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Sony vs Microsoft
The Burninator
in Zocalo v2.0
This is all related to the European PS3 launch.
Also, have a look at the video of the girl talking about how good the PS3 is and then look at the tv behind her :D
Also, have a look at the video of the girl talking about how good the PS3 is and then look at the tv behind her :D
Not convinced that Bluray is a winner. Personally, I think we're looking at another BetaMAX, as the licensing fees for bluray are insane compared to HD-DVD (not to mention the stand-alone player costs...over $1000USD? Are they NUTS?)
Not impressed at all by the PS3 games or hardware. Word on the street is that the Devs hate writing for it.
the winner, though, seems to be Nintendo. You can't find a Wii anywhere in the bay area (well, except for the rest rooms... ;) )
Of course Blu-ray is expensive right now: it is a far larger departure from the DVD than HD-DVD is. HD-DVD doesn't significantly increase the storage medium of the DVD, Blu-ray does. As a result, HD-DVD will be too small for people within a year or two.
For Microsoft to paint the HDMI elite version 360 black it shows more imitation then innovation. Maybe a surpise comming. Why change the Xbox theme color? Or are they hoping to get people to confused into which system is which?
Also with the Blu ray , in typical Microsoft fashion going where thew money is they might have a blue ray player for the xbox 360elite, the HDMI would be needed.
With Developers stating the PS3 is complex, common, thats their job, it is time learn it, also some devs are stating bad stuff about all consoles because of their laziness to learn.
Maxis Developer: The Wii Is A Piece Of Sh*t!
While I thought Nintendo's keynote lacked excitement, I wouldn't go quite as far as Maxis designer Chris Hecker, who during a GDC panel last week called the Wii a "piece of sh*t." How nice. Hecker then proceeded to heckle Nintendo further by saying the Wii was just a severely underpowered console that consisted of two GameCube's sandwiched together. Worse, he said he wasn't sure Nintendo "gives a sh*t about games as an art form." Wow.
[QUOTE=Random Chaos;158272]I don't see HD-DVD gaining acceptance simply because it is so inferior to Blu-ray in storage size.[/QUOTE]
I believe this is the most unimportant factor.
A studio won't care if they're authoring for a 30GB 2-layer HD-DVD or a 25GB 1-Layer BluRay disc, and your basic consumer won't care either.
From a studio perspective it's actually better to have 2 discs, one for the movie, and one for the extras, than one disc with everything, because they can advertise it as "2-Disc special Edition".
The one thing that i would find very frightening if I was a blue ray supporter is, that now, almost a year after the launch, the Blue-Ray specifications are changing! (Picture in picture from formerly optional to mandatory, the same for permanent memory)
but back to the PS3 topic:
I was at the most frequented electronics-store in my city, probably in the whole country, and there were in the regular place massive amounts of PS3's, more boxes than any other console, and then on the next floor was a special positioning with again about 40 boxes...
I believe this is the most unimportant factor.
A studio won't care if they're authoring for a 30GB 2-layer HD-DVD or a 25GB 1-Layer BluRay disc, ...[/QUOTE]
But, for a movie, if you author for a 30GB 2-layer HD-DVD and author for a 50Gb 2-layer BluRay, you can get better picture quality and sound quality on the BluRay. And if you really want 2 disc special editions, 1 2-layer for the movie and 1 1-layer for the supplements.(I prefer BluRay, mostly because I have a PS3). Just a counterpoint, not trying to bait or argue....
I'd rather have the bottle of Heineken (?) than all that Fosters!
Yes, you can get a better picture on BluRay, not only has it higher Capacity, the standard also allows higher bitrates.
The thing is, studios that support both formats will always make their encodes fit the smaller discs (wich is currently the 1-layer BluRay), to save the cost of making two transfers.
I actually was thinking of getting a PS3 (there was one on ebay for about 200€), but when i looked at the BluRay movies and the games that are available (in europe, since BluRay does have a regioncode i can't import any from the US like I do with HD-DVD), I didn't find enough "must-have"-titles to sway me (there are litterally no exclusive PS3 games that i'm interested in, and on the movie side there are a few (Casino Royale, the Pirates of the Caribbean movies), but again, those will still be out in a year, when stand-alone players will hopefully be more affordable (I actually only paid 460€ (with tax and everything included) for my HD-E1 a few months ago)).
One thing that would interest me: Sony plans to have movies and tv-shos downloadable, like MS has on Live.
The Problem is, over here there's NOTHING available. even movie-trailers, there are only 3 or 4, and those are over a year old.
If Sony makes everything available in Europe that they have in America (or even only a fraction), they'd have a major argument for the PS3 and their online service.