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Different order of events

Sorry to keep finding gripes with B5 all the time (I love it really) but I was wondering if anyone found the way the Shadow war itself was handled was a bit poor?

Throughout seasons 1 &2 it had been building, with The Shadows helping the Centauri being a great turn of events BUT this "great war" that they had been building up too lasted all of 15 episodes!

Thats counting from when the shadows first started getting involved properly to when Sheriden told them to get lost.......Not exactly the titanic struggle we'd all be expecting huh?

What I thought would have been better is if after Sheriden comes back from Za' ha'Dum, they joined up with the league, centauri and Minbari to liberate earth. Then, as the shadows began to recover from Sheridens attack on their homeworld they start moving......................only to be confronted by ALL the younger races. I reckon that if this had happened, we would nevcer have had to sit through the abysmal nothingness that was series 5.

Anyone want to pass judgement? (sorry J.M.S)


  • David of MacDavid of Mac Elite Ranger Ca
    Well, it depends on where you think the Shadow war began. From the Shadow's point of view, the major move to destablize the races happened in Chrisalys, making the Shadow war fifty episodes, nearly half the series.

    On the other hand, if you consider it starting when the younger races began fighting the Shadows, then it lasted 28 episodes.

    And why does everyone hate season 5 so? I mean, I realize it was probably the worst one, but you talk about it like it was the bastard child of "Star Trek: Voyager" and "WWF Smackdown!". ;)


    And we all know that was "Crusade". ;)

    I'm kidding, I'm kidding! I kid because I love.
  • croxiscroxis I am the walrus
    Season 5 would have been better if they knew it was going to happen. And while I think its the worst of the five seasons, I still think it is far better 99% of what is on TV
  • RhettRhett (Not even a monkey)
    Season 5 is considered so bad because of how much better it [b]could have been[/b]. Unfortunatley alot of the story HAD TO be wrapped up at the end of Season 4- becase they still didnt know if season 5 was even going to happen. I think if Ivanova had been able to stay- that would have been great.
  • eamonmcaeamonmca Earthforce Officer
    How do you compare it on a season by season basis?
    Season one achieved nothing by itself, but laid the ground for all the others.
    Really, was season 2 that brilliant on its own? Sure the shadows "moved", but nothing happed but the narn-centari war (which was pretty short).
    Season 3, being in the middle, is tied to events both before and after. Without seeing other seasons, war without end makes no sense.
    Season 4 did rock, but if you didnt know the plot from before the first 6 episodes are rather weird.
    Crusade? Well at least it doesnt break the plot or tech from any of the other series. It continues to tell the story, but not as well as the others. On the other hand it does give some basis for the drakh war, alluded to in both flashes back and forward.

    In conclusion, no series, no episode, no book - zip related to B5 is without value (with the exception of B5:LotR). Why? They all tell parts of the story. The same story (hence the dismissal of LotR). To appreciate the story is to know it all.

    Imagine reading Dune (Frant Herbert), but deciding, 'nah, I'm not interested in the Bene Gesserit, I'll just skip any bits of the book with that in it'.
    Thats no way to read a good book, and its most certainly no way to watch B5.

    Agree or my robot army will get you...
    :robot: :robot: :robot: :robot: :D :robot: :robot: :robot: :robot:
  • RhettRhett (Not even a monkey)
    I agree with eamonmca. The whole is definately greater than the sum of the parts.
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