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Can someone please price this project...

I have been following this for ages now and I still haven't got a clue about how much this project is gonna cost a would be buyer.

I know many people have "guestimated" the cost but for once I wish there was a very precise costing breakdown. Maybe someone at Codemasters would oblige ?

How much is the license?
How much do Sierra want for the source?

I believe the world stock market's love affair with the Internet would respond extremely well to a "Net legend" like 'the game bought by the fans' through a worldwide consortium made up of ordinary users and believers who gave up a small amount of investment capital to fund a dream.

I help run the website and while I cant really say who I work for, what I can say is that between me and some of the other guys involved in NJ, we have a lot of experience in stocks and shares. I believe there is a possibility of funding the remaining required development through a combination of a newly created company funded by a high profile flotation and effective sponsorship.

These thoughts are hastily typed but they do, I beleive form the foundation for further discussion...


  • Falcon1Falcon1 Elite Ranger
    Its a good idea alright Babylon6. Even though I am a poor student, I'd give something to save the game. Maybe we should call in some big famous person with a load of Dosh like Richard Branson of some Hollywood person who would ahve enough clout and support to draw attention to the game and as a result get a buyer!

    And such an event would attract alot of attention. I think its time we fans had a say in the games we want!

    'The future is all around us' G'kar

    Visit my B5 site at: [url=""][/url]
  • noctroglyphnoctroglyph Earthforce Officer
    [quote]Originally posted by Babylon6:
    [b]I have been following this for ages now and I still haven't got a clue about how much this project is gonna cost a would be buyer.

    I know many people have "guestimated" the cost but for once I wish there was a very precise costing breakdown. Maybe someone at Codemasters would oblige ? [/b][/quote]

    A little thing called a lawsuit coupled to an NDA usually prevents such disclosures...

  • RandyRandy Master Storyteller
    I don't think that talking in terms of roughly 2.5 million (US) to get the game done at this point is unreasonable. Could have been done for much less earlier, of course. But now there'd need to be the hiring of an almost entirely new crew, learning curve, plus the greedy amount that Sierra wants for the original assets, which I think are absolutely needed to do the game that we've been talking about. I mean, do we want the original models, video shot on the original sets with the original crew and cast, and original sound effects form the show? Do we want to start from scratch to create a unique engine? Or at least start with what has already been done? Do we want the story that JMS helped us to create? I think so.

    If Sierra refuses to sell the material at any cost - or just gets reduculus in order to stand in the way of anyone ever doing the game - then starting from scratch is the only possibility. But I don't think that we're there - yet.

    And BTW, that 2.5 million doesn't include distribution and marketing.

    I've been talking to Drazi Guy about looking at getting the game done in the way independent feature length films are made. That is, set up a limited partnership company just to do this one game - get the game finished, and then use the quality of the game to get a distribution deal with a big company. Risky, but doable I think.

    And if we don’t get a distribution deal – could it be sold on the Net? I think so.
  • BigglesBiggles <font color=#AAFFAA>The Man Without a Face</font>
    I think an independent game would be a good idea, if it will work. The question is, who owns it? I would think the developers. Or maybe shares to every member of this board. But that would get complex and cause arguments, and a surge of people joining.

    Never eat anything bigger than your own head.

    "Nonono. Is not Great Machine. Is...Not-So-Great Machine. It make good snow-cone though." - Zathras
  • TokalaTokala Earthforce Officer
    Who owns it is irrelevent, to me. I'll plunk down my cash to get the game out and then plunk down $50.00 more to buy the finished product. If we have to divide up who owns what, I'll stake my claim to the 3rd letter on the 4th page of the 459th instruction manual. [img][/img] oh, and I want all of the royalties from all periods at the end of every other sentence, unless you guys think that is too much. In that case, I'll settle for the comas.


    Security Chief, EAS Patriot
    American Fleet
  • BigglesBiggles <font color=#AAFFAA>The Man Without a Face</font>
    Since this is post 666 for me, it must be EVIL!

    I therefore demand that you all fork out all the money you have to buy, market and finish this game, then give sole ownership to me, so I can make oodles of money off it!

    Never eat anything bigger than your own head.

    "Nonono. Is not Great Machine. Is...Not-So-Great Machine. It make good snow-cone though." - Zathras
  • BigglesBiggles <font color=#AAFFAA>The Man Without a Face</font>
    Well that was fun.
    Anyway, I would be happy to fork out money if I had some, but I don't have much at the moment (just upgraded, and I'm a poor student anyway).

    Never eat anything bigger than your own head.

    "Nonono. Is not Great Machine. Is...Not-So-Great Machine. It make good snow-cone though." - Zathras
  • RandyRandy Master Storyteller
    Re: who owns it...

    Here's an idea. Fan money goes into an independently administered interest baring account. That account becomes a single Limited Partner in a Limited Partnership Company.

    But I’m no lawyer and the feasibility and legality would have to be looked into. It wouldn’t be a good idea to make the SEC mad.

    [This message has been edited by Randy (edited 03-11-2000).]
  • if we are serious about looking down this avenue, we need to contact SEIRA and find out what we would ahve to do (ewwwwwww) to make that kind of deal with them independantly. We would have to organize behind someone to serve as a mediator, contact all the developers and hear their thoughts and of course mobilize a massive money raising campaign. Peace of cake. Perhaps we could all agree on an amount to put in (all us first ones) and then hold fundraisers.

    If it helps I can mow lawns real well [img][/img]
  • RandyRandy Master Storyteller
    Thanks, Ringo. Much of what you've suggested is already happening in the background. We have our spokesperson/ business organizer, etc. And we have the info we need regarding Sierra.
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