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Warez Junkies Remorse :(
The Cabl3 Guy
Elite Ranger
in Zocalo v2.0 is gone. :( Lucky I got the last thing I needed from there.
(As wiseguy and Biggles will verify...)
but I have alternates. :D
We nuke all of California, and we get rid of the problem?
(And Jack, I promise a 5 hour advance notice!) :D
[B]umm...I used it for TV shows....
(As wiseguy and Biggles will verify...)
but I have alternates. :D [/B][/QUOTE]
That's pretty much the same as warez.
Here are some good points raised by JMS:
[B]Nuking Southern California only would probably be just as effective...
:D [/B][/QUOTE]
Buffer overflow
{A2597} my only alternative was torrentreactor...they wil take care of lost, smallville and enterprise, and SG1...but always like, 5 days late.
{~UniBiggles} perhaps you should have gone with an apartment with cable after all :)
{wiseguy} after the big campaign that they had against torrent sites lately its no surprise.. and 5 days late is better than never
{wiseguy} (or rather better than 1 year later if youd wait for it to appear on tv here)
{A2597} but they don't have father of the pride! :(
{wiseguy} that.. doesnt bother me ;)
{wiseguy} besides there are other ways apart from torrent
{A2597} but I LOVE Father of the Pride
{~UniBiggles} watch it on tv then :)
{A2597} I have no TV once I move. :D
{~UniBiggles} then get one
{A2597} well, I'll have a TVTuner card, but no idea what the reseption is like, and no cable.
{A2597} cable = 40$ a month = food. :D
{~UniBiggles} get cable or an aerial or satellite then
{~UniBiggles} "i don't have a tv" is not really a good excuse to download tv shows :)
{A2597} cost of cable = food.
{A2597} Why not? I don't see a differance between watching it on TV and downloading it.
{wiseguy} bump
{A2597} We NEVER watch TV as it airs anyway, we tape it, then skip commercials. :D
{~UniBiggles} the difference? one is paid for, one is stolen
{A2597} it's just stupid to watch commercials. haven't sat thought commercials in years.
{wiseguy} this is why a series like BSG will die a horrible death
{A2597} how is it stealing if it was brodcast?
{~UniBiggles} if it's broadcast, that's different, but arnt most shows like BSG, etc on cable?
{A2597} no, it will die a horrible death because the networks were idios and aired it a year late over in europ...
{A2597} 4 of 5 shows I'll be watching are brodcast. :D
{wiseguy} they might be idiots but the real idiots are the ones you know about it and still download it
{A2597} it backwards, aired it a year late in the US. :D
{A2597} I haven't downloaded BSG though.
{~UniBiggles} so what shows do you download, and which are you stealing?
{A2597} "Stealing" SG1 an hour after it airs. downloading Father of the Pride, Enterprise, Smallvile, lost.
{A2597} Unless I can pick up the last four, in which case record, edit out commericlas, watch. :D
{~UniBiggles} stealing doesnt need to be in quotes there...
{A2597} does in my opinion. :D
{A2597} of course, I also think cable is a complete ripoff...I STILL haven't figured out what I get by paying for cable.
{A2597} the Channels are self supporting via comercials, so the only thing that seperates cable cannels from brodcast channels is that you have to go through a cable company. Nica bracket IMHO
{wiseguy} so thats another reason to boycott them by downloading.. death to the money bastards of cable
{A2597} won't make a differance though
{A2597} I only boycot a company when doing so has the potential to make a differance, and it wouldn't in this case.
{wiseguy} wheres the sarcasm/cynicism/irony markers in irc :/
{A2597} what irony? :D
{A2597} in other news...Vin Diesel just landed a role a Hannibal. (The general) [url][/url]
{~UniBiggles} A#, just because you dont like how cable works, doesnt give you the right to steal stuff from it
{A2597} Meh, makes no difference. It's a TV Show. If I didn't download it, I simply wouldn't watch it. Ever. No way am I buying the DVDs for 70$ so I can watch a few missed eps of something. And Theres no way I'm getting cable for at LEAST 6 more years. So, they arn't losting anything, It's one TV show, once a week. Your honestly going to tell me that if you missed an ep of a TV show that you would wait patiently for 6 months for the DVD to come out,
{wiseguy} makes it even worse
{A2597} how so?
{~UniBiggles} "if i didnt download it, i wouldnt watch it"
{~UniBiggles} so dont watch it.
{wiseguy} exactly
{~UniBiggles} that's no way in hell an excuse for downloading it
{~UniBiggles} and we're not talking about the occasional missed ep, we're talking about all of it
{A2597} One season, the last season.
{wiseguy} i can understand if you miss an episode and downlaod that.. but that :/
{A2597} ANd how else am I supposed to watch it?
{wiseguy} so? one season makes it legal?
{A2597} Theres no real difference between one em and one season, or the whole show wiseguy
{~UniBiggles} buy getting cable?
{~UniBiggles} or hiring the dvds from the video place?
{A2597} can't afford cable, remember?
{~UniBiggles} cant afford -> dont watch
{A2597} Umm, that would be nice. IF rental places did TV shows, which they do not
{~UniBiggles} "oh, i cant afford to buy food. i think i'll just steal it."
{~UniBiggles} "oh, i cant afford to pay for my phone bill. i'll just steal it"
{A2597} how do you steal phone service? :D
{A2597} and I'm going without a phone, well..I'll have cell phone thanks to parents. ;)
{A2597} Would you prefer I had my neighbor here tape it for me?
{A2597} Then he gives me the tapes.
{A2597} and oh wait, thats 100% the same as downloading it
{wiseguy} no it isnt
{wiseguy} the downloading is digital copies
{A2597} how is that different?
{wiseguy} theres a huge different between this and video tapes
{A2597} for one viewing, it makes 0 differance.
{~UniBiggles} firstly, quality: remains the same. secondly, i'm willing to bet you're archiving them.
{A2597} the argument there is that digital copies are exact replicas, and can be copied infinately. this won't be copied. it will be watched once and deleted.
{A2597} nope
{A2597} Why archive what your watching once?
{A2597} if I'm going to watch it multiple times, I get the DVDs. (Thus the futurama and B5 collections I have)
{A2597} I'm watching it once, and that is that
{~UniBiggles} then wait for the dvds to come out and hire them
{A2597} I won't lie, I AM archiving Father of the Pride. But theres a good chance those will come to DVD (Oh I hope) and those are worth watching multiple times.
{A2597} As I said, I CAN'T in the US of A. They don't do that here.
{~UniBiggles} if your local video store doesnt have them (i'm willing to bet there is at least one that does), then hire them from somewhere like netflix
{A2597} Only movies come to rental places here. never a TV show
{A2597} netflix does TV shows?
{wiseguy} and when it comes to buying the dvds theres always the small chance of "hmm i dont have money but i still have my downloaded copies.."
{A2597} umm....but I won't. :D
{A2597} They are literally watch and delete. :D
{~UniBiggles} sure you wont
{wiseguy} no of course not
{~UniBiggles} doesnt make the downloading of them right
{A2597} perhaps not, but you guys seem to think that I keep all the eps I download or something. I don't, with the exception of Father of the pride. Which I HOPE comes to DVD because that would be the 3rd series worth buying.
{wiseguy} actually i dont give a f* about if you keep them.. the argument here is still about the actual downloading
{A2597} which I argue, is the same as having my neighbor, or parent tape it and then watch it.
{A2597} if I was archiving them, yes, there is a differance, but I'm not. So I don't see a differance.
{~UniBiggles} it's not the same has having a parent tape it if it's on the cable account you'd normally watch it on
{~UniBiggles} the problem is watching it on someone else's cable account without paying for cable yourself constantly
{A2597} OK, I don't have cable, parents tape it. I watch it. I didn't pay for their cable. Sooo...whats different again?
{~UniBiggles} if the cable account is at your place of residence, tehre isnt a problem
{~UniBiggles} if it isnt, there is
{A2597} but earlier wiseguy said it would have been OK for my neighbor to tape it and for m e to watch that copy...
{A2597} and you didn't argue that point
{~UniBiggles} no he didnt
{~UniBiggles} he said that wasnt the same thing
{~UniBiggles} it's still wrong
{wiseguy} show me where i said that, plz
« join » {Sanfam} {}
« mode » {ChanServ} sets {+o Sanfam}
{@Sanfam} *test*
{@Sanfam} anybody hear me?
{wiseguy} no
{wiseguy} but i can see what you type
{A2597} ok, scrolled up, you only stated there was a difference betcause one was a digital copy, which implied that the tape copy was OK
{@Sanfam} hmm
@Sanfam builds a giant desk-structure to sit on/in
{A2597} I'm saying there is no difference between downloading SG1, and having someone tape it for me.
{A2597} For 1 viewing only that is.
{@Sanfam} technically, isn't it illegal to distribute taped copies of shows, even if it's only one copy?
{~UniBiggles} yes
{A2597} to sell AFAIK
{@Sanfam} No.
{@Sanfam} to distribute.
{@Sanfam} at all
{~UniBiggles} no A#, your major argument is that you have a right to watch it without paying for cable
{~UniBiggles} the tape thing is one facet of that
{@Sanfam} Taping is only legal for *personal use*
{@Sanfam} as in
{@Sanfam} one copy, your copy, which you recorded.
{A2597} well thats stupid. :D
{~UniBiggles} may be stupid, but that's the law
{~UniBiggles} whether you like it or not
{A2597} OK. Then everyone on the planet has broken that law. :D
{~UniBiggles} if you dont, i suggest you work to change it rather than break it
{A2597} including the people that made it. :D
{~UniBiggles} well, that i doubt
{A2597} OK, good point
{wiseguy} i doubt that the 1 year old son of my friend has broken that law
{~UniBiggles} since only a small fraction of people on the planet have video recorders
{A2597} not everyone is fortunate to have TVs. :D
{@Sanfam} And I doubt those clicky-speaky guys in africa have broken the law.
{@Sanfam} you know, Ethiopians
{~UniBiggles} as i said earlier, not having a TV doesnt give you the right to download it
{A2597} thats what I ment. :D
{wiseguy} well not even excessive use of smilies will change much..
{~UniBiggles} whether you like it or not, A#, you're breaking the law by downloading something rather than paying for cable to watch it, and "i dont have a tv" or "i cant afford cable" are not excuses to download it
{A2597} meh. I don't see a differance, still going to do it.
{@Sanfam} also, there's the problem of...cable...if you download it, what's the motivation to pay for cable? I mean, you're not going to exactly be watching it on tv anymore.
{@Sanfam} no reason to.
{@Sanfam} just watch it on demand.
{~UniBiggles} it must be nice living with such easy-going morals.
{@Sanfam} so why even bother paying for it?
{@Sanfam} cancelled.
{A2597} I can see an agument if I was keeping them, but I'm not keeping it.
{~UniBiggles} it's not just the keeping
{@Sanfam} sure.
{@Sanfam} right.
{~UniBiggles} it's the watching
{@Sanfam} that, too.
{wiseguy} you still performed the act of downloading
{wiseguy} if you keep them or not
{~UniBiggles} you should pay for your entertainment, whether it's a short period or long term
{@Sanfam} Now, the ONLY Examples i could see of this being valid would be, say, public entertainment or open airwave viewing.
{~UniBiggles} that's like saying "i shold be able to go to the cinema for free since i dont keep the movie afterwards"
{@Sanfam} however, even that's pushing it.
{A2597} Biggles, you finally had a good analogy! :D
{A2597} and I agree with it, amazingly enough.
{A2597} So, I'm going to ask my parents to tape it. and watch it when I come home, on their TV.
{~UniBiggles} whcih is what you should do.
{A2597} if you can argue that, you deserve a lollie, but now mom needs help, so BBL. :D
{A2597} but how is that different then watching it on my tv? :D Anyhoo, BBL
{~UniBiggles} because it's not leaving the TV it was received on where it was paid for
{@Sanfam} because it was recorced on *THEIR* tv.
{A2597} err...OK, sounds insainly stupid, because thats like someone buying a DVD, then loaning it to me for a day and then I returning it. They paid for it either way....
{A2597} (And just passing by, still not really back)
{~UniBiggles} ever read the warnings at the start of DVDS?
{~UniBiggles} "private home use only"
{A2597} yes. That means don't show it to 500 people and charge admission prices silly.
{A2597} I'd be watching it privately in my room. Not with 10 of my buddies and charging them. :D
{~UniBiggles} no, it means you can invite a bunch of friends over to watch it, but you cant lend it out to friends
{A2597} you have that backwards silly.
{wiseguy} umm
{wiseguy} amusing..
{A2597} Biggles? Yes. :D
{~UniBiggles} and besides, that's completely different from the concept of parents recording something then you going and watching it on there tv
{~UniBiggles} since the licensing schemes are completely different
{wiseguy} biggles isnt amusing..
{A2597} Ahem: And I quote:
{A2597} "Federal lay provides severe civil and criminal penalties for the unauthorized REPRODUCTION, DISTRIBUTION, or EXHIBITION...
{~UniBiggles} "distribution" can include lending it to friends
{A2597} Reproduction = making copies, distribution = selling those copies, exhibition = charging buddies to watch it.
{~UniBiggles} distribution doesnt necessarily include the exchange of money
{wiseguy} distribution isnt just selling.. jesus!
{A2597} The process of marketing and supplying goods, especially to retailers.
{A2597} The act of distributing or the condition of being distributed; apportionment.
{A2597} In this sence, there is NOTHING keeping you from giving me a DVD, or me mailing you a DVD free of charge.
{~UniBiggles} ah, see that's different if you're talking about giving
{A2597} THERE IS a law of me selling a COPY of said DVD to you, or copying a DVD and sending it to you
{A2597} So, in the original sence, parents buy cable, and give me a benifit thereof.
{~UniBiggles} yes, but you can only get it at their location, not at yours
{~UniBiggles} as i said, cable TV and dvds have different licensing schemes
{A2597} yes, I can get TV shows here that you can't. What keeps me from taping it, and sending it to you for free?
{A2597} Answer: Absolutly nothing.
{A2597} This is the exact same thing.
{~UniBiggles} no, it's not.
{~UniBiggles} you're over-generalising
{A2597} OK. You can't get a TV show, I can't get a TV show. They tape TV show for me, I tape TV show for you. They send TV show to me, I send tv show to you. How is that different?
{~UniBiggles} i think the quote "do not argue with an idiot, they'll bring you down to their level and beat you with experience" really applies here
{wiseguy} i told you the quote is too true
{~UniBiggles} for a start, because you can get it, you just won't because you refuse to pay for it
{~UniBiggles} wiseguy: i've never seen proof before though
{A2597} Biggles: You do relize that quote also applies vice versa? Because I'm getting the same feeling from you and wiseguy. ;)
{wiseguy} you're overruled
{A2597} Most people who are right are. ;)
{wiseguy} im sure sanfam or any other person with some sense would agree with us
{A2597} Look at politics for proof of that. ;)
{~UniBiggles} yes, but A#, you were the one trying to argue you have a right to download stuff you dont want to pay for :)
{wiseguy} luckily you are a minority!
{A2597} Actually, I'm a majority, which means the minority gets all the goods. :D
{~UniBiggles} interesting that you change the topic completely when you start losing
{A2597} and if you want to get real gritty down to the details on this. :D
{~UniBiggles} and also interesting that both times you've started losing in this discussion, the ":D" have come out in force
{A2597} Oh, I am HORRIBLE with that smilie, I use it at the end of almost every sentance. ;)
{A2597} you can check post on the forums, I ALWAYS use that thing. :D
{~UniBiggles} yes, I can get TV shows here that you can't. What keeps me from taping it, and sending it to you for free?
{~UniBiggles} Answer: Absolutly nothing.
{~UniBiggles} This is the exact same thing.
{~UniBiggles} always, huh?
wiseguy snips with his fingers
« mode » {UniBiggles} sets {+b *!*A2597@*}
« This {*!*A2597@*} ban affects {A2597}
« kick » {A2597} was kicked by {UniBiggles} {People don't appear to want you here.}
(editing out timestamps is a pain, next time it's your turn again biggles ;) )
Just as a politeness kind of thing.
December 19, 2004
Thomas Mennecke
For two years, maintained the largest BitTorrent community on the Internet. Literally millions of individuals each day would traverse this BitTorrent site looking for the latest releases. Although SuprNova was not a tracker, it did provide thousands of Torrent links to a multitude of movies, games, images and music. Today, the millions who called SuprNova home are now facing the grim reality that no longer exists.'s fall comes shortly after the demise of other key BitTorrent and eDonkey2000 link sites. Last week, the MPAA and other world wide copyright organizations began to clamp down on ShareConnector, Youceff Torrents and many others. While was not forced off line, the administration was definitely feeling the pressure.
Slyck spoke with Sloncek, administrator of about its closure.
" was more like a hobby that took most of my free time away. And now with current situation, there’s too much pressure and I don’t have the time for it."
Considering that administrators of smaller, although no less significant, communities such as ShareConnector were actually arrested, Sloncek decided to take off line voluntarily. This will allow him and his fellow administrative staff to concentrate on other projects without worry of prosecution.
While the ability to trade information was a key reason for the success of, the community will remain intact.'s forums and IRC network will remain online. In addition to keeping the community functioning, it will also allow the administration to relay any addition news and information. The following statement is all that remains on
Greetings everybody,
As you have probably noticed, we have often had downtimes. This was because it was so hard to keep this site up! But now we are sorry to inform you all, that SuprNova is closing down for good in the way that we all know it. We do not know if SuprNova is going to return, but it is certainly not going to be hosting any more torrent links.
We are very sorry for this, but there was no other way, we have tried everything.
Thank you all that helped us, by donating mirrors or something else, by uploading and seeding files, by helping people out on IRC and on forum, by spreading the word about It is a sad day for all of us![/quote]As for the nuking of California: according to the .pdf I linked to, most of the companies involved are in Delaware.
so we can nuke two states? SWEET.
Ohhh....pretty colors...
and I have no problems with the log being posted BTW. Why would I?
[B]That was one uncool conversation. Also, Wiseguy, you might want to get people's permission prior to posting IRC logs.
Just as a politeness kind of thing. [/B][/QUOTE]
Actually the logs are public. They are recorded and logged by one of the server owners and published online in a searchable database...though you have to know his addy to find it...and it isn't in search engines ;)
[B]That's pretty much the same as warez.
Here are some good points raised by JMS:
[url][/url] [/B][/QUOTE]
See my comments about this and why i disagree with JMS on this point here.. [url][/url]
By all means, continue then. :)
One flaw in your "justification" is that you feel that it is your RIGHT to watch TV shows you don't have access to, and that is not true.
You don't have the RIGHT to watch any TV show you want by any means necessary.
When you download episodes, you're hurting the people (like JMS) who work hard to make them.
I've never seen a single episode of [i]Jeremiah[/i] because I don't have Showtime. And I wasn't about to download the episodes online. Now the DVDs are available, so I could buy them if I wanted.
[B]One year is pretty optimistic, wiseguy... [/B][/QUOTE]
i know but believing in this "1 year" rule is better than facing the truth :p
I think we've hashed this debate long and hard already, I have no desire to continue it, as it is ultimately pointless to do so.
As for other things well heh if im an idiot for wanting to saving $100 on an operating system that doesn't even quite work right at least im idiot whose a $100 richer. Im not gonna sit twiddling my thumbs with Linux. Now chances are if I make a movie tommorow & it hits theaters it will most likely be uploaded to a torrent, p2p or ftp within in a week likely less. There is no avoiding that & ya know what if I did come out with a movie hell Id probably upload it myself.
Now yeah maybe Im an asshole for believing in the man over the dollar or breaking a law for my own benefits but tell me this what creative mind hasn't broke the law? Ya know Gates wouldn't be there if he hadn't commited piracy right? Then we might be in a Mac world how ya like them apples?
I think we've hashed this debate long and hard already, I have no desire to continue it, as it is ultimately pointless to do so. [/B][/QUOTE]
Because everyone is telling you it is wrong perhaps?
In my case I used BT to get the old Laser Disc rips of the original Star Wars trilogy. I have them on VHS, and they are deteriorating. I also received the just released Trilogy on DVD as a gift this year, although it has been mutated by GL. So I am probably on a questionable foundation for my choice, but I did purchase the VHS, and someone else paid LF for the DVD set I got as a gift. I really like the original version the way they were, and so to have them is a way of preserving the VHS versions in my opinion.
My point was why nuke the whole state when all parties are in the general So Cal area! :D
I'm not really advocating nuking anything...
I think we've hashed this debate long and hard already, I have no desire to continue it, as it is ultimately pointless to do so. [/B][/QUOTE]
Try telling that "it is pointless to debate becuase I am right and you are not" to a police officer when he arrests you for stealing.
It isn't a matter of debate. It is a matter of what is and is no legal to do based on the laws of the United States, as well as international laws.
While I and many others dislike the MPAA and their practices in the theater of DVDs and online distribution, this gives no one the right to steal from them. It is still their property, no matter how assinine they treat it and their customers.
[B]Heh ya know what A I don't think what you do is wrong except for one thing, did I read it right your copying B5? Common man even I have more respect for the show than that I thought you were a moralist.
I bought B5, never downloaded an ep of it. Same for Futurama, or any other show I plan on watching more than once.
that entire chat log revolved around my planning to download the new eps of SG1 once they air.
Apparently, the brodcast stuff is "OK" but the cable stuff is not. Frankly, I see no differance. but as you can tell, we've had that argument. ;)
And is not JMS's whole thing on people downloading shows BEFORE they air. Such as the problem with BSG right now. I haven't downloaded BSG, however I might after its aired here.
what I'm don't will not hurt the shows ratings, as that seems to be one of the major fears here, as I wouldn't be able to watch it anyway. It also won't hurt future ratings, because I wouldn't watch it again in the future.
does it make it right? OK, maybe not. Point is, everyone does it, most people just plain don't admit it.
And RC, in many places in Europe it is legal to download stuff for private use, no, thats not the US. Big deal. I'm willing to bet everyone here thats arguing with me is guilty of this to some extent, just not admitting it.
It's illigal. There, I said it. Happy? Bye all, I'm just going to ignore this thread before I get banned (Again)
[B]Sorry guys, I didn't mean it the way it sounded...
My point was why nuke the whole state when all parties are in the general So Cal area! :D
I'm not really advocating nuking anything...
;) [/B][/QUOTE]
neither was I, but we do tend to have a very light and non-serious flare around here, I assumed people knew I was joking about nuking places... :D