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Multiplayer [Merged with "multiplayer?" from fattytheking ~Roi]

Would it be possible too get eks skirmish running on multiplayer Lan?? Me and some friends would love too try co-opp on lan :) 3 Hyperion vs 1 AI Sharlin f.eks.

Any thoughts on how one could accomplish that??


  • Warlord IIWarlord II Earthforce Officer
    Hard to tell because I haven't even tried I-War 2 multiplayer so I don't know how it works and currently I'm in army so no time. Maybe some other team member would know (but I think campaign is higher priority).
  • I understand that m8 :) campaign is of a higher priority. Perhaps in some years :)
  • multiplayer?

    can you do multiplayer with any of the buda 5 mods?
  • Roi DantonRoi Danton Moderator
    Multiplayer Support

    No, there is no mulitplayer support resp we never tested multiplayer with the current available ships.

    It could be possible to easily rewrite the ini files of the ships to support mulitplayer but unfortunately we are much too busy to do this.
  • MajorTomMajorTom Trainee
    Hi, I'm new around here but maybe I can help :rolleyes:

    I honestly don't know much about the babylon universe so I've got to learn a good bit. I do have lots of experience modding I-War2 multiplayer though.

    The idea of coop play sounds most interesting because I'm currently working on some scripts and concepts for that in another I-War2 MP mod (StarWars themed)

    How would you envision coop play in a Buda5 mp mod?
    For example:
    Types of missions and mission objectives?
    How to Split up mission objectives?
    Ai support to replace players? (if not enough real players are around)
    That kind of stuff-
  • VirCottoVirCotto Trainee
    What I would like too see is a multiplayer variant of the skirmish generator in Budas B5 where u as Host for the game can sett upp diff players in diff ships.

    Sett in a Star Wars univers =) It must something like this:

    U decide how many capital ships on each side (type and number) and u decide how many fighters (type and number). Then u can place players arnd as you like. 1 player can be in a Star Destroyer some others in X-wing fighters. Ofc AI ships is a must for great battles. I myself dont need a mp with capture the flagg etc, all I want is the ability too simulate deep space encounters with my freinds on the same team, or even someone on the other side =) just be a tie fighter pilot in the middle of a large battle.
  • MajorTomMajorTom Trainee
    It looks like we already have what you need as far as game functionality goes. The primary work will be to get the Buda5 ships in the game by reworking all the .ini files.

    This is a brief (but still fairly long) run down of the game functionality that is avaliable using scripts we already have.

    - The scripts allow each player to select a ship of his choice.
    (so you can agree before starting the game who flys what)

    - Players can select the team they wish to play on upon joining the game
    (so you can also agree who plays on which team before starting a game)

    - You can set the number of bots (AI) you wish to have on each team and choose if the bots are replaced by players as they join the game or not. You can also set the type of ship the bots use.

    (If you had for example 4 players and wanted to play against 4 bots, you would set the game for 8 bots and turn bot replacement on, then the 4 real players would replace the 4 bots on your team, while the 4 bots on the other team would remain as opponents.)

    You can also set the number of points or kills that the winning team has to get before the game is over. Or, set a time limit so the team with the most points wins when the time is over. There is also a (variable) points system based on ship type . It allocates say 10-15 points for killing a cap ship and only 1 or 2 points for a fighter.

    This game type is sort of Teamfortress like (where you try to over run or destroy the enemies base). You don't have to attack and destroy the base, if you don't want to play teamfortress. You can just dogfight.
    The scripting is also class based so you can have ships that have a different primary functionality:
    For example: a ship thats good for attacking cap ships or an interceptor type ship or a sniper type ship. It's also possible to have an engineer type ship that can deploy defensive armaments like a gun turret. It can also repair other ships and and rearm their missiles and ammo based weapons to a limited degree.

    To fully rearm your ship, you can dock to your own base, (or to your cap ships)

    - There is also a script made specially for a players vs bots game.
    in that script you can select the number of bots opponents per player. Then all players automatically join one team and the bots are on the other team. Here you (your team) have an objective like for example to destroy the bots base (which isn't easy because it has good defenses in addition to the bots). The other functionality described above is also avaliable.

    The Bots are really tough fighters and even coordinate attacks in groups. they are also very good at selecting the most effective weapon. They can't however, effectivly use a real class based ship like an engineer ship or a sniper.

    The scripts run either in an internet or Lan environment, Lan games are often better because all players have the same low latency, especially in bot matches with a lot of bots.

    I'm not too familiar with the Buda5 ships but I'm not aware of any primary reasons why they should be really difficult to put in the game. It's just a matter of lots of work to make the special multiplayer version of the .ini files, set everything up and do the weapons balancing. Also, the maps will have to be reworked, so they have more Babylon like suroundings.

    If more than just a couple of people here are interested in a MP version of Buda5 it would be worth the work to do it .
    Anyone who wants to help would be welcomed, and we'll need beta testers too.
  • MORE POWER TO YA!!! I hope this happens, id really like to see some buda5 multiplayer action! I just wish i had some modding skills so i could help :)
  • Roi DantonRoi Danton Moderator
    Well, the "Major" was faster with posting. ;)

    If you are interested, post here plz so we'll see if it's worth the work! :) (what I hope :) )
  • VirCottoVirCotto Trainee
    I am not a game creator, but I will gladly beta test it if u need me too. Budas ship pack have made the B5 dream come true for many of us. And the ability too play this game on LAN would make some of my friends go ballistic. Just the ability too command a Narn cruiser with my friend as a wingman getting jumped by a shadow crab would be awsome.
  • LocutusLocutus Trainee
    A B5 LAN battle sounds like a dream come true :)
  • MajorTomMajorTom Trainee
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Roi Danton [/i]
    [B]Well, the "Major" was faster with posting. ;)

    If you are interested, post here plz so we'll see if it's worth the work! :) (what I hope :) ) [/B][/QUOTE]

    I may have posted sooner, but it was your idea for me to stop by and have a look in the first place. ;)

    The credit for this endevor definatly goes to you and your devotion to the Buda5 game :cool:
  • Hmm, altogether I count 3 people, besides Roi and I, who are interseted in multiplayer for Buda5.

    Is that all?

    Maybe we should do a poll in one of the other forums? Which forum(s) would be best for that?
  • Roi DantonRoi Danton Moderator

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by MajorTom [/i]
    [B]Maybe we should do a poll in one of the other forums? Which forum(s) would be best for that? [/B][/QUOTE]I made a [url=]poll[/url]. I'll also post a link to the poll in other forums and everyone feel free to do this as well. :)
  • Warlord IIWarlord II Earthforce Officer
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by MajorTom [/i]
    [B]Hmm, altogether I count 3 people, besides Roi and I, who are interseted in multiplayer for Buda5.

    Is that all?
    [/B][/QUOTE]I'm currently in army and haven't been in home for last three weeks. I'll look into it more when my service ends 9th of July.
  • The results in the poll thread do look more promising :D

    Lets keep monitoring until you get out of the army, and then we can make a decision.

    By then the EOC Starwars MP mod will be done (in the public beta version) and that may get a few more people interested.
  • Hey! I'm a totally newbie here, but everything related to B5 gaming matters a lot for me!!!

    anyway I'm absolutely available for beta testing and so on!

    pls make multiplayer possible, I think it could be a great great gaining for the mod ;)

  • Roi DantonRoi Danton Moderator
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DocSbrillo [/i]
    [B]anyway I'm absolutely available for beta testing and so on![/B][/QUOTE]I'll remember on this when the progress is in the Beta phase. :)
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