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What would you think...



  • SanfamSanfam I like clocks.
    hah! [img][/img]
  • ThodinThodin Trainee
    [quote]Originally posted by Morfeus:
    [b] UT's engine is aging, but it's also extremely upgradable[/b][/quote]
    Aye, my vote (as a long standing fan of the show, and one whose been desparetly awaiting ITF) goes for the latest build of the Unreal engine (still working on the original code at it's core, with a few tweaks, nach), with a lot from Deus Ex (everything, basically) put in (to allow for decient RP and inventory), and some minor changes to the C++ code to help with creating the cylinder effect.

    So, I'm in for any Unreal based stuff. I've already started to try and build B5 coridoors in UnrealEdit. Only problem is getting a good scetch to base the design upon. They don't seem to be regular in height, some end after the 5 horizontal stripes, others have an extra row of squares, and those by the conference halls have lights above that! Grrr!!!!
  • hmmm me has an idea..

    you know the episode "gropos," well mod operation flashpoint. you've got the ground element, flight, hoppers or whatever they used, vehicles are in it too, a lot you could do with that game...
  • well since i'm a hardcore tribes 2 player
    [url=""]Shattered Star Confederation[/url]

    i'd say use thats engine, i mean heck look at the size of the maps and the support.... good god you can have 80 people in 1 game(on a GOOOD server)

  • While it woudn't be usefull for an fps b5 game,what about using the iwar2 game engine as a basis for a b5 type mod???...

    The engine itself looks extremely impressive and would allow for some very realistic looking b5 ships and has built in support for the same newtonian physics as b5 itf would...

    As far as an fps type game goes id say go with the medal of honor engine since it can create some seriously good looking outdoor environments,if what we saw from the videos is any indication...

    The tribes 2 engine is quite good at outdoor environments but i havent seen any levels with trees,so i don't know how well it could handle them...
  • Or even better about the engine that will be used for Doom 3???.... [img][/img].

    I'm sure that engine could probably create pretty much the most unbelievable indoor environments ever,especially when it comes to lighting the scenes in a realistic looking way.

    The only bad side is that it will most likely require a horse of a system with a gf3\radion 2 card to run it with acceptable speed.

    One of the things that impressed me the most about the engine was that id is going to the trouble of integrating six rendering backends on the engine so that different video cards that support different opengl extensions can play the game as best as possible.
  • SanfamSanfam I like clocks.
    Nice! id is considered the best for a reason.
  • Btw..i posted a link in the zocalo that shows some of the latest doom3 footage that was shown a few weeks ago...

    One word....unbelievable... [img][/img].
  • BigglesBiggles <font color=#AAFFAA>The Man Without a Face</font>
    Unbelievable doesn't describe it well enough. [img][/img]

    Never eat anything bigger than your own head.
    The Balance provides. The Balance protects.

    "Nonono...Is not [i]Great[/i] Machine. Is...[i]Not[/i]-so-Great Machine. It make good snow cone though." - Zathras
  • If you're following the v12 line, the Sacrifice of Angels HW team over at the Union have had a copy of the engine on their hands since Garagegames annoubced it, and have been planning their game for some time (me and Thomcat have been talking about it for the last 3 months now)...

    ... they might have some gems of advice on how to work with it [img][/img]

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