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Star Wars Episode 7
The Burninator
in Zocalo v2.0
Reading through the Star Trek Into Darkness thread got me thinking we need a thread about this too.
This is a movie that I've got extremely mixed feelings about.
It's great they've got the original cast back together and it looks like they're going back to making the same way the original trilogy was. Practical effects, real sets, real aliens and puppets etc. (I'm sure there will be CGI but it will be used only for the things impossible to do with practical effects and to enhance things rather than to create the entire world around actors in a green screen studio) Hopefully that will inspire other studios to start making movies that way again too. Also, John Williams is signed up to compose the music.
On the other hand, I don't like the director. I especially don't like what he did with Star Trek and fully expect he'll try to recreate popular moments from the original trilogy and put some clever twists (Luke saying "I am your father" to his evil son etc) on it because "fans love that". No. They don't.
I'm also a big fan of the Expanded Universe. Sure, some of it wasn't that great and there were times when it was inconsistent but those were mostly small things. Star Trek was much worse at that with it's own tv shows. So hearing that Disney are scrapping the EU in favor of the new films didn't exactly please me.
The way I see it, the new movies didn't have to recreate any of those stories, that would have been a terrible idea. Instead it should have been set after the last book series. The actors are the right age for that, so that's no problem. An afternoon on Wookiepedia would have helped the script writers (can't really expect them to read through all the books when they're on a deadline) get an idea of the state of the galaxy, significant events since Return of the Jedi, the names of the original character's kids etc.
It makes no difference to fans who just watch the movies but to the hardcore fans, the people who buy all the merchandise (I don't just mean a few action figures, I mean everything) and who kept interest alive over the last 20 years, are going to love it.
And then when the movie comes out, they can say to new fans, "So you liked Jaina Solo, Ben Skywalker etc? We've just reprinted all these books so you can learn more about them while you wait for the next movie!"
I know they've said the EU remains open for them to drawn inspiration from but what I'm expecting there is just to get a few minor references in the new Rebels tv show but not much beyond that.
Ending my rant there. Anyone else?
This is a movie that I've got extremely mixed feelings about.
It's great they've got the original cast back together and it looks like they're going back to making the same way the original trilogy was. Practical effects, real sets, real aliens and puppets etc. (I'm sure there will be CGI but it will be used only for the things impossible to do with practical effects and to enhance things rather than to create the entire world around actors in a green screen studio) Hopefully that will inspire other studios to start making movies that way again too. Also, John Williams is signed up to compose the music.
On the other hand, I don't like the director. I especially don't like what he did with Star Trek and fully expect he'll try to recreate popular moments from the original trilogy and put some clever twists (Luke saying "I am your father" to his evil son etc) on it because "fans love that". No. They don't.
I'm also a big fan of the Expanded Universe. Sure, some of it wasn't that great and there were times when it was inconsistent but those were mostly small things. Star Trek was much worse at that with it's own tv shows. So hearing that Disney are scrapping the EU in favor of the new films didn't exactly please me.
The way I see it, the new movies didn't have to recreate any of those stories, that would have been a terrible idea. Instead it should have been set after the last book series. The actors are the right age for that, so that's no problem. An afternoon on Wookiepedia would have helped the script writers (can't really expect them to read through all the books when they're on a deadline) get an idea of the state of the galaxy, significant events since Return of the Jedi, the names of the original character's kids etc.
It makes no difference to fans who just watch the movies but to the hardcore fans, the people who buy all the merchandise (I don't just mean a few action figures, I mean everything) and who kept interest alive over the last 20 years, are going to love it.
And then when the movie comes out, they can say to new fans, "So you liked Jaina Solo, Ben Skywalker etc? We've just reprinted all these books so you can learn more about them while you wait for the next movie!"
I know they've said the EU remains open for them to drawn inspiration from but what I'm expecting there is just to get a few minor references in the new Rebels tv show but not much beyond that.
Ending my rant there. Anyone else?
I've said this before I think, but now I guess there's going to be D canon involved? I wonder if we're going to have old EU fans and fans of the newer movies getting into big flame wars.
Personally, I view the EU as canon. George Lucas had to approve everything when he was running things. While I doubt he read every book (maybe the first few when the EU was getting started) but he did get overviews of everything. He may have made some questionable choices with the prequels but it was still his world and his story he wanted to tell, I can appreciate what he was trying to do even if the execution wasn't up to scratch. So to me, the EU was created under his watch and if he was okay with it, that's the real story of Star Wars.
The new films, without the original creator, are basically nothing more than big budget fanfilms where the director was lucky enough to get the original cast back together.
In short, I'm not expecting much. Though I'll be happy to be proved wrong!
I like The Avengers and the rest of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Disney handled that well, but then Marvel's focus is comics, the movies are just a very profitable side element to that. After Avengers was so successful, they put Whedon in charge of overseeing the MCU to make sure they all link up with each other and the various tv shows they're making.
I can imagine they'll do the same thing with Star Wars after Episode 7, except it will be Abrams they put in charge of all things Star Wars. Unfortunately, because Disney want to start seeing a return on their investment ASAP, they're rushing the new film out (Lucasfilm wanted at least 3 years, they were originally given 2 which was later expanded to 2 and a half).
I suspect that's also another reason why the EU was dropped as they were originally going to go through everything to make it all fit together and smooth out any inconsistencies. Must have been taking too long so they just got rid of it all.
Episode VIII - The Force Gets Out of Bed
Episode IX - The Force Makes Coffee
Also, if there isn't at least one battle in hyperspace I will be disappointed.
Feels more like a fanfilm than anything else.