I think a B5 eve style game would work. But it would have to change a lot from the way eve plays at the moment. There would need to be a good mix of solo and group missions. As for WOW I think it could be done but it wuld take a lot of work.
What we do need is a game that has the heart of the show in it, something that makes you feel your part of it with all the characters we came to know and love. Add to that a pumping new soundtrack from Franke and we have a winner!! :cool:
Right, but will this be a game where everyone is a hero (WoW, SWG) or where if you want ot be the hero, you have to make yourself to be? I enjoy games that follow the latter more as they tend to be stronger games, but a smaller market.
Transcript of what JMS said at SDCC (thanks to Jan at rastvb5m newsgroup):
"For the video game thing...I can't tell you what it is because they've closed
the deal but they haven't papered the deal yet. But there is something *huge*
in that category coming. I was hoping I could announce it today but I can't.
Keep an eye on the moderated newsgroup about three or four weeks from now. If
you ever wanted to go and live on Babylon 5, you will have your chance."
Actually, it'll be PONG, with a B5 background, and the 2 paddles will be Starfuries, and the ball will be a teddy bear! MWUAHAHAHAH (Sheri-bear or whatever it was called) :D
I dowt it will be a mmorpg I really do not think there is enough interest in B5 these days, however we can hope and pray for something. Why would someone invest money into B5 :)
Well, I dunno about the rest o' ya'll... but, *I* sure as hell invested enough money into it... hehehe. I bought the entire series DVD box sets, and the movies. I also rented the "CRUSADE" Spinoff series from Netflix and watched them all (since I missed a few when they were originally aired on KBHK44 - AKA: UPN). Am presently thinking about buying that ill-fated series too. :D
I remember something (dont remember what) but I'm pretty sure we had somethin' on here some years back.... about buying something or donating or what not... and IIRC, I spent some dollars on here too. (Course I could be wrong or mixing this up wit' somet'in' else).
Well, NEway.... IM not hopin' for anytin'. IF I see a B5 game on the shelves at the local electronics store (FRY's is my PC gaming choice), I'll take it - but I ain't holdin' me breath waitin' for it to be there, nor will I lose sleep over it not bein' there - but yeah - Will DEF. buy it when it does show up!
Wat is sad tho, is there be no mo' FTV or any kinda NEW videos wit' da original actors, since Doc Franklin 'n G'Kar have moved beyond the rim. :(
So that means any new game will either have cinematic cutscenes via da games engine, or some lamo attempt at "new b5 footage" via new random actors (thus makin' the story totall new not tied in wit' original), or (if they lucky) will have some or most of the actors... minus the dearly departed ones.
I think there's enough interest in Babylon 5 to do a decently budgeted game. If the developer's licensed a MMO engine (like Bioware is doing for their MMO) and keep the visuals modest, maybe use an in-game advertising service for additional revenue, I think a B5 MMO could work. Anarchy Online and a few other Western MMO's have free play available, and there are a good number of Korean MMO's that are free for the basic version, but have premium content, use micropayments for "perks" (such as items, customizations, etc).
I vaguely recall JMS saying he wouldn't be opposed to a MMO (no link for citation - I could be dreaming). I would love to something OTHER than another sword and fantasy MMO, personally. Science fiction (and every other genre known to man) is poorly represented...
I would like to see the game mimic the series - have a definite arc that runs for X-amount of time, then the game resets the timeline. However, it would be nice if you kept your character, so by the time you got close to hitting level cap, you've been through the main story a few times, you know the game quite well, and your character is one of those legendary people in their field who's actions can affect the climactic end of the arc, as opposed to being a redshirt ^_^
Hopefully such a game would also be very RP (role-playing) friendly. If you wanted to be the greatest Zocolo gift-shop owner, then by all means! I like games with more a sandbox feel, and generally dislike the devs telling me how to have fun (I've been told I would've loved Star Wars Galaxies, warts and all, before this last, major set of revisions)...
Oh great in game Zima commercials; In a hand to hand fighting,space sim,arcade gambling,managing your finances type of game. Instruction book is like 1000 pages.
RubberEagleWhat's a rubber eagle used for, anyway?
if i remember correctly, the announcement was to be made in conjunction with script book #9, and the releasedate of that has shifted a bit (from early august to september)
Always room for hope, eh? Totally missed that this had happened, need to swing by here more often but I am just too damn busy... But glad to see everyone is alive and kicking (and some actual B5 news coming out on top of that!)
But only of it has a good combat engine. :D
Still, The Babylon Project and IFH mod teams are still working...and they have given us AWESOME stuff in the past.
And you could always try the 14 day trial of eve :)
What we do need is a game that has the heart of the show in it, something that makes you feel your part of it with all the characters we came to know and love. Add to that a pumping new soundtrack from Franke and we have a winner!! :cool:
"For the video game thing...I can't tell you what it is because they've closed
the deal but they haven't papered the deal yet. But there is something *huge*
in that category coming. I was hoping I could announce it today but I can't.
Keep an eye on the moderated newsgroup about three or four weeks from now. If
you ever wanted to go and live on Babylon 5, you will have your chance."
So instead of 2 weeks, its 3-4 weeks wait.
Something along the lines of Star Trek Legacy could be fun too. :)
I hope it does not become a 3-4 month or 3-4 year wait, the time allready doubled to wait.
I dowt it will be a mmorpg I really do not think there is enough interest in B5 these days, however we can hope and pray for something. Why would someone invest money into B5 :)
I remember something (dont remember what) but I'm pretty sure we had somethin' on here some years back.... about buying something or donating or what not... and IIRC, I spent some dollars on here too. (Course I could be wrong or mixing this up wit' somet'in' else).
Well, NEway.... IM not hopin' for anytin'. IF I see a B5 game on the shelves at the local electronics store (FRY's is my PC gaming choice), I'll take it - but I ain't holdin' me breath waitin' for it to be there, nor will I lose sleep over it not bein' there - but yeah - Will DEF. buy it when it does show up!
Wat is sad tho, is there be no mo' FTV or any kinda NEW videos wit' da original actors, since Doc Franklin 'n G'Kar have moved beyond the rim. :(
So that means any new game will either have cinematic cutscenes via da games engine, or some lamo attempt at "new b5 footage" via new random actors (thus makin' the story totall new not tied in wit' original), or (if they lucky) will have some or most of the actors... minus the dearly departed ones.
I vaguely recall JMS saying he wouldn't be opposed to a MMO (no link for citation - I could be dreaming). I would love to something OTHER than another sword and fantasy MMO, personally. Science fiction (and every other genre known to man) is poorly represented...
I would like to see the game mimic the series - have a definite arc that runs for X-amount of time, then the game resets the timeline. However, it would be nice if you kept your character, so by the time you got close to hitting level cap, you've been through the main story a few times, you know the game quite well, and your character is one of those legendary people in their field who's actions can affect the climactic end of the arc, as opposed to being a redshirt ^_^
Hopefully such a game would also be very RP (role-playing) friendly. If you wanted to be the greatest Zocolo gift-shop owner, then by all means! I like games with more a sandbox feel, and generally dislike the devs telling me how to have fun (I've been told I would've loved Star Wars Galaxies, warts and all, before this last, major set of revisions)...
So we mix Freelancer with a bit of ground adventure and presto! B5 mmorpg. I just hope that the corridors have enough space for my gigantic haircrest!