Ich bin gerade mehr oder weniger zufällig auf die Seite von einem B%-Mod gestoßen, der zumindest mir noch nicht bekannt ist. Es handelt sich dabei um einen Homeworld-Mod names "The DarkAge". Vielleicht irre ich mich ja auch aber, es ist glaube ich nicht der "normale" HW-Mod. Oder etwa doch ?
iss nicht der normale
[quote]Originally posted by Falcon:
[b]Ich bin gerade mehr oder weniger zufällig auf die Seite von einem B%-Mod gestoßen, der zumindest mir noch nicht bekannt ist. Es handelt sich dabei um einen Homeworld-Mod names "The DarkAge". Vielleicht irre ich mich ja auch aber, es ist glaube ich nicht der "normale" HW-Mod. Oder etwa doch ?
Mod für Sims! [img][/img]
Danke für das Info, ich werde das in die Hauptforen posten. [img][/img]
PS. Es gibt noch ein Update. Aber ich lasse dich es machen. [img][/img]
[b]Never start a fight. But always finish it.[/b]
Finnish techno-geek, friend of all aardvarks
Moderator at Babylon 5: Into the Fire Finland message boards
#b5itf-finland (IRCnet) channel operator
[This message has been edited by X-Omega (edited 04-02-2001).]
Updated the site,Changed the "Levels" page to Downloads,and added info on the Demo mission.
RubberEagleWhat's a rubber eagle used for, anyway?
hab heute die HP vom StarLancer mod etwas aktualiesert... sie is trotzdem noch ziemlich veraltet, werd in den nächsten tagen hoffentlich noch ein paar updates machen (hab heut erst mal die technischen vorraussetzungen dafür schaffen müssen).
hab auch ein paar screenies von meinem B5 upgeloaded, also alle, die's noch nicht kennen, nix wie hin. die restlichen screenshots sind einige monate alt, also bitte daran nicht die qualität der modelle beurteilen [img][/img] wie schon gesagt, ich werd in den näschten tagen hoffentlich dazu kommen, die schiff-seiten zu aktualisieren...
achja, hier noch die url: [url="http://www.geocities.com/slb5mod"]http://www.geocities.com/slb5mod[/url]
p.s.: die B5 shots sind auch schon ein monat alt, schätz ich
Hey Leute sagt mal wo kann ich denn die Mods für Klingon Acadamy und X-Wing Alliance runterladen?? [img][/img]
RubberEagleWhat's a rubber eagle used for, anyway?
warst du schon mal auf [url="http://mods.firstones.com"]mods.firstones.com[/url]? dort gibts eigene bereiche für die... aber wie ich das letzte mal versucht hab, den KA mod runterzuladen, sind die files nicht gefunden worden.. probiers halt mal...
[quote]Originally posted by RubberEagle:
[b]warst du schon mal auf [url="http://mods.firstones.com"]mods.firstones.com[/url]? dort gibts eigene bereiche für die... aber wie ich das letzte mal versucht hab, den KA mod runterzuladen, sind die files nicht gefunden worden.. probiers halt mal...[/b][/quote]
Da war ich schon! aber wie du schon gesagt hast die MOD für KA Funktioniert nicht. [img][/img]
Und für X-Wing Aliance gibt es keinen Download bereich, oder ich bin einfach blind.
[quote]Originally posted by Morpheus:
[b] Und für X-Wing Aliance gibt es keinen Download bereich, oder ich bin einfach blind.
[quote]Originally posted by Alpha-1:
[b] [QUOTE]Originally posted by Morpheus:
[b] Und für X-Wing Aliance gibt es keinen Download bereich, oder ich bin einfach blind.
[quote]Originally posted by Renderer:
[b]Hi everyone!
Consider it just a small update from dev team. It's a dinner time here and I have some time to write this short report. I owe it to you for quite a long time.
Everything is going well at the time, and the next demo is going out in few weeks, but I cannot say the exact date, and I'll tell you why. It's because I can't be sure that I'll be working on IFH for 8 hours every day. "Real life", dammit...
We've added full joystick support (thanks to Andy) but without FF yet. We're (me and Andy) planing to improve the flight model in order to make it more realistic and CORRECTLY depending on ship damage.
Scripted model animation is almost finished, as well as many other scripting sub-systems. Almost everything is scripted now. Future IFH modders will be able to create their mods without writing a single line of code.
As some of you heard, new render uses advanced material scripting. It is finished, but ENTIRE renderering system needs some optimization to minimize the number of OpenGL state switches.
Smasher is working on mission editor, flexible and powerful. You not gonna have to make your missions in text editor! [img][/img] Hopefully we'll include this editor in the demo pack. Smasher is also working on new (and old [img][/img] models, like B5 station.
Now few words about Henrik. Besides modelling, he makes a wonderful 2D renderings for our game, like this variant of IFH title screen. He also made some great 2D renderings of new HUD elemetns.
Here is my part of update.
As Oleg already told You, currently i'm working on mission editor for our game.
I call it MissEd [img][/img])
Check out a couple of shots from debug version:
Besides this editor, i've coded network library for multiplayer support. This code should be tested and if it'll work fine, next demo will have multiplayer fun [img][/img]
[This message has been edited by Alpha-1 (edited 04-24-2001).]
RubberEagleWhat's a rubber eagle used for, anyway?
WOW! Schöne Sache... die Jungs wissen wirklich, wie man so'ne Sache anpackt!
Bei Sierra würde man sich jetzt so langsam darüber Gedanken machen, *wann* man das Projekt absägt. [img][/img]
We are one. No matter the blood, no matter the skin, no matter the world, no matter the star. .. We are one.
No matter the pain, no matter the darkness, no matter the loss, no matter the fear. .. We are one.
- Alliance Preamble to the Declaration of Principles, The Paragon of Animals
Webmaster [url="http://www.Sprungtor.de"]www.Sprungtor.de[/url]
Wie sieht es eigentlich mit der Distribution der "fertigen" Mods und Freeware-Projekte aus? Ich meine, nicht jeder wird sich megabyteweise den Kram herunterladen wollen, auch wenn er/sie an allen Elementen (wie z.B. Musik) interessiert ist.
Wäre es nicht sinnvoll, das einmal herunterzuladen und dann, auf CD-ROM gebrannt, an die Leute zum Freundschaftspreis (Rohling+Porto) zu verschicken? Das ginge natürlich nicht sinnvoll bei Demos (zu viele Änderungen). Was denkt ihr, das wäre doch im deutschsprachigen Raum 'ne Aufgabe für's Sprungtor, oder?
We are one. No matter the blood, no matter the skin, no matter the world, no matter the star. .. We are one.
No matter the pain, no matter the darkness, no matter the loss, no matter the fear. .. We are one.
- Alliance Preamble to the Declaration of Principles, The Paragon of Animals
Webmaster [url="http://www.Sprungtor.de"]www.Sprungtor.de[/url]
RubberEagleWhat's a rubber eagle used for, anyway?
Wäre eine möglichkeit.
Was ich mir übrigens auch gedacht habe, wäre, wenn unser mod ein erfolg wird, und interesse daran besteht, könnten wir auch eine deutsche "synchronisation" organisieren.
Da ich ja auch ein bisschen Deutsch kann (nicht so viel [img][/img]), wären die Texte dann ja sogar im sinne der Entwickler [img][/img]
RubberEagleWhat's a rubber eagle used for, anyway?
so.. ihr bekommt hier sozusagen ein exclusiv prieview von etwas, daß wir vielleicht demnächst auf unserer hp haben werden (die LucasArts-seite hat mich vor ein paar tagen auf die idee gebracht)
[This message has been edited by RubberEagle (edited 05-01-2001).]
RubberEagleWhat's a rubber eagle used for, anyway?
hm.. eigentlich wollt ich wissen, was ihr davon haltet
The best Hope is Future and the future made us stronger.
The fight for the game is now full with heavy flames.
So fängt es also an...
BoardMember at [url="http://www.paraworlds.com"]http://www.paraworlds.com[/url]
Ich will Dir ja nicht zu nahe treten, aber kannst Du der Schrift ein weniger babyhaftes Blau verpassen?
We are one. No matter the blood, no matter the skin, no matter the world, no matter the star. .. We are one.
No matter the pain, no matter the darkness, no matter the loss, no matter the fear. .. We are one.
- Alliance Preamble to the Declaration of Principles, The Paragon of Animals
Webmaster [url="http://www.Sprungtor.de"]www.Sprungtor.de[/url]
RubberEagleWhat's a rubber eagle used for, anyway?
[quote]Originally posted by Language of Hope:
[b]Ich will Dir ja nicht zu nahe treten, aber kannst Du der Schrift ein weniger babyhaftes Blau verpassen?
aus dem grund hab ichs (auch) gepostet (nein, nicht nur zur selbstbewihräucherung [img][/img])
werd schaun [img][/img]
Funny you should ask . I finished the code yesterday. It took way longer than it should have -- I'm starting to understand what people mean when they say that Direct3D is really convoluted (but that's a topic for another discussion). I'm gonna' distribute it to the team tonight so they can play with it, so it looks like the only thing we're waiting on now is the models .
David MacCormack
B5:FSF project lead, programmer, and composer
[This message has been edited by Alpha-1 (edited 05-10-2001).]
Hi guys, sorry if there hasn't been any updates, but we are all working hard on the game. I can update you on what is happening now. I am working on weapon textures and lensflares for the ships. I am also making HUD textures for all pilotable ships. A kinda slow process cause I am first making hi poly versions of the viewscreens, then I texture them and finally I render in lightwave and after a little photoshop magic I add it in the hud script for the specific ship.
You wanted to fly the sentri? I did that 4 days ago. Took it for a spin around B5, squeezed off a couple of red plasma bolts Actually I will post screenshots of it when I have made the HUD complete.
I don't think the Whitestar will be pilotable in the game campaign, but there is something called modding... it is very easy to make the whitestar pilotable that way.
cheers, and thanx for your patience.
2d/3d artist and webmaster... kinda
[This message has been edited by Alpha-1 (edited 05-10-2001).]
Allrighty, I've said byebye to school and Astral has pretty easy time now, so we're starting the development again!
For starters, we've discussed the tech tree over again and decided to do some changes. The most notable change will be in weapons development. We're planning to do it "seamlessly" which means that there might not be tech levels in the word's exact meaning but the opportunity to develop the different properties of the weapon independently. We have ideas how to do this but it's still unclear what we're going to do with it. Right now we're looking at several solutions all the way from seamless development to just partly seamless simplier system. We're not sure yet which to use. This also brings us to the other components' properties and the tech level system and what to do with them. All we can do right now is to think and plan ahead since there's no coder around at the moment, but that suits us just fine since there's a lot to think about
Jussi 'Jusas' Saarivirta
B5: Worlds 3D modeller and project manager
This set will show the normal days of a Babylon 5 officer.
Total number of missions: 3
Mission set 2
The adventures of Marus Cole.
Total number of missions: 5
Mission set 3
This one follows a EA soldier through 3 conflicts.
Total Missions:N/A
More to come.
RubberEagleWhat's a rubber eagle used for, anyway?
offensichtlich geht jetzt schön langsam wieder was weiter bei den ganzen mods (und freewareprogrammen). Auch wir haben gestern unseren richtigen Cutscenes-Renderer bekommen... einer vonder B5MG [img][/img]
Hier die URL:
[url="http://www.thegamingunion.co.uk/hosted/darkagesite/index.html"]DarkAge Website[/url]
CU Falcon
[quote]Originally posted by Falcon:
[b]Ich bin gerade mehr oder weniger zufällig auf die Seite von einem B%-Mod gestoßen, der zumindest mir noch nicht bekannt ist. Es handelt sich dabei um einen Homeworld-Mod names "The DarkAge". Vielleicht irre ich mich ja auch aber, es ist glaube ich nicht der "normale" HW-Mod. Oder etwa doch ?
Hier die URL:
[url="http://www.thegamingunion.co.uk/hosted/darkagesite/index.html"]DarkAge Website[/url]
CU Falcon[/b][/quote]
Danke für das Info, ich werde das in die Hauptforen posten. [img][/img]
PS. Es gibt noch ein Update. Aber ich lasse dich es machen. [img][/img]
[b]Never start a fight. But always finish it.[/b]
Finnish techno-geek, friend of all aardvarks
Moderator at Babylon 5: Into the Fire Finland message boards
#b5itf-finland (IRCnet) channel operator
[This message has been edited by X-Omega (edited 04-02-2001).]
Obwohl die Arbeiten gut vorrangehen braucht es noch ein paar Texturen und Sound files.
April 11th 2001
Updated the site,Changed the "Levels" page to Downloads,and added info on the Demo mission.
hab auch ein paar screenies von meinem B5 upgeloaded, also alle, die's noch nicht kennen, nix wie hin. die restlichen screenshots sind einige monate alt, also bitte daran nicht die qualität der modelle beurteilen [img][/img] wie schon gesagt, ich werd in den näschten tagen hoffentlich dazu kommen, die schiff-seiten zu aktualisieren...
achja, hier noch die url: [url="http://www.geocities.com/slb5mod"]http://www.geocities.com/slb5mod[/url]
p.s.: die B5 shots sind auch schon ein monat alt, schätz ich
[b]warst du schon mal auf [url="http://mods.firstones.com"]mods.firstones.com[/url]? dort gibts eigene bereiche für die... aber wie ich das letzte mal versucht hab, den KA mod runterzuladen, sind die files nicht gefunden worden.. probiers halt mal...[/b][/quote]
Da war ich schon! aber wie du schon gesagt hast die MOD für KA Funktioniert nicht. [img][/img]
Und für X-Wing Aliance gibt es keinen Download bereich, oder ich bin einfach blind.
[b] Und für X-Wing Aliance gibt es keinen Download bereich, oder ich bin einfach blind.
stand in den news auf der xwa mod seite [img][/img]
[b] [QUOTE]Originally posted by Morpheus:
[b] Und für X-Wing Aliance gibt es keinen Download bereich, oder ich bin einfach blind.
stand in den news auf der xwa mod seite [img][/img][/B][/QUOTE]
Danke Alpha. [img][/img]
[quote]Originally posted by Renderer:
[b]Hi everyone!
Consider it just a small update from dev team. It's a dinner time here and I have some time to write this short report. I owe it to you for quite a long time.
Everything is going well at the time, and the next demo is going out in few weeks, but I cannot say the exact date, and I'll tell you why. It's because I can't be sure that I'll be working on IFH for 8 hours every day. "Real life", dammit...
We've added full joystick support (thanks to Andy) but without FF yet. We're (me and Andy) planing to improve the flight model in order to make it more realistic and CORRECTLY depending on ship damage.
Scripted model animation is almost finished, as well as many other scripting sub-systems. Almost everything is scripted now. Future IFH modders will be able to create their mods without writing a single line of code.
As some of you heard, new render uses advanced material scripting. It is finished, but ENTIRE renderering system needs some optimization to minimize the number of OpenGL state switches.
Smasher is working on mission editor, flexible and powerful. You not gonna have to make your missions in text editor! [img][/img] Hopefully we'll include this editor in the demo pack. Smasher is also working on new (and old [img][/img] models, like B5 station.
Now few words about Henrik. Besides modelling, he makes a wonderful 2D renderings for our game, like this variant of IFH title screen. He also made some great 2D renderings of new HUD elemetns.
That's all for today, I'll keep you posted.
[quote]Originally posted by Smasher:
[b]Hello !
Here is my part of update.
As Oleg already told You, currently i'm working on mission editor for our game.
I call it MissEd [img][/img])
Check out a couple of shots from debug version:
Besides this editor, i've coded network library for multiplayer support. This code should be tested and if it'll work fine, next demo will have multiplayer fun [img][/img]
[This message has been edited by Alpha-1 (edited 04-24-2001).]
Bei Sierra würde man sich jetzt so langsam darüber Gedanken machen, *wann* man das Projekt absägt. [img][/img]
We are one. No matter the blood, no matter the skin, no matter the world, no matter the star. .. We are one.
No matter the pain, no matter the darkness, no matter the loss, no matter the fear. .. We are one.
- Alliance Preamble to the Declaration of Principles, The Paragon of Animals
Webmaster [url="http://www.Sprungtor.de"]www.Sprungtor.de[/url]
Wäre es nicht sinnvoll, das einmal herunterzuladen und dann, auf CD-ROM gebrannt, an die Leute zum Freundschaftspreis (Rohling+Porto) zu verschicken? Das ginge natürlich nicht sinnvoll bei Demos (zu viele Änderungen). Was denkt ihr, das wäre doch im deutschsprachigen Raum 'ne Aufgabe für's Sprungtor, oder?
We are one. No matter the blood, no matter the skin, no matter the world, no matter the star. .. We are one.
No matter the pain, no matter the darkness, no matter the loss, no matter the fear. .. We are one.
- Alliance Preamble to the Declaration of Principles, The Paragon of Animals
Webmaster [url="http://www.Sprungtor.de"]www.Sprungtor.de[/url]
Was ich mir übrigens auch gedacht habe, wäre, wenn unser mod ein erfolg wird, und interesse daran besteht, könnten wir auch eine deutsche "synchronisation" organisieren.
Da ich ja auch ein bisschen Deutsch kann (nicht so viel [img][/img]), wären die Texte dann ja sogar im sinne der Entwickler [img][/img]
[This message has been edited by RubberEagle (edited 05-01-2001).]
[b]hm.. eigentlich wollt ich wissen, was ihr davon haltet[/b][/quote]
Mir hat's gefallen.
The best Hope is Future and the future made us stronger.
The fight for the game is now full with heavy flames.
So fängt es also an...
BoardMember at [url="http://www.paraworlds.com"]http://www.paraworlds.com[/url]
We are one. No matter the blood, no matter the skin, no matter the world, no matter the star. .. We are one.
No matter the pain, no matter the darkness, no matter the loss, no matter the fear. .. We are one.
- Alliance Preamble to the Declaration of Principles, The Paragon of Animals
Webmaster [url="http://www.Sprungtor.de"]www.Sprungtor.de[/url]
[b]Ich will Dir ja nicht zu nahe treten, aber kannst Du der Schrift ein weniger babyhaftes Blau verpassen?
aus dem grund hab ichs (auch) gepostet (nein, nicht nur zur selbstbewihräucherung [img][/img])
werd schaun [img][/img]
Funny you should ask . I finished the code yesterday. It took way longer than it should have -- I'm starting to understand what people mean when they say that Direct3D is really convoluted (but that's a topic for another discussion). I'm gonna' distribute it to the team tonight so they can play with it, so it looks like the only thing we're waiting on now is the models .
David MacCormack
B5:FSF project lead, programmer, and composer
[This message has been edited by Alpha-1 (edited 05-10-2001).]
Hi guys, sorry if there hasn't been any updates, but we are all working hard on the game. I can update you on what is happening now. I am working on weapon textures and lensflares for the ships. I am also making HUD textures for all pilotable ships. A kinda slow process cause I am first making hi poly versions of the viewscreens, then I texture them and finally I render in lightwave and after a little photoshop magic I add it in the hud script for the specific ship.
You wanted to fly the sentri? I did that 4 days ago. Took it for a spin around B5, squeezed off a couple of red plasma bolts Actually I will post screenshots of it when I have made the HUD complete.
I don't think the Whitestar will be pilotable in the game campaign, but there is something called modding... it is very easy to make the whitestar pilotable that way.
cheers, and thanx for your patience.
2d/3d artist and webmaster... kinda
[This message has been edited by Alpha-1 (edited 05-10-2001).]
Allrighty, I've said byebye to school and Astral has pretty easy time now, so we're starting the development again!
For starters, we've discussed the tech tree over again and decided to do some changes. The most notable change will be in weapons development. We're planning to do it "seamlessly" which means that there might not be tech levels in the word's exact meaning but the opportunity to develop the different properties of the weapon independently. We have ideas how to do this but it's still unclear what we're going to do with it. Right now we're looking at several solutions all the way from seamless development to just partly seamless simplier system. We're not sure yet which to use. This also brings us to the other components' properties and the tech level system and what to do with them. All we can do right now is to think and plan ahead since there's no coder around at the moment, but that suits us just fine since there's a lot to think about
Jussi 'Jusas' Saarivirta
B5: Worlds 3D modeller and project manager
Planned Weapons
Human Weapons
PPG-Basic model of weapon used,Found in different formats.
Slug Thrower-Seldom used weapon based on Kinetic Energy.
Miltary PPG-More powerful version of the basic PPG.
PPG Rifle-More powerful version of a Miltary PPG,More punch per cap.
PPG Gatling Gun-The mother of all weapons,Might be alittle too big for use.=)
Knife-Pretty basic,Point and stab.
Club-Once again basic.
The following is a set of planned levels.
Mission set 1
This set will show the normal days of a Babylon 5 officer.
Total number of missions: 3
Mission set 2
The adventures of Marus Cole.
Total number of missions: 5
Mission set 3
This one follows a EA soldier through 3 conflicts.
Total Missions:N/A
More to come.