed to be edible?
  • [QUOTE=Random Chaos;191053]Release the Aardvarks! Release the Hamsters![/QUOTE]Could you do that in Kainuu, Eastern Finland? Wolves there need something else to eat than Finnish forest reindeers which are heck lot more threatened specie than pet wo…
  • [QUOTE=Entil'Zha;191022]Oh baby, it's cold outside![/QUOTE]Cold in where? It's warm -15C, little higher and it starts to be uncomfortable hot to work outside.
  • [QUOTE=croxis;190628]It is a samsung :P I got 3 brand spanking new caps ready to put in.[/QUOTE]Do you really believe that those other CrapXons are going to last too well? Monitors are such pain in the neck to open that better do full recapping bec…
  • Was that monitor Samsung? They've used CrapXons in their very popular 226BW TN craps. My two years old LG W2600HP-BF IPS has Sam Young NXBs everywhere in power supply (Sam Whas in logic board) what I checked them and took their values and meas…