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Crusade DVD out December 7

[url=]See here.[/url]

The box art looks lovely. Fits in with the Babylon 5 sets, but still distinct. I'm wondering why they didn't used the "Crusade" logo from the opening credits, with the sword.

Strangely, according to the website, it's not in widescreen. I always assumed that Crusade was shot in 16x9, same as B5. Hopefully, it's just a misprint.


  • Sigma13Sigma13 Earthforce Officer
    Crusade was not "reformated" to widesceen (as B5 was by SciFi Channel) and i quess WB didn't want to pay extra bill.

    Plus Crusade is full of composite images (for example Racing the Night "city chace" and other 5 TNT-free episodes). Basically atleast 30% of episodes are full of CGI and for some strange reason they are very uncuttable if transfered to 16:9, a LOT of details would be missed. Take out your tapes and rewatch Racing the Night if you don't belive me.
  • BekennBekenn Sinclair's Duck
    Yeah, but I'm pretty sure Crusade's CG was rendered at 16:9.
  • Alpha-1Alpha-1 Elite Ranger Germany
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Bekenn [/i]
    [B]Yeah, but I'm pretty sure Crusade's CG was rendered at 16:9. [/B][/QUOTE]
    no. you justr have the watch the intro of crusade wich is in 16:9. the cgi is cropped there...
  • WORFWORF The Burninator
    The thing is, Crusade's cgi wasn't as good as B5's and in some places it really shows. Perhaps they experimented with 16:9 but thought it looked better in 4:3.

  • HuntSmackerHuntSmacker Firstones Ambassador to Starcraftia
    What about the CGI in Call To Arms? That looked pretty up to spec...
  • BigglesBiggles <font color=#AAFFAA>The Man Without a Face</font>
    Yeah, except for a few glitches...

    [edit]Whoops, got A Call to Arms mixed up with LotR :)[/edit]
  • Falcon1Falcon1 Elite Ranger
    Some of the cgi in Crusade was indeed poor. I think the worst bit for me was that scene where Dureena had to run across a tiny narrow platform hundreds of feet up on some skyscrapers... boy did it look badly done!

    But getting back to the boxset, the artwork looks really nice.
  • HuntSmackerHuntSmacker Firstones Ambassador to Starcraftia
    Well seeing as I have only seen Crusade on TVRIPs (it was on Channel4 few years back though, can't remember seeing more than a few), it's hard to tell how bad the CGI is on a rip.
  • Alpha-1Alpha-1 Elite Ranger Germany
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Falcon1 [/i]
    [B]. I think the worst bit for me was that scene where Dureena had to run across a tiny narrow platform hundreds of feet up on some skyscrapers... boy did it look badly done!

    But getting back to the boxset, the artwork looks really nice. [/B][/QUOTE]
    no :) my list of worst cgi in crusade :D

    - planet animation when they land with a shuttle. like regula 4. sometimkes they used the same scene for differen planets.

    - explosion of the psicorps HQ

    -the firgt with the omega destroyer vs drahk battleship.

    - galen's animated figure in "Racing the night"
  • Falcon1Falcon1 Elite Ranger
    "My liver! I wondered where it got too." :D
  • HuntSmackerHuntSmacker Firstones Ambassador to Starcraftia
    Galen is great. From CTA:

    "Either way you will be called to a count."

    "We are all called to a count, sooner or later. And to whom am I supposed to explain my behaviour this time?"

    "To everyone involved."

    "Everyone? Must be a very large room..." :D
  • Falcon1Falcon1 Elite Ranger
    Yeah he's my favourite character in the series. Having read the technomage trilogy its easier to understand how he views the universe in Crusade, and also interesting that he could have a sense of humor after all that happened to him.
  • Falcon1Falcon1 Elite Ranger
    Btw update from JMS on the boxset: [url][/url]

    No widescreen... shame. But half a billion dollars made from selling the B5 dvds to date????!!!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: :p
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