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B5 Babes



  • TyvarTyvar Next best thing to a St. Bernard
    okay, this thread is now officialy something I just shouldnt bring up while im at school..

    really guys, do you try to get me in trouble, I mean all of Refa's pics of miss Chu came up while I was sitting in between two young japanese girls, last thing I needed was them to be calling me "baka hentai!" or anything like that.
  • Rogue TraderRogue Trader Somebody stop him...
    you know who the hottest babe is?

    ill tell you who the hottest babe is

    [b]J A N E W A Y[/b]!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    [This message has been edited by Rogue Trader (edited 10-18-2002).]
  • Rogue TraderRogue Trader Somebody stop him...
    i totally forgot that j a n e w a y was a censored word around here [img][/img]
  • TyvarTyvar Next best thing to a St. Bernard
    hehe ******* is censord? never knew that.. kewl!

    Ahh you realize we chased poor hamblin, and his lady friend away.. how rude of us.
  • ArgoneArgone Genuine Klingon
    Hey I found RC yearbook Picture [img][/img] Good likeness


    Nice shot! [img][/img] I'am outta here!

    [b]4 Thousand Throats can be cut in one night by a running Warrior[/b]

    [This message has been edited by Argone (edited 10-18-2002).]
  • wrong, thats fifi, my pet gorrilla. [img][/img]
    (Ask RC, I had it attack him a few days ago)

    [b]whitestar90: [/b]"it would give the computer a heartattack just looking at it" -
    [b]Sanfam: [/b]"And Drazi didn't like it one bit.-
    [b]Mr.Bungle: [/b][i]"So that's where the forum went..."[/i]-
    [b][i]ahhh, the good old days of HTML.[/i][/b]
  • Random ChaosRandom Chaos Actually Carefully-selected Order in disguise
    Yep, A2597 is write...and his pet Blender Monkey was in the next room over.
  • ArgoneArgone Genuine Klingon
    Opps sorry I thought it was you, damn son your hard to get a picture of! [img][/img]

    [b]4 Thousand Throats can be cut in one night by a running Warrior[/b]
  • BigglesBiggles <font color=#AAFFAA>The Man Without a Face</font>
    Stay that way.

    [url=""]Never eat anything bigger than your own head.[/url]
    "Nonono...Is not [i]Great[/i] Machine. Is...[i]Not[/i]-so-Great Machine. It make good snow cone though." - Zathras
  • Rogue TraderRogue Trader Somebody stop him...
    i thought that was biggles guardian gorilla, in charge of tank safty?
  • Ranger BrianRanger Brian The Anti-Scrooge
    This is what I like to see, not a ******* picture anywhere in site [img][/img]

    LOL, god this thread brings back memories.

    Only the insane have strength enough to prosper,
    Only those that prosper truly judge what is sane.
  • Random ChaosRandom Chaos Actually Carefully-selected Order in disguise
    Hmmm...he really wants to see a ****** picture? LOL
  • Random ChaosRandom Chaos Actually Carefully-selected Order in disguise
    Remember that episode from Crusade with the alien porn in it? ROFL
  • Ivanova.. even if it's only because of some.. ahhh.. shall we say [i]revealing[/i] pics I seen of her. [img][/img] [img][/img]

    [This message has been edited by Mr Tyranny (edited 10-21-2002).]
  • it just me...or are the gutters gettin clogged?

    [b]whitestar90: [/b]"it would give the computer a heartattack just looking at it" -
    [b]Sanfam: [/b]"And Drazi didn't like it one bit.-
    [b]Mr.Bungle: [/b][i]"So that's where the forum went..."[/i]-
    [b][i]ahhh, the good old days of HTML.[/i][/b]
  • Random ChaosRandom Chaos Actually Carefully-selected Order in disguise is starting to get bad. At least its links and not pics yet A2597.
  • ArgoneArgone Genuine Klingon
    Was temped to make that my home page! [img][/img]

    [b]4 Thousand Throats can be cut in one night by a running Warrior[/b]
  • BigglesBiggles <font color=#AAFFAA>The Man Without a Face</font>
    If any more R rated material gets posted, this thread will not just be closed but deleted as well. You have been warned.

    [url=""]Never eat anything bigger than your own head.[/url]
    "Nonono...Is not [i]Great[/i] Machine. Is...[i]Not[/i]-so-Great Machine. It make good snow cone though." - Zathras
  • Really!?! R rated? It's just knockers..
    There ain't no porn shots in that there site sir.. quite harmless. [img][/img] [img][/img]
    ([i]especially if you are British or French.[/i])
  • Well, R in the US, and frankly, that is R in the US, (Didn't look at them, but I'm assuming its just nudes, meaning R, possibley NC-17 depending on content).

    so yes, it IS R.
    I don't want any more of that stuff cluttering this forum, so no more, K?

    *Notices Biggles post*
    You tell em!

    [b]whitestar90: [/b]"it would give the computer a heartattack just looking at it" -
    [b]Sanfam: [/b]"And Drazi didn't like it one bit.-
    [b]Mr.Bungle: [/b][i]"So that's where the forum went..."[/i]-
    [b][i]ahhh, the good old days of HTML.[/i][/b]
  • Random ChaosRandom Chaos Actually Carefully-selected Order in disguise
    Hmmm...which is worse: Posting R rated stuff or crashing the forum with HTML...*notices A2597's sig*
  • ArgoneArgone Genuine Klingon; The Gorilla was ok, wasn't it?


    [b]4 Thousand Throats can be cut in one night by a running Warrior[/b]
  • [quote]Originally posted by A2597:
    [b]Well, R in the US, and frankly, that is R in the US, (Didn't look at them, but I'm assuming its just nudes, meaning R, possibley NC-17 depending on content).

    so yes, it IS R.
    I don't want any more of that stuff cluttering this forum, so no more, K?

    *Notices Biggles post*
    You tell em!


    [img][/img] K..

    [quote]Didn't look at them[/quote]
    Well.. I did and they are not offensive in any way. The pics are non-sexual and simply standard fashion model poses minus the bra. NOTHING is explicitly shown and there are TWO levels of warning for the easily offended and underage. Quite frankly I've seen more skin on PBS with The Benny Hill Show and such which is in the USA mate. So [i]please[/i] don't flame me for posting a link which is on-topic for the thread and contains no pornographic material. [i]which you didn't even see[/i]..
    I stand by my post.

    Now back to the debate. [img][/img]

    I still think Ivanova is #1 but that Tamlyn Tomita babe is cute as hell.[i]me like oriental women[/i] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]
  • Rogue TraderRogue Trader Somebody stop him...
    that is porno man. R rated stuff. Boobies or pubies is off limits to anyone who isnt over 18 in the states. (dont ask why youll get a headache) if you cant show it on network tv you cant show it in our forums. [img][/img]
  • Random ChaosRandom Chaos Actually Carefully-selected Order in disguise
    Rogue Trader is right.
  • MessiahMessiah Failed Experiment
    heh. I didnt even think about it. I mean women walk barebreasted during summer here in sweden.

    Talk is silver, but violence is gold.
  • JamboJambo Scriptkiddie
    Ohh Mr Tyranny you’re going to burn in the fires of hell for posting that link [img][/img]

    Doesn’t bother me, Im sure *some* people would say I was "doomed" to a life In the coal fire a long time ago... [img][/img] lol

    And Biggles, I though you were opposed to censorship.
  • Rogue TraderRogue Trader Somebody stop him...
    dont get me wrong it doesnt offend me, i rather enjoyed it [img][/img]

    Keeping our forums family friendly is not censorship.

    it keeps us from becomeing AICN
  • ArgoneArgone Genuine Klingon
    Cooler heads prevail, thank you [img][/img]

    [b]4 Thousand Throats can be cut in one night by a running Warrior[/b]
  • Random ChaosRandom Chaos Actually Carefully-selected Order in disguise
    Cooler that those that have been in the water cooler? [img][/img]
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