Posted 30/07/2002 by Moo
I'm curious, we've had over 13,000 visitors to this site but no-one has been to the forum recently to post any questions about what has happened to the mod. Is it you all don't want the mod? Myself, Malice and Cory are still working on the mod, albeit very slowly, we will get there eventually though. What I want to know is, do you all still want this mod? I think we all need some encouragement to get this thing done. It is a lot of work and all of my team have given up a lot of time and effort up until now. So, do you want the mod still or not? Let me know by posting a message on the forum. Give a few words encouragement, offer some help! Anything just to show we are not doing this purely for ourselves. - Moo
link zum Forum ist [url=""][/url]
Link zur Homepage ist [url="http://www.roonster.fsnet.co.uk/"]http://www.roonster.fsnet.co.uk/[/url]
[quote]Originally posted by The Claw:
[b]Well, I'm off on holiday to France for 2 weeks tomorrow, so I figured I should release the work I've done so far, and I am confident in saying that it's the best work I've done yet (not hard considering that the G'Quan based of the Buda 5 original one was my first ever model with lightwave). I am proud to say though that I think the new G'Quan is about 90% accurate (I've had to leave out some detail because of poly limits though) and the rest is the same standard [img][/img]
Anyways, without further ado, the links!
The Bin'Tak (minorly upgraded from the last release):
The G'Quan, standard version (All versions come with energy mines, for added goodness [img][/img]):
The G'Quan that launches Frazi fighters:
A special version of the G'Quan which replaces all AI cruisers in the game (Also launches Frazis in theory):
The Frazi fighter itself:
The Th'Nor Light Cruiser:
The T'Loth Assault Cruiser:
And Finally a 3 rail Narn jumpgate that replaces the Jump Accelerator:
Sidenotes: The G'Quan is far too kick arse, but I havn't got enough time to scale it down at the mo. The Th'Nor and T'Loth should have more armament by all accounts, but I didn't no where to place it so omitted it until I get more info. The Bin'Tak is slightly too weak.
On a final note, the Energy mines- a max range of about 20km, they will explode with great force when they get within 1 km of another ship- makes sure you're at least 5 km away! It also uses the Antimatter explosion- for now.
Credit for the pulse and beam sounds go to Logic. The Energy mine launcher sound is mine.
Anyways, critisize etc. and I'll sort it all out when I get back. C ya guys [img][/img]
Screenshots gibts in diesem thread: [url=""][/url]
Oki buddies! A short update, since it has been so quite around here.
The voice acting is almost complete. All cutscene, briefing and debriefing voices are done and there are just two parts for in-flight voice missing...the main part (LOL!) and the synthesized computer voice, which will be done shortly....oh and another part of the instructor, but that one will be no prob at all and won't cause any delays [img][/img]
As for the sound...almost complete too, just a few things missing...I am currently fighting with an internal collision sound...
Ätsch, ich war schneller! [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]
der wcp mod hat nun 32 bit frabunterstützung
siehe [url="http://mods.firstones.com/b5commander/News.html"]http://mods.firstones.com/b5commander/News.html[/url]
unter [url="http://www.roonster.fsnet.co.uk/screenshots.html"]http://www.roonster.fsnet.co.uk/screenshots.html[/url] gibts einige neue Screenshots von b5: Shadows in the Night (Halfe-life mod)
[This message has been edited by Alpha-1 (edited 08-20-2002).]
[quote]Originally posted by Black Sheep:
[b]...mmmh...ich würd ganz schnell auf Quake 3 engine umsteigen oder Unreal 2...die Sachen sehen zwar nicht schlecht aus...aber trotzdem...[/b][/quote]
Nichtsdestotrotz finde ich die Screenshots nicht schlecht, bisher war da bei diesem Mod ja ziemlich Ebbe.
We are one. No matter the blood, no matter the skin, no matter the world, no matter the star. .. We are one.
No matter the pain, no matter the darkness, no matter the loss, no matter the fear. .. We are one.
- Alliance Preamble to the Declaration of Principles, The Paragon of Animals
Webmaster [url="http://www.Sprungtor.de"]www.Sprungtor.de[/url]
[quote]Originally posted by Moo:
[b]I want the mod to be available to everyone. Half-life has been around so long that everything we need mapping wise will have been done and thus won't be too much work for us, plus everyone and their dog has a copy of half-life.
As Robin says, it's really easy to mod HL and we can push the engine to its limit due to the newer Pc's.[/b][/quote]
Meiner Meinung nach kommt es ja hier eh mehr auf die Story und die Atmosphäre an.
Tracking the page...sorry
29.8.2002 - 13:16
We have now broken the record of 33000 unique IP:s and 250 000 page views. This is all thanks to you. Though there are not much updating and the latest images / info about the game is 1 year old (or something) I hope that we will be getting more progress at the fall and next year (including web updating and more info). The road is long and bumpy, but to achive what we WANT, not what we can get easily is to walk that path to the end. I know that I wouldn't want the game to be fine, I wan't it to be perfect.
hier einige Fragen und die dazugehörigen Antworten aus dem IFH Forum
Some questions and answers based on some Russian forum threads.
All that said about the "demo" now is related to prequel campaign.
Q: Will there be some subsystems management?
A: Yes.
Q: Will the explosions in the demo/full game look the same as in trailers?
A: No
Q: Is it possible to change the adjust the cannons power?
A: No, the Starfury cannons are not adjustable. But it's a good idea...
Q: What is the average preferred combat speed?
A: Up to you. I would recommend 200-300 m/s - otherwise it would be hard to maneuver your craft.
Q: What maximum acceleration the Starfury has?
A: 5-7 G depending on fuel loadout (when using afterburners). Usually about 3-4 G.
Q: Is there such thing as maximum speed?
A: No
Q: Can we change the fuel loadout?
A: In the game - yes, in the demo - no.
Q: About radar/sensors: will there be "blind spots"?
A: No blind spots, it's the 23rd sentury after all.
Q: What is the effective sensor radius?
A: 35 km.
Q: Can we shut down engines/reactor to avoid detection by enemy radar?
A: In the full game - yes. We also want to make the detection radius depending on object's size.
Q: Missiles - are they heat-seekers or radar-guided?
A: Radar-guided.
Q: There's a picture HOTAS Cougar as Andy's avatar. Is it just for fun or your game will use the abilities of that stick?
A: That stick has lesser abilities that our game can use.
Q: What about navigation? Do we have to use waypoints?
A: In realspace - yes, in hyperspace - beacons (local beacons and beacon pairs).
Q: Can we travel the REALLY big distances (more than few hundred kilometers) ?
A: Yes we can. There is about 1 light year of real space, free to travel in any direction.
Q: Can we collide with the planet?
A: It is still uncertain, in the demo most likely no.
Q: What is the relative destructive force of cannons and missiles?
A: A single missile hit is gonna kill the fighter almost for sure.
Q: What is the speed of cannon bolts?
A: About 450 m/s.
Q: What is the speed of missiles?
A: Different missiles fly differently, yet many things have to balanced.
Q: Hot many cannon hits the Starfury can hold?
A: Five hits, if they're fired from another Starfury.
[This message has been edited by Alpha-1 (edited 09-01-2002).]
Ich bin zu faul, da jetzt nich thumbs zu machen, daher poste ich nur den Link: [url="http://ifh.firstones.com/cgi-bin/forum/ikonboard.cgi?s=3d7247100e03ffff;act=ST;f=1;t=104"]http://ifh.firstones.com/cgi-bin/forum/ikonboard.cgi?s=3d7247100e03ffff;act=ST;f=1;t=104[/url]
Die "Arbeit" kann ja dann morgen Alpha-1 wie gewohnt machen [img][/img]
Naja, vielleicht machs ichs morgen am Vormittag, wenn sich sonst keiner findet(muss ich mir aber noch gaaaanz gut überlegen [img][/img]).
[quote]>If you get a direct hit on the cockpit, you don't deserve it to fly any longer
After reading your post I've added a few lines to the Starfury script. Now it can be killed with one shot in the cockpit, though I'm not sure if the gameplay will suffer or not. This requires a lot of testing.
>Otherwise I think 5 hits is a good compromise between gameplay and the duration seen on the show.
Remember that most of the fighters have 2 guns... So, it can take only 2.5 well aimed shots to kill the 'Fury.
[/quote] alas kleiner Nachtrag [img][/img]
[quote]Originally posted by -Marty-:
[b]hehe [img][/img]
Ich bin zu faul, da jetzt nich thumbs zu machen[/b][/quote]
ich hab mal welche gemacht [img][/img]
ihr findet die im deutschen und allgemeinen fo forum [img][/img]
sagt mal, mitchell's und ivanovas starfury, haben die metallische reflektionen oder bilde ich es mir nur ein?
in der nähe der schubdüsen schauts so aus als ob da was reflektiert
naja es sieht irgendwie glatter aus, nicht so matt...kann aber auch mit der Beleuchtung(oder mit meiner Phanasie) zusammen hängen [img][/img]
Dann träumt mal schön weiter...es sind einfach nur die Texturen...ich hab anfangs in der Demo auch arg blöd ausgehen, als ich diese Ecken gesehen hab...aber ich hab dann den Fury auf Biegen und Brechen gedreht (Starfury fliegen ist schön [img][/img]), sie veränderten sich leider nicht.
Also...zur Zeit sind es nur Texturen...keine Sorge...diese Reflektionen kommen schon noch rein...zur Zeit funzen sie halt noch nicht richtig...ich werd Oleg diesbezüglich aber nochmal genau ausquetschen...
Edit: aber hey...die Fensterscheiben haben schon coole...errr...Effekte [img][/img]
[This message has been edited by Black Sheep (edited 09-02-2002).]
[quote]Originally posted by KillerWave:
[b]...with the object viewer.
Ok, its a crappy joke, but nevertheless, its progress [img][/img]
[quote]Originally posted by LogicSequence:
[b]Added the Earth Alliance Omega Class Destoyer v2.0 and Earth Alliance Omega-X Class Advanced Destoyer v2.0 to the downloads secton of my site.
PS: Bevor jemand meckert, dass man Verbesserungen zu vorherigen Versionen mit der Lupe suchen muss (ich denke da einen bestimmten Menschen, der gerne kritisiert [img][/img] ** - oder hat Er vielleicht glücklicherweise kein I-War 2 Spiel [img][/img] ). Bei diesen Updates handelt es sich in erster Linie um die Beseitigung von Problemen in Zusammenhang mit Missionscripten (WaffenLink, ... ).
** Die gemeinte Person soll diesen Kommentar nicht ernst nehmen, nicht, dass doch noch ein Krieg ausbricht [img][/img] .
Öh...ich könnt jetzt komplett falsch liegen, aber ein Krieg würde höchsten wegen den PC Mags ausbrechen [img][/img]
...ne, ich hab kein BUDA...noch nicht...und das nächste Mal, bevor ihr Sprachausgabe in eure Missionen knallt, lasst mich euch bitte etwas in Sachen Sprachbearbeitung beibringen, wenn ihr es bisher selbst noch nicht gemacht habt...
Abgesehen davon krisiere ich garnicht so viel...oder war ich jetzt garnicht gemeint? [img][/img]
Edit: das mit der Sprachausgabe ist jetzt so völlig zusammenhangslos, kam mir aber grad in den Sinn [img][/img]
[This message has been edited by Black Sheep (edited 09-18-2002).]
Du liegst goldrichtig. Aber Du hast natürlich recht, Du gibts ja meist nutzvolle Hinweise und Hilfestellungen - entschuldige bitte, dass ich Dich mit simpler Kritik wähnte [img][/img] .
Über die Soundgeschichte haben wir uns noch gar keine Gedanken gemacht, aber ich denke, ich werde, wenn es irgendwann mal soweit ist, sich um solche wirklich wichtigen Dinge zu kümmern (und nicht nur irgendwelche Programmbeschränkungen rauszufinden und zu umgehen) [img][/img] , auf das Angebot gern zurückgreifen! Z.B. das mit den Funkspruch unterlegten Stimmen in Buda5 V1 war manchmal nicht so gelungen (frag mich aber bitte jetzt nicht, wer da seine Finger im Spiel hatte).
Posted 30/07/2002 by Moo
I'm curious, we've had over 13,000 visitors to this site but no-one has been to the forum recently to post any questions about what has happened to the mod. Is it you all don't want the mod? Myself, Malice and Cory are still working on the mod, albeit very slowly, we will get there eventually though. What I want to know is, do you all still want this mod? I think we all need some encouragement to get this thing done. It is a lot of work and all of my team have given up a lot of time and effort up until now. So, do you want the mod still or not? Let me know by posting a message on the forum. Give a few words encouragement, offer some help! Anything just to show we are not doing this purely for ourselves. - Moo
link zum Forum ist [url=""][/url]
Link zur Homepage ist [url="http://www.roonster.fsnet.co.uk/"]http://www.roonster.fsnet.co.uk/[/url]
[b]Well, I'm off on holiday to France for 2 weeks tomorrow, so I figured I should release the work I've done so far, and I am confident in saying that it's the best work I've done yet (not hard considering that the G'Quan based of the Buda 5 original one was my first ever model with lightwave). I am proud to say though that I think the new G'Quan is about 90% accurate (I've had to leave out some detail because of poly limits though) and the rest is the same standard [img][/img]
Anyways, without further ado, the links!
The Bin'Tak (minorly upgraded from the last release):
The G'Quan, standard version (All versions come with energy mines, for added goodness [img][/img]):
The G'Quan that launches Frazi fighters:
A special version of the G'Quan which replaces all AI cruisers in the game (Also launches Frazis in theory):
The Frazi fighter itself:
The Th'Nor Light Cruiser:
The T'Loth Assault Cruiser:
And Finally a 3 rail Narn jumpgate that replaces the Jump Accelerator:
Sidenotes: The G'Quan is far too kick arse, but I havn't got enough time to scale it down at the mo. The Th'Nor and T'Loth should have more armament by all accounts, but I didn't no where to place it so omitted it until I get more info. The Bin'Tak is slightly too weak.
On a final note, the Energy mines- a max range of about 20km, they will explode with great force when they get within 1 km of another ship- makes sure you're at least 5 km away! It also uses the Antimatter explosion- for now.
Credit for the pulse and beam sounds go to Logic. The Energy mine launcher sound is mine.
Anyways, critisize etc. and I'll sort it all out when I get back. C ya guys [img][/img]
Screenshots gibts in diesem thread: [url=""][/url]
Date: Sunday, August 11 2002 | 13:00 GMT Provided by: Black_Sheep
Subject: Audio progress
Oki buddies! A short update, since it has been so quite around here.
The voice acting is almost complete. All cutscene, briefing and debriefing voices are done and there are just two parts for in-flight voice missing...the main part (LOL!) and the synthesized computer voice, which will be done shortly....oh and another part of the instructor, but that one will be no prob at all and won't cause any delays [img][/img]
As for the sound...almost complete too, just a few things missing...I am currently fighting with an internal collision sound...
Well...whatever...stay tuned, it's coming. [img][/img]
Catch ya later!
siehe [url="http://mods.firstones.com/b5commander/News.html"]http://mods.firstones.com/b5commander/News.html[/url]
Hat das nicht nur irgendwas mit korrekter Polygondarstellung zu tun und nichts mit der Farbtiefe?
[b]"32-bit Z-buffer"
Hat das nicht nur irgendwas mit korrekter Polygondarstellung zu tun und nichts mit der Farbtiefe?[/b][/quote]
kann auch sein. [img][/img]
[This message has been edited by Alpha-1 (edited 08-20-2002).]
[This message has been edited by Black Sheep (edited 08-20-2002).]
[b]...mmmh...ich würd ganz schnell auf Quake 3 engine umsteigen oder Unreal 2...die Sachen sehen zwar nicht schlecht aus...aber trotzdem...[/b][/quote]
Hab sie mal in ihrem Forum danach gefragt.
We are one. No matter the blood, no matter the skin, no matter the world, no matter the star. .. We are one.
No matter the pain, no matter the darkness, no matter the loss, no matter the fear. .. We are one.
- Alliance Preamble to the Declaration of Principles, The Paragon of Animals
Webmaster [url="http://www.Sprungtor.de"]www.Sprungtor.de[/url]
[quote]Originally posted by Moo:
[b]I want the mod to be available to everyone. Half-life has been around so long that everything we need mapping wise will have been done and thus won't be too much work for us, plus everyone and their dog has a copy of half-life.
As Robin says, it's really easy to mod HL and we can push the engine to its limit due to the newer Pc's.[/b][/quote]
Meiner Meinung nach kommt es ja hier eh mehr auf die Story und die Atmosphäre an.
Tracking the page...sorry
29.8.2002 - 13:16
We have now broken the record of 33000 unique IP:s and 250 000 page views. This is all thanks to you. Though there are not much updating and the latest images / info about the game is 1 year old (or something) I hope that we will be getting more progress at the fall and next year (including web updating and more info). The road is long and bumpy, but to achive what we WANT, not what we can get easily is to walk that path to the end. I know that I wouldn't want the game to be fine, I wan't it to be perfect.
- Omega
Some questions and answers based on some Russian forum threads.
All that said about the "demo" now is related to prequel campaign.
Q: Will there be some subsystems management?
A: Yes.
Q: Will the explosions in the demo/full game look the same as in trailers?
A: No
Q: Is it possible to change the adjust the cannons power?
A: No, the Starfury cannons are not adjustable. But it's a good idea...
Q: What is the average preferred combat speed?
A: Up to you. I would recommend 200-300 m/s - otherwise it would be hard to maneuver your craft.
Q: What maximum acceleration the Starfury has?
A: 5-7 G depending on fuel loadout (when using afterburners). Usually about 3-4 G.
Q: Is there such thing as maximum speed?
A: No
Q: Can we change the fuel loadout?
A: In the game - yes, in the demo - no.
Q: About radar/sensors: will there be "blind spots"?
A: No blind spots, it's the 23rd sentury after all.
Q: What is the effective sensor radius?
A: 35 km.
Q: Can we shut down engines/reactor to avoid detection by enemy radar?
A: In the full game - yes. We also want to make the detection radius depending on object's size.
Q: Missiles - are they heat-seekers or radar-guided?
A: Radar-guided.
Q: There's a picture HOTAS Cougar as Andy's avatar. Is it just for fun or your game will use the abilities of that stick?
A: That stick has lesser abilities that our game can use.
Q: What about navigation? Do we have to use waypoints?
A: In realspace - yes, in hyperspace - beacons (local beacons and beacon pairs).
Q: Can we travel the REALLY big distances (more than few hundred kilometers) ?
A: Yes we can. There is about 1 light year of real space, free to travel in any direction.
Q: Can we collide with the planet?
A: It is still uncertain, in the demo most likely no.
Q: What is the relative destructive force of cannons and missiles?
A: A single missile hit is gonna kill the fighter almost for sure.
Q: What is the speed of cannon bolts?
A: About 450 m/s.
Q: What is the speed of missiles?
A: Different missiles fly differently, yet many things have to balanced.
Q: Hot many cannon hits the Starfury can hold?
A: Five hits, if they're fired from another Starfury.
[This message has been edited by Alpha-1 (edited 09-01-2002).]
Ich bin zu faul, da jetzt nich thumbs zu machen, daher poste ich nur den Link: [url="http://ifh.firstones.com/cgi-bin/forum/ikonboard.cgi?s=3d7247100e03ffff;act=ST;f=1;t=104"]http://ifh.firstones.com/cgi-bin/forum/ikonboard.cgi?s=3d7247100e03ffff;act=ST;f=1;t=104[/url]
Die "Arbeit" kann ja dann morgen Alpha-1 wie gewohnt machen [img][/img]
Naja, vielleicht machs ichs morgen am Vormittag, wenn sich sonst keiner findet(muss ich mir aber noch gaaaanz gut überlegen [img][/img]).
After reading your post I've added a few lines to the Starfury script. Now it can be killed with one shot in the cockpit, though I'm not sure if the gameplay will suffer or not. This requires a lot of testing.
>Otherwise I think 5 hits is a good compromise between gameplay and the duration seen on the show.
Remember that most of the fighters have 2 guns... So, it can take only 2.5 well aimed shots to kill the 'Fury.
[/quote] alas kleiner Nachtrag [img][/img]
hatte ich garnicht bemrkt@BS
[b]hehe [img][/img]
Ich bin zu faul, da jetzt nich thumbs zu machen[/b][/quote]
ich hab mal welche gemacht [img][/img]
ihr findet die im deutschen und allgemeinen fo forum [img][/img]
sagt mal, mitchell's und ivanovas starfury, haben die metallische reflektionen oder bilde ich es mir nur ein?
in der nähe der schubdüsen schauts so aus als ob da was reflektiert
Also...zur Zeit sind es nur Texturen...keine Sorge...diese Reflektionen kommen schon noch rein...zur Zeit funzen sie halt noch nicht richtig...ich werd Oleg diesbezüglich aber nochmal genau ausquetschen...
Edit: aber hey...die Fensterscheiben haben schon coole...errr...Effekte [img][/img]
[This message has been edited by Black Sheep (edited 09-02-2002).]
[quote]Originally posted by KillerWave:
[b]...with the object viewer.
Ok, its a crappy joke, but nevertheless, its progress [img][/img]
More details on the news page.
The usual...
Comments? Questions? Suggestions?
[quote]Originally posted by LogicSequence:
[b]Added the Earth Alliance Omega Class Destoyer v2.0 and Earth Alliance Omega-X Class Advanced Destoyer v2.0 to the downloads secton of my site.
[url="http://www.geocities.com/logictekinc/preindex.html"] [img]http://hometown.aol.com/logictekinc/logicteklogo.gif[/img] [/url]
Ergo, Terra Stella[/b][/quote]
Models and updates - September 10th 2002 - Indie
EA Omega, Omega-X, The Whitestar and Minbari Nial have been updated. New models: Brakiri Avioki and Minbari Flyer. All at the 'downloads' section.
** Die gemeinte Person soll diesen Kommentar nicht ernst nehmen, nicht, dass doch noch ein Krieg ausbricht [img][/img] .
[This message has been edited by Roi Danton (edited 09-18-2002).]
...ne, ich hab kein BUDA...noch nicht...und das nächste Mal, bevor ihr Sprachausgabe in eure Missionen knallt, lasst mich euch bitte etwas in Sachen Sprachbearbeitung beibringen, wenn ihr es bisher selbst noch nicht gemacht habt...
Abgesehen davon krisiere ich garnicht so viel...oder war ich jetzt garnicht gemeint? [img][/img]
Edit: das mit der Sprachausgabe ist jetzt so völlig zusammenhangslos, kam mir aber grad in den Sinn [img][/img]
[This message has been edited by Black Sheep (edited 09-18-2002).]
Du liegst goldrichtig. Aber Du hast natürlich recht, Du gibts ja meist nutzvolle Hinweise und Hilfestellungen - entschuldige bitte, dass ich Dich mit simpler Kritik wähnte [img][/img] .
Über die Soundgeschichte haben wir uns noch gar keine Gedanken gemacht, aber ich denke, ich werde, wenn es irgendwann mal soweit ist, sich um solche wirklich wichtigen Dinge zu kümmern (und nicht nur irgendwelche Programmbeschränkungen rauszufinden und zu umgehen) [img][/img] , auf das Angebot gern zurückgreifen! Z.B. das mit den Funkspruch unterlegten Stimmen in Buda5 V1 war manchmal nicht so gelungen (frag mich aber bitte jetzt nicht, wer da seine Finger im Spiel hatte).